>Apple's designs are timel-
Apple's designs are timel-
Still looks pretty cool to me, bro.
Pretty sure you wouldn't show one off in your home.
Depends on the room, if it fits with the design, I would.
it would fit the design of a pedophile's room, sure.
No 20 year old computer/monitor design looks good today outside of its appeal as a "retro" or "vintage" device.
Ah, Apple's designs are timeless for 20 years.
They are. Fuck their mice though.
Their keyboards are also slow spongy garbage which is too bad because they look nice.
Given they're a design company first, i think their main goal IS to make everything look like shit as soon the newest one is released.
Their old keyboards, that is. Their new ones suck, too, but for different reasons.
still cool. It was uncool for some time but know when most of PC's are designed for GAYMER MASTERRACE it looks very elegant and comfy. Still got that 'friendly' vibe to it
I have the one just before they went to aluminum laptop keyboards and it is pretty decent. You have to be precise on the keys though. Pic related has ruined all other keyboard for me though.
The one in pic related is a great keyboard though
wait till you try this motherfucker
Who said that?
No nub = no go user. you dont know just how much you use it until you dont have it.
Those are 2 insignificant people from websites I've never heard of
how about the imac DV? it has the same shape but is tranlucent
What's your point?
That's a damn sweet clit mouse for sure. I mostly use a unicomp and really wish I had gone for the version that has one.
if I could only have one of these bad boys
find an 8ish inch tablet screen of sufficiently high resolution and make your own with itx hackintosh innards
or this sleek mister
god damn
Truly beautiful. Now and forever.
i need a model number and a name on this one
>No power supply
>Some cracks on case
>unknown condition
Fuck eBay sellers
IBM RT3200.
i don't see your problem
but it has one but sepatate. I don't even know where it is because I don't use it. I alos don't use arrows pgup, pgdn, etc. because TouchCursor is very comfy
Not timeless, but it's sure got a lot of charm.
Why not? It would looks fine in the well lit room.
that's fucking sick. sickest piece of hardware ever. the n64 was the official machine of mount olympus. a god machine.
I hate apple but I would, it has definitively more style than a new iMac, given that for style I mean character. It has presence, once you put it somewhere it capture your eye and has something to say and it's not ugly.
I like this kind of design, minimalistic apple was good for the first 3 years now it's boring
just saw the jobs movie and they ended it at the reveal of the imac, that was pretty awesome, and truth that his daughter's mother is a gold digger and now they own all of his fortune, what a dumbass he is
>mfw I bought two for 100 dorru
I definitely would if owned one and had a place to put it. That's some cool nostalgia.
translucent tech comeback when?
I'd kind of like to see a modernised version of the classic iMac
The design of more eye catching and appealing than any other computer of its time. Don't know what more you want.
Looks like civ.
Too bad, it's utterly useless in 2017.
nintendo 2DS sold with omega ruby and alpha sapphire, duh
i await your apology, faggot.
The main reason colored cases don't exist anymore is because if you produce too many models of an unpopular color, you're stuck with unsold inventory. It's why everything is either black or white nowadays, because they know that sells. The only risks I see are occasionally phones with stuff like Rose Gold. Skins took off for consoles because they're so much cheaper and you can always replace or remove them, and of course phones have cases..
I use mine for music, imageboards, and for reading/writing HFS hard drives.
Oops. I have been BTFO'd.
>no backlight
>not going for superior SP
do you even try
tbf you look at the cheesegrater mac pro, 1st apple tv, first mac mini. if apple released them today the designs probably wouldnt be questioned.
Their design is timeless, but i bet they wouldn't use again.
White people also can have dark brown and back eyes.
*black eyes
They were worthless right up until Steve Jobs died. Now everyone thinks they're worth a mint. Tbh, original Mac was a garbage computer even for its time. Tiny B&W display, paltry 128k RAM, single floppy, no expansion. Truly a monument to the arrogance of Steve Jobs.
I get the penis slit but wouldn't the palm rest cut into your belly?
they're no longer white though
I did for a while until I started getting more Power Macs.
>Their keyboards are also slow spongy garbage
I use one every day at work, they're fine for me. Beats the fucking shit out of their newer trash by a mile.
Like most other keyboard hipsters who use their tools as a crutch, you're probably just a shit typist.
Why have their mobile devices like iPods and iPhones not aged at all but their laptops and desktops look like absolute crap after 5 years?