What happened to Terry, did he get committed?

What happened to Terry, did he get committed?

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I just hope he gets straightened out and survives. Honestly one of the coolest motherfuckers on the internet.

ITT: post Terry's greatest hits.

I'll start.

The CIA nigger

For whom the bell tolls

little drummer boy edition

Just another drink

Is there actual video of him saying that?


there was until jewtube deleted for violating (((community guidelines)))

More like BLACKED

he was sitting on a sidewalk against the wall, talking about how he and his cousin sucked each dicks. Suddenly you can hear Terry yell "get out of here nigger" or something along those lines. The man handled it pretty well and left.

He blurts some racist shit and the black guy is like what?

And terry instantly denies saying anything and pretends hes being attacked.

why is he always wearing the cumstained shirts

>"get out of here nigger" or something along those lines
he just said "hey nigger"


Does anyone have a backup of that video?

Or the one where he's arguing with his father about niggers and his dad is a full blown SJW cuck and instantly starts listing reasons why he loves niggers

Fucking go back already

It's been almost 3 weeks with no uploads, was the drum kit gofundme a cia nigger trap?

Haha thanks.
Some of the recommended videos are pretty good, too.


>Fuckin' Ring 3 Faggotry

Is this dude legitimately crazy?

he's a schizophrenic

someone please link these.

really hope we get some news on Terry I am getting worried. :( would just like to know he is ok.


lets just say he got commented out of the equation

LOL! Not.

The CIA niggers took him out

He finally killed himself.

Just chill Sup Forumsents, based Terry has probably just been too busy banging on his new drums every day to upload.