What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Old thread:
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
Old thread:
Why do people think they can "save the world" and become a catalyst for "social change" with their programming?
Why do people think they can "save the world" and become a catalyst for "social change" with their shitposting?
What's bloat and what's not?
What's the limit after which I should care about the size of my program?
Are you a little Anime girl?
they are sjw
they are alt right
gods we need a stalin to deal with these faggots, if you don't want democracy you should be getting what you really want
it all depends on the why it's heavy. If it's justified = not bloat
bloat is just anything that isn't critical to the function and usage of the program
Bloat also refers to achieving the critical function of the program though very abstract and obfusicated means that could otherwise be heavily optimized
people don't really think like this
there are no real SJWs
it's a false flag operation by the alt right to delegitimize the liberal position on every issue
why are all the ultra autistic programmers from scandinavia?
why can't you do vcvarsall.bat x64 in powershell what the FUCK
I've met people in real life who say that
[citation needed]
Is not about the size, is how you use it.
Few programs need should be over 64 KiB.
Apollo 11 got to the moon with 32 KiB ROM.
I said ultra autistic not ultra schizophrenic
>look at me I'm special faggot who supports HDD manufacturers' kikery and counts bytes in 1000!
Do not shitpost using Akari.
Have you had your fill of LainO'S today, /dpt/?
Does Rust even have async IO in the stdlib yet? For a systems language it's kind of an essential feature
You ain't foolong anyone here, kike.
The only reason that distinction exists is because HDD manufactures paid to ISO so they couldn't be sued for giving us less bytes in kilobytes, megabytes etc.
code is law
const int main[] = {
-443987883, 440, 113408, -1922629632,
4149, 899584, 84869120, 15544,
266023168, 1818576901, 1461743468, 1684828783,
what the FUCK is this
* HC12 i/o register locations (9s12dp256)
ifndef REG9S12 ; include only if not yet included
REG9S12 EQU 1 ; for testing inclusion of this file
Porta: equ 0 ;port a = address lines a8 - a15
Portb: equ 1 ;port b = address lines a0 - a7
Ddra: equ 2 ;port a direction register
Ddrb: equ 3 ;port a direction register
Porte: equ 8 ;port e = mode,irqandcontrolsignals
Ddre: equ 9 ;port e direction register
Pear: equ $a ;port e assignments
Mode: equ $b ;mode register
Pucr: equ $c ;port pull-up control register
Rdriv: equ $d ;port reduced drive control register
Ebictl: equ $e ;e stretch control
looked up the table at ref.x86asm.net
>trying to write GUI shit on linux
>nearly all scripting languages are hopeless at anything but text output
>suddenly realize why all these idiots "prefer" the terminal
how did I never notice this before?
what are you even talking about
I'm ashamed of using unity for everything visual. Where is a good place to start learning how to make a basic mesh renderer?
>Be a person of colour
>Browsing a facebook group
>Someone posts a chart of "% of female developers in different countries" in hacker-rank
>I ask why the notion of female devs is a distinguishable trait
>Get called a NEET
>Get called unprofessional
>Someone blocks me and says that he's not connected me in anyway
All because I asked why it is important that the developer is a female.
lol an unsurprising response
Try PyQt or PyGObject.
>all scripting languages are hopeless at anything but text output
>suddenly realize why all these idiots "prefer" the terminal
How are they correlated?
the terminal is better you noob. git gud
How can I get a programming job without a CS degree?
>there are no real SJWs
yes there are in the san fagcisco bay area, seattle and (to a lesser extent) in other metropolitan areas
Equ isn't an instruction, but an assembler directive, like db, dw, dd, and dq. It functions roughly equivalently to C's #define.
Easy. Make an anti-diversity memo, spread that shit all over for maximum media attention, get famous and see the right wingers drooling all over to get you hired.
become a tranny
That's actually a good idea, never thought about it that way
gayer than reddit
to* me
I wonder when people will start developing malware in Rust...
memory-safe memory exploits
Looks like python is the only sane choice then.
Some code monkey learns scripting then they have to use the terminal because they can only output text. Stockholm syndrome sets in.
Yeah I only right-click extract with my dumb UI. While you get the joy of reading the tar man page again.
why don't the linux fags just patch the vulnerabilities. fucking unacceptable
>Yeah I only right-click extract with my dumb UI. While you get the joy of reading the tar man page again
$> tar -xvf filename.tar[whatever]
Now the reason for that is imagine having to manually select each tarball right click extract, or you can do:
$> tar -xvf *.tar[whatever]
what is more efficient?
Because Microsoft doesn't give a fuck about any developer which doesn't use their idea of a programming environment.
That batch file took forever to come about and is worth about the same as a turd on the sidewalk. To modify it is asking Microsoft to use a few man-hours from a semi competent person to do so, which will bring 0 profit back to them, in fact their salary will be a loss.
Even if you gave ms a vcvarsall.ps1, they wouldn't give a shit. It's not profitable to publish it.
I wanna destroy the world and become a catalyst for global thermonuclear war with my programming
I probably will just make a shitty chatbot though
When was the last time you had to batch extract archive files?
everyday you dumb fucking nigger. Type to me one more time and see what fucking happens.
A trojan isn't a vulnerability, it's just a program using the same facilities available to all other programs.
Then your methods are flawed. This wasn't typed btw, it's a new advanced teledildonics system.
Why is Ruby generally disliked by Sup Forums?
any webdevs around? What do I do if I want to setup a small locally hosted QA website like StackOverflow? ie whats the best free/open source thing I can use?
Productivity triggers the NEET.
It goes against the NEET's way of life.
go ask /wdg/
>>Sup Forumswdg is probably a better place to find webdevs.
Easy things allow people who aren't willing to put in a lot of effort create things that bitter Sup Forumsents had to slave over. That and Ruby and JS and stuff kind of skip over memory management, let you be sloppy etc and have the language pick up after you so it sucks working with those devs on systems programming projects (stuff that uses C and C++ typically)
Well yeah, there's nothing impressive about trojans. They're not really meant to be either, unless you take those older ones with a fancy control panel and shit made to impress the other l33t h4x0rZ.
How long before language comes along where you can just type full on English sentences and compile it to machine?
Sup Forums really hates are people who can hack around small problems but fall apart on any project of non-trivial size. we'll call these people noobs for lack of a better nonce. noobs typically know ruby of javascript or some other language with a shallow learning curve. noobs rarely learn C or haskell. after a while, people on Sup Forums start to dump on anybody asking ruby questions because more often than not, it's another noob who deserves derision.
You can tell a retard by this simple sign. They think terminals are efficient because they have no mouse and they like to run verbose flags on every single command.
What's the point in being le hacker dude if you don't see thousands of lines fly down the terminal.
honestly I've never been able to successfully install it
oh yeah well my computer just hooks up to my dick and types for me
English is a shit programming language.
And any mad man who attempts to create a lexer and parser for "natural" English (Talk like you would to a person instead of a machine who takes English commands) is terry-levels of crazy.
simpler languages are a stepping stone and I don't think people who learn them should be discouraged
who is terry?
get out
you are correct; i didn't mean to defend the practice of hating on those people, i only meant to explain why Sup Forums does it.
You seem to have a grave misunderstanding of what the dildonics part means. It has nothing to do with your penis.
Why Ruby and not, like, Java or Python or something? Those two are more common, aren't they?
just bought the dragon book for $8 on 'zon and a quantum computing book for $40
whats the dragon book
>grave misunderstanding
is there another kind?
So now that you've wasted $48, have you reconsidered your current way of life?
You can always become a kamikaze pilot or something, never give up.
people hate on java, too, for the same reason (lots of substandard java devs out there). maybe python isn't trendy or popular enough?
>gargbage collection is bad
>Sup Forums likes lisp
>lisp has GC
>lisp likes garbage collection
Is all web development just forms?
The equivalent of paperwork?
this but i got the oldest and cheapest edition i could find
it's not a waste of money if you're having fun
Is it possible to have this method signature?
public static void removeDuplicates(ArrayList list)
Lisp always gets a free pass for everything.
And lisplets never have a real defense or reason why Lisp is good for anything practical.
im a dumb, so forgive me but if it's static it won't modify instance vars or params, and if it doesn't return anything, why have it?
A mild misunderstanding, e.g. that life is worth living.
I'm stuck with windows for a while and installed codeblocks (got the WIN10SDK problem in visual studio). Is it supposed to be this slow?
Java question here,
How often do Java devs use interfaces? Im learning this now and was wondering if it gets more complex down the line.
It could modify the ArrayList passed in, or global state.
Because with void you can still change instances using setters.
So I have to teach Unity to a bunch of kids and I've never worked with it before. Naturally I look for some kind of getting started thing and am amazed that fucking everything is a video tutorial. Why has text documentation died? I hate pausing and unpausing videos and not being able to skip around meaningfully. Fucking ADD generation can't do anything unless there's a pretty moving picture on their screen jesus christ.
also, can I have ArrayList as a parameter type?
haha fag
>gargbage collection is bad
No one actually believes this. If you push people on it they'll either turn out to be repeating some shit they heard someone else say or they have an actual argument for why GC is bad in like embedded environments but grudgingly agree it's a good thing in general.