ITT: we describe each other based on their adnauseum ad cloud

iTT: we describe each other based on their adnauseum ad cloud.

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hahaha, if i want to try this for like a week, should i disable umatrix?

Problably not, you only need to disable other adblockers

oy vey!

wait, but it seems like adnauseum is a profiling tool by itself...
i-is this a new kind of kikery?

you need to disable ads because ad nauseum simulates clicks, it doesnt disable ads just hides them and clicks them like crazy to fuck up ad based revenue.

The ad cloud is local only, it just shows you the ads that were actually clicked.

but i've always thought that the way adnauseum works is by having more ads lists and now you tell me is the other way around

you really think that you are hurting google by using that addon, don't you?

>nervous google employee

nobody mentioned anything about hurting google in this thread you kike shill


but these people are so emotionally invested in their terrible decision and how hard they got played by google that they begin shrieking like baboons and calling everyone a google shill as soon as somebody even asks such a basic question as this.

just watch the replies to this post and you will see what i mean.

just install an adblocker like a normal person and then you'll be fucking google 10x harder and also not getting profiled by them

shut the fuck up kike shill

it might not be a good idea to be so openly antisemitic now that google has such a comprehensive profile on you, "user"

i adguard dns on my router so every device connected to it blocks ads automatically, on top of that I also use ubo. And guess what, you aren't doing shit to hurt them, instead you are clicking their ads and giving them more money. And no, your clicks are no valid anymore. They will nullify clicks coming from your IP.
gg dumb faggots!

i use*

being openly anti semetic is a good thing where i live ;)
get fukd m8

>instead you are clicking their ads and giving them more money
>And no, your clicks are no valid anymore. They will nullify clicks coming from your IP
way to contradict yourself in two sentences back to back kike shill

>he installed the meme bot clicker


>way to contradict yourself in two sentences back to back kike shill
My bad I didn't phrase it correctly. They are still getting money from their ad clients. But your virtual clicks are not counted. But you are still downloading their ads and tracking scripts in your computer. How dumb do you have to be to do this?

>My bad I didn't phrase it correctly. They are still getting money from their ad clients. But your virtual clicks are not counted.
How are they getting money if my clicks dont count?
Are kike shills this dumb?

not him, but can you not fucking read? are adnaseuam users all this illiterate or just plain ignorant?

they are still tacitly paying google to distribute their spyware, whether or not google is aware of them doing it or not

you will still always be a consumer and the contributions to make to the big data used for market research is still valuable, now you've now become a major contributor to it.

google has basically taken their biggest weakness (angry paranoid nerds who shield themselves most effectively from passive surveillance) and turned them into lucrative willing volunteers for market research companies.

they have literally harnessed your paranoia of the botnet to power the botnet itself


i can read very well thank.
You're saying they ignore all my clicks (a good thing) yet they still get money from my clicks.
Are google shills are a bunch of mouth breathing retards?
You'd think google would hire shills with better communication skills.



>letting yourself be tracked in order to destroy a system where normies pay for your free internet experience by watching ads
This is such a retarded idea wreks for me!
dumb Sup Forumsposter!

>says im giving google revenue
>cant explain how
>only explaination is ur dumb xDDDDD
dumb google shill? did they not brief you?

no you obviously didn't read it. not everyone who tells you a bad idea is a bad idea is a paid shill.

This is some special kinda fuckery

>hurr y you call me dumb

>they cant get money from you user
>but they still get money from other people
>thats why you should be a good goy and stop using ad nauseum

typical google shill.
mods pls clean this thread, its being derailed by the shills.

you would hurt google more if you just blocked all the ads because then you both won't give them any money and also won't get their shitty ad-generated spyware

*autistic screeching*

I've still never seen an adnauseum shill be able to answer this simple question: why the fuck would I download malicious js and silently execute it?

>i-i-it's b-b-because you're a google shill! i'm taking down google!

I'm starting to think the people supporting this retarded plugin are the actual google shills. Too many people have adblockers, so they want something that will make adblock users execute every tracking script they find, then turn around and brag about it.

It's bad for everyone. Adnauseam users get tracked and execute all the shitty js, ad networks lose the trust of their advertisers, and regular adblock users lose their subscription free internet when it isn't being paid for any more by ad watching normies.

Rural and suburban retard

What's an ad cloud?