i'm just installing libreboot on my t500 using my rpi and librebooted x200
what are you Sup Forumsuys doing?
i'm just installing libreboot on my t500 using my rpi and librebooted x200
what are you Sup Forumsuys doing?
I'm shaving my balls.
Why are you doing it that way?
>Why are you doing it that way?
what do you mean?
I was thinking about doing this to my T430. Is it worth it?
It is if you plan on upgrading your wificard to a better one say a 7260ac
I have an X240. Can the bios be flashed on this model?
waiting for friends to play battleground and shit posting on my second monitor.
such is life
>I was thinking about doing this to my T430. Is it worth it?
libreboot is not supported by the t430 but coreboot.
it's worth it because you get better security, better boot times, and with me_cleaner you can remove most of the ME
And when you have Coreboot installed, can you install a newer version without disassembling the laptop every time?
watching wakfu
Installing shindows 10 shit eater update at hyperv vm.
Because shindows 2016 does not have MS Edgay browser, which is need to test some things at site.
Proprietary garbage, get an atheros chip.
Can you guys tell me the main difference between the t430 and the t430s?
You did the meme wrong. Youre supposed to do some reasonable choices then something completely ridiculous that no one uses further down. Like templeOS.
T430s is slimmer, has a soldered CPU, accepts UltraBay batteries while the T430 doesn't, and has a version with ThunderBolt 1 (or is it 2?) available. There's also a FHD IPS converter board available for it.
So is the t430s the better purchase?
>And when you have Coreboot installed, can you install a newer version without disassembling the laptop every time?
yes, you can flash the bios everytime through the os.
you can also enable write protection for the bios chip for security reasons.
if write protection is enabled you can only flash externally.
depends on your preference.
with the t430 you can upgrade the cpu anytime and even install a quad core, while on the t430s you have to stick with the cpu it came with.
the t430s should be slimmer and has some additional features
Depends on the price and what you want from a laptop. For me, a T430 is better because you can put a quad-core i7 into it, and I don't mind the additional thickness.
Also, there's probably going to be a FHD IPS adapter board available for the T430 too, which would make it absolutely perfect. The OEM screens in the T430 / T430s are horrible.
That's great. Now I just need a SOIC clip + cables and I can start working on it.
Thank you, I'll go for the t430. I'll look for one with an IPS screen but otherwise just go i7 if I can't find one. I was really wanting a w530 but I'm going to have to carry this around every day and I'm not sure if I want to go all the way down to a x230.
Know your meme says it can go either way.