What the fuck did youtube mean by this?

What the fuck did youtube mean by this?
My video was a minute long and it was just me talking about and demonstrating a bug in network-manager.
Maybe I should delete it and re-upload?

Other urls found in this thread:


And it had under 25 views

your voice was probably too faggy to be bearable

nice dude

>using jewtube

YouTube is shit.

I often upload small clips of things, usually under3 minutes and have found Vimeo to be a more than adequate replacement.

free software is offensive to proprietary stooges

You just got google'd
anything but Spiderman And Elza is haram now

>upload a satirical video of a C&C Generals trailer with scenes of ISIS fighters
>after several months, the video is removed due to going against community guidelines
>meanwhile, you can view "instructional videos" of men showing off their penises to teenage girls with no repercussions

Post the link so we can verify, otherwise, how can we give any input on why it was censored?

>meanwhile, you can view "instructional videos" of men showing off their penises to teenage girls with no repercussions
wait, what????

that's what you get for being a nazi.

>not using the fully-neckbear ipfs powered dtube.video where your stuff can in no way be removed from the network once it's out there

It probably got censored because Google knows you post on Sup Forums or something

>you can view "instructional videos" of men showing off their penises to teenage girls
Dude what?

btw, for broader discussion, what do you guise think about the decentralized, distributed internet content being the future?

i think with ICANN, Jewgle, Facebook etc. effectively kicking people out of the internet we have reached the limits of freedom of expression using currently used technologies.

is the future in terms of ipfs, blockchain, decentralized domain registrar like peername.com, ipfs powered sites like dtube.video etc? is it feasible?

btw i've heard that ipfs javascript implementation is coming along nicely, so it shouldn't be an issue in web browsers.

Maybe it's because of all of those pro-carlism videos I favorited and liked.
But Carlism is such a fringe ideology I dobut anyone at Google knows what it is

that shit makes my blood boil

Linux is offensive to normies.

This. I'm considering trying Freenet or similar.

They aren't showing them to girls in the video, but since the content is freely accessible on Youtube, you can see some of the comments are by teenage girls (and lots of gay men). Basically, the guys are trying to show off their dicks on Youtube using a flimsy loophole.

You get put in limited state if you don't torture children on camera.

It starts with you. You can stop using youtube for starters. Delete your social media. Start using instant messengers, p2p, and make personal websites, preferably self hosted or vps and using open dns. That should get us through things before a properly decentralized network that is easily accessible is reasonable to use.

>muh I2p

also some user on cripple chan is making a decentralized imageboard

is a display of unironically using linux considered a form of graphic sado-masochism?

Pretty sure this is Google's datamining paying off. They track you everywhere they go. They know you browse Sup Forums. They know you've probably posted peepee the frog. Therefore, your unrelated and harmless ubuntu video is put in limited state because the botnet identified you as a Bad Individual.

Welcome to skynet.

Gnome 3 is that awful

>requires a phone number to register
yeah. no.

gab.ai admin was blackmailed by domain registrar to remove DS editor's Anglin's edgy comment about that hambeast of got run over with a Challenger

and then there's ICANN - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers who have decided to privatize the US constitutionally protected speech on the internet by deciding what is hate speech and not and preventing domain registrars even issuing domains for certain people

the current centralized infrastructure and internet communication mediums are FUNDAMENTALLY flawed and the decentralized, free solutions must be brought up

Nobody use those you'll get zero views

I would suggest using OpenDNS but ICANN will bully it when push comes to shove.

Yeah something entirely new is needed.

Also, the idea of D.A.D. which puts internet companies against ISPs is not altogehter outrageous. The enemy of my enemy can be my friend for now.

OpenDNS are censoring websites they see as nazis (everyone not on the left)

That's unfortunate.

i think they also support Antifa

So now that YouTube is officially garbage (not that it ever wasn't), what alternatives are there that we should all switch to?

>But Carlism is such a fringe ideology I dobut anyone at Google knows what it is

It seems like the alt-right of 19th century Spain, and there is a thoughtcrime and must be destroyed.

>educational shit
goy, stop giving the game away. go make a new video that obfuscates and poisons the well.

dtube.video/#!Sup Forumschaser232/rcwi6kf9 nice website bro. kekd

So we create a new network, away from this hopeless internet. What happens? Eventually it becomes popular. The normies flow in followed by jewish money and social interest. Suddenly the network gets pressured into "doing the right thing" and "purging the baddies". And we're at square 1.

Whatever network we create should stay autistic with strict gatekeeping. People need to understand that means you will be getting a lot less (You)s over the internet. At least for a while.

Why do they even bother keeping the video if they're going to disable every feature?
You can't even find it in search results or embed it.
It can only be watched if you link it directly, at which point, why not delete the video?

That's terrible, what shouldn't i search so i don't find any of that filth.

so they can keep an live archive and share it with censorship think tanks, try to figure out how the mean nazis work ("this is on youtube right now! its another shoah!"), and shovel more censorship and social programs down the throat of the internet. It will ruin things for everyone.

We should start considering the number 1488 to be the defacto warrant canary of a free internet. Its the baseline of what people consider to be the "worst" speech. If that number is banned, so is free speech.

>of 19th century Spain
I-It's still going strong today, I swear!
>tfw the carlist movement will be completely dead by the end of the decade

>i think with ICANN effectively kicking people out of the internet

There's evidence that YouTube is just blacklisting users rather than reviewing content. One guy had a video with a meaningless title, no tags, and talked nonsense about videogames for five minutes. It was almost immediately quarantined. Probably because he had made anti-islam videos before.


he's probably misquoting what anglin said. dailystormer "effectively" "banned" by icann because no registrar will take him.

I honestly think they are taking into account what people are watching/doing on the internet because Google tracks so much of it. This is a privacy nightmare, but not surprising. Log out of Google. If you must watch Youtube videos use youtube-dl with a vpn.

inb4 I don't care, he's a nazi anyway.

I use hooktube, but there's no getting around livestreams yet, as far as I know.

I literally just read some cyberpunk shitters "zine" that said the same thing. Cyberpunk confirmed for normies larping like outsiders.

hooktube uses youtube-dl, but i wish it would go back to no-javascript by default

Yes, that's what cyberpunk has always been. They want to pretend they're fighting big corporations and living on the fringes because they save Lain wallpapers and use IRC. It's why /cybersec/ was essentially two groups of users stuck together. One group that roleplays, and the other actually knowledgeable about security.

Nothing advocated within most cyberpunk communities is controversial, radical, or frankly meaningful either. They could be posting on facebook, and it would not be noteworthy in the stream of normalfag shit. Fashwave is unironically more controversial and being actively shut down by NGOs, megacorporations, and governments.

Just leaves me perplexed as to what to do considering I'm a shitskin that would be get physically removed.

the video was reported by some faggot and their automatic systems did that.

what a timeline we're in

He's been effectively banned by registrars not by ICANN

what if registrars starts to remove domains that allows people they hate to register membership ?

that's effectively what happened with gab

nowhere is safe, user

What specifically annoys you about it?

It only has a few basic scripts (bootstrap, jquery, popper) and they make it possible to get things done as a one man operation. Most other modern sites have like two dozen scripts.

>taken down from any git repo site
Member C+=? Imagine what they would do to something that triggers SPLC.

What specifically annoys you about it?
my autism

fight the zionist order and maybe they'll let you be an honorary aryan

>maybe they'll let you be an honorary aryan
I don't think it'll work like that. Only hope is that a fascist USA actually doesn't let anyone interfere with the Americas like it used to. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure China is going to fuck us in the ass. This is getting off-topic though.

I've been trying to disconnect myself from the botnet, but gmail is the biggest hangup. Any personal email server is going to be very vulnerable to attacks.

>gmail is the biggest hangup
Have you looked into protonmail? I love it. Takes you about 10 secs to sign up also.

One thing I would always recommend is to compartmentalize email. One for close family, one for friends, one for this, one for that, etc.

is this cp heaven?

Not to mention isps/company servers will just block you for being a spam server. At least, that's what I heard world happen

>is this cp heaven?
I don't see any

Use tor


tor speeds don't suffice and it's more for special use cases for most users anyway

>tor speeds don't suffice

>and it's more for special use cases
No, everyone should use tor.

You're on jewgle's antisemite watch list for visiting Sup Forums OP. Big brother is watching

This, they will becoming after all us baddies because we visit the site.

Pretty soon this will happen.

>>muh I2p
not true

and minecraft fanf porn videos

Yes...that exist just search it

I already use that, but it's one guy running a server. I'm not using it for work and whatnot.


Who the fuck censor videos on youtube? people or bots? so you can upload freely fetish videos but not a video voicing you opinion, neat youtube, is going to be remembered has the top hypocrites of earth

Fuck off back to Sup Forums. This board is about technology and we embrace change and leaning forward. Hate speech isn't free speech.

nice pasta

If you don't plan to monetize your videos (i.e. producing streamer shit, taking selfies of your butt or some other insufferable content) just use Vimeo.

It's the scientific truth, something you drompfkins can't comprehend in your little rural thinking apparatuses.

>Hate speech isn't free speech.
Supreme court unanimously disagrees with you.

>It's the scientific truth
So were the Nazis progressive or what? They were pretty good with technology.

Sup Forums really isn't for you if you're genuinely a leftist and trying to force that on every non-pol board.

don't give your (You)s to weak bait


Last (You) for today young mister.

Daily reminder to only watch "family friendly" content goyim!!!

Gain some height loose some weight and get a clue kiddo.

meanwhile this is fine



go away muhammad tariq

what the fuck

Didn't even have to log in

well you don't have to search for "C&C Generals trailer" anymore.

Guess I'm burning my computer now.

funny how all these low tier services that complain about google and registrars complain about not being on them

>I don't think it'll work like that
it will

I've listened and spoken to a lot of figures within the WN and alt-right movement. They're pretty clear on this. Although there was an agreement that a gradual change in racial breakdown through government incentives was a possible solution, end goal still being homogeneous ethnostate. Stop baiting me into off-topic, I can't help responding.

You must be doing some sick shit OP, to get shut down like that by youtube. There's no way youtube would allow unsafe of illegal content to have ads/comments/visibility.


This. I'm glad OP got censored. We need to start doing this to all Gnome 3 users.

Sauce or it didn't happen. I can't find anything backing up your claims even a little bit.

You probably watched a video of someone that watched a video of someone that watched a video of sargon of akkad.