When will they go down the Jew Road like ABP?

When will they go down the Jew Road like ABP?



It's just gorhill and he's an autist hellbent on fucking the ad networks up the ass, so NEVER.

Hold my beer, watch me post another ad blocker...

The worst adblocker

for idiots

doesn't block anything just hides it

Ah fine to see a fellow redditor amidst these murky waters.

Sup Forums is reddit, also do you actually think nobody here uses reddit?

Ub sells your shit


Go back to Sup Forums

>ad blocker
more like ad clicker and hider

Clear out the trash and make way for the future of adblocking

Gorhill is a legit turboautist so never.

Why should I trust "Radvent Solutions"


Gorhill is a decent enough fella so I don't think he's going jew us out. He's /ourguy/

>he admits he uses reddit

>its a fastest ad blocker