Remember when you first used this?

I switched from firefox to this.

I am still shell-shocked

I was gonna update my cpu and ram to speed Firefox. Now I dont even need

>inb4 Vivaldi and Opera (they are slower)

I just use Iridium. Chrome but without the botnet.

honestly it's been so many years i don't remember it that well. it's not like a keep a journal logging all the times i changed software preferences.

everything is almost 2 seconds faster to load on chrome

shit is almost instant on heavy sites like instagram

hello Alphabet (tm)

Back in like 2010 I found out about chrome and oh my gosh it was so much better than ie.

>in like 2010
fake. people stopped using IE in 2005

people still use IE 7.

ITT: tech-illiterate, windows using idiots that have no reason to be on this board

Remember when Chrome was not only 'good' but legitimately revolutionary?
Good times.

Now it's just a bloated fucked up mess.