Is it a meme or does it actually make javaScript bearable?
Is it a meme or does it actually make javaScript bearable?
it's meme supreme
Javascript is absolutely fine from ES6 onward.
It's the least worst way
That's what I though, but the one thing that is kinda tempting is the type checking, which sounds neat, although until I try it I can't tell how useful it would be.
I am using ES6 and it's okay... but JS still has really shitty error messages most of the time. Source maps kinda help but not all the time.
It gives you some typechecking, I think that it is worth it.
>Please pass a valid parameter, dude, instance of Flappybird expected, got boolean
It is good, but for basic stuff ES6 is fine
it's fantastic. I'm third project in and I'm loving it
>Javascript is absolutely fine from ES6 onward.
yes, except it lacks types. typescript is modern js + types.
Embrace, extend, extinguish
not really. I've never tried it but I think you could convert ts project back to js with a couple of regexes that remove all type-related stuff
okay I dun goofed. you can even just compile it to js and continue to work with that, duh
Stupid shit for brainlets. In JS you remember every line of code and your brain does the type check for you.
>being so much of a brainlet you need type checking
ayy lmao
>being so much of a brainlet you need type checking
type checking is prevalent among top tech companies while neets are calling its proponents brainlets
really makes you think
also doing no types is obviously easier, so I don't know who's the brainlet here
Anyone who works as a wageslave is a brainlet.
>tfw i wrote thousands of lines of ts / angular in the frontend and ruby / rails in the backend and all the bugs have been in ruby
in short, it's great
heavy typing makes JS unusable for me. it's too muhc of a pain.
I think only severe autists like TS.
Interesting, the two people that recommended it to me personally were massive autists.
I think I'm gonna write a simple greasemonkey script in ts.
boo hoo baby can't write correctly typed programs
try it. then you'll see how much nicer JS is.
I can... but it will take me 1.5-2x as long for no perceivable benefit whatsoever. I get paid by the project. if if takes me longer, I lose money. TS is not worth my time.
fair enough
Basically turns JavaScript into C#'s step-brother. If you are accustomed to languages like C#/Java/C++ you will probably like it.