what's the best ide, Sup Forums?
What's the best ide, Sup Forums?
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For what language?
Atom isn't an IDE you mong, it's an editor.
Define "IDE"
Integrated Development Environment
Atom, Sublime, Vim, Emacs, Notepad++ are all editors
WebStorm, Visual Studio, etc. are IDE's
I've used Visual Studio, VS Code, Atom, Sublime, Vim, WebStorm, and some others.
I prefer JetBrains IDE's (WebStorm, RubyMine, etc), and then VS Code, and then Atom, and then everything else but Visual Studio.
I primarily write JS + React and Ruby + Rails.
ITT ppl posting editors
I like QT Creator.
That's not a definition.
You can literally do everything in emacs that you can do in Visual Studio.
IDE's typically include build automation tools and a debugger.
Editors simply provide syntax highlighting and sometimes linting.
>IDE's typically include build automation tools and a debugger.
So it's Emacs.
borland turbo c++ (just don't use tcc for compiling, it's outdated)
Why isn't there an easy-to-use IDE that can do what visual studio and emacs can do, but open source and simple?
Something where I just download the program on windows, and within 30 seconds I'm able to code in c++ and run my c++ program.
Honestly the best I've ever seen is dev-C++
Sublime text uses less RAM and starts up faster than fucking vim.
>that can do what visual studio and emacs can do
also vscode code.visualstudio.com
Not enough people saying VSCode :(
Fully featured IDE: Visual Studio with Resharper.
Lightweight IDE: VS Code.
I hate Microsoft as much as the next guy, but they sure know how to make development tools. VS Code is open source too.
Visual Studio
>Electron garbage
Kill yourself.
How many commands I need to know to be comfortable with vim?
I really need to become a starcraft pro to program?
see Qt Creator