Firefox WebExtension Thread

Firefox WebExtension Thread.

Post what you have, and what you need.

Superior alternative to HTTPSEverywhere. Get it even if you're not moving to WebExtensions.

uBlock Origin
I'm finding this is missing a fair amount of ads now. Thoughts and suggestions?

What I need:
Greasemonkey alternative.
Violentmonkey doesn't seem to work particularly well. Open to suggestions. This is particularly irksome because 4chanx is totally fucked without greasemonkey.

Not sure if it's even worth it..

Whoelse needs what else?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm worried about openwith

They currently have a WIP version:

Hopefully this helps.



>uBlock Origin
Did you install the webext version on GitHub?

>Greasemonkey alternative
There's Tampermonkey.

Anyone? Sad that the Roomy developer will not migrate it.
And a fucking tragedy Pick & Save Images is also dying, the fact it can extract the date when a picture was posted and put it on the file while doing batch download (of ie a twitter or instagram entire timeline) as well as its thumbnail bypass are features my tism cant afford to lose.

>Violentmonkey doesn't seem to work particularly well
4chanX with onee-chan working perfectly fine for me

Violentmonkey+4chanX and UBO both work fine on Nightly. You're seeing issues with the WebExtensions APIs implemented by FF55, not the addons themselves.

On another WebExtension topic, apparently once Mozilla implements another few APIs from Chromium, K3CKai will be able to port to Firefox, and that's one of the more complex Chrome extensions. It bodes well for the future of WebExtensions.

My biggest concern is Random Agent Spoofer (lots of other options besides profiles) and DNSSEC/TLSA Validator. Everything else I use either has a suitable replacement, or will be ready by the time 57 launches.

I'll be using Waterfox until everything I use is ready to go.

I'm currently running the test version from Github. Not sure what's going on..

I'm running Nightly. It's not FF55.

I might gut the browser and start again. It might just be that I've been running Nightly for ages and somethings fucked in my profile/setup.

DNSSEC/TLSA Validator won't be ported. You'll need to find a replacement.

There isn't a replacement. Besides, they have a web extension of it for Chromium. Why not FF?

Have you tried either of these webexts?

Could be a profile issue.

It says you should create a new profile for 57 but I didn't.(upgraded from 55)

I also imported another computers profile from 41 to 55 without issues.

I haven't tried the other computer with 4chanX script.

I thihnk that's the way to go.

Thanks :)

Also, bump.

>Smart HTTPS
does'nt work on my android

Waterfox is better

Why is SmartHTTPS superior to HTTPSEverywhere?


have on ff57 nightly:
want: passwordexporter (can live without it, technically webext ready but the file open dialogue has a bug but development might be a bit dead)

>Superior alternative
it has its own problems though if the website isn't configured properly though, like Sup Forums
>uBlock Origin
>I'm finding this is missing a fair amount of ads now. Thoughts and suggestions?
update/change/add more filter lists
>What I need:
>Greasemonkey alternative.
tampermonkey/tampermonkey beta, it tends to be preferred on chrome

>Why not FF?
too lazy to port it most likely, if it's open source this is what forking is good for

the usual complaint is that httpseverywhere uses lists and regex to find out whether a site supports https, this is fine if the site is on the list otherwise it loads in plaintext even if the site supports https but this only tends to be an issue on smaller sites, using lists and doing a slow regex on them is a bit of a memory and performance hog but the webext version seems fine
smart https tries to load every site in https and if https fails it reverts back to plaintext, however it's not very smart and will fail if the cert stuff isn't configured properly

a less usual complaint with httpseverywhere is that it tends to break a lot of sites, especially sites that use a lot of cdns, this isn't a major complaint and it should technically be an issue with smarthttps too but ymmv
the least usual complaint is that users might rely on it and not realise if a site is in https or that if it's in http https doesn't work - this isn't really an argument against the addon but you'll always find someone blaming the technology for pebkac issues

>acceptable ads
>payment plan to advertisers
No, you can fuck off and take that shit browser with you.

>Local CDN
Isn't decentraleyes doing the same thing but better ?

not using decentraleyes until the webext version is complete and on addon site

I tried SmartHTTPS for a couple of weeks, but sometimes it would just load Sup Forums in plain http instead of https and then add it to the http list, so I had to go to the options and manually remove it and then it would work again.

Until they fix their things I will continue HTTPSEverywhere.

>tfw no Proxy Privacy Ruler webextension alternative

I guess I'll have to stick with esr or palememe for a while then

SmartHTTPS > HTTPSEverywhere because it uses white lists created on the fly. It attempts HTTPS, then fails over to HTTP. This is compared to HTTPSEverywhere which runs on specific white lists.

As observed, Sup Forums is poorly configured and sometimes fails HTTPS and ends up in the clear. I overcame this by adding *.Sup to the forced HTTPS whitelist.

Apparently LocalCDN is a fork of Decentraleyes. Instead of using injection of the libraries though, it manually redirects the HTTP request. It seems to support everything Decentraleyes does, but also a bunch of other larger libraries. I'm testing it now :)

I just completely reset my browser. I'm still getting shit like image related. I'm using Tampermonkey now..

and shit like this -_-

Does SmartHTTPS have a checkbox like this?

Not sure that will meet your needs as I'm not sure what HTTPSEverywhere does to enforce that requirement.

I think it blocks all HTTP requests that are not CONNECT (i.e. HTTPS)

My uBlock Origin is all fucked up right now. I can't even access it from the button. It shows the tooltip on mouseover but clicking does nothing. Seems like it's working here on the boards, but when I go to youtube it's full of ads before playback, during playback and above the next video listing.

Is there a proper alternative to vimFX?

VimFX suggests the following alternatives.

I don't think you'll ever get complete replacement of the addon.

Shame, none of them are as powerful as vimFX. This is the main reason why I'm still using Firefox.

Tab Groups.
This has some more info that might be of use. You can see the Saka-key guy chime in about half way down. He also got the VimFX guy to change the license on his code so he can start leveraging it. Might be worth a read for you :)
Leads to the below. Might work for you?

I don't know if this even requires a web-extension, but is there any way to not show the URL bar? I can get rid of it with classic theme restorer, but obviously that won't be an option for much longer. Even in full screen mode it still shows the URL bar. That's absurd.

Cool, hopefully Saka Keys turn out to be a proper vimFX replacement.


I can completely remove the address bar leaving just the back, forward, home, refresh etc buttons.

In fullscreen mode, I have nothing but HTML on the screen.

If you go to the menu -> Customize -> Density (lower bar). See if that helps at all.

TreeStyleTab, vimperator, cliget. Without this, firefox will be unusable for me.

>Leads to the below. Might work for you?

Thanks for the recommendation, but it misses the point of Tab Groups, which is offering a visual representation of the tabs and their groups instead of being a glorified bookmarks menu.

Well I want all buttons gone from that area. It takes up space I don't use. (I navigate with VimFX)

I don't see the density option

Firefox 55 here, when I press F11 the top bar disappears completely. It only appears when I move my mouse to the top border.

Pic related.

I use no addons.

We have people moved away from noscript towards umatrix? Do I need to consider doing the same?

That is because f11 is a shortcut to fullscreen mode.


this is me at fullscreen on FF55

Well user said
>Even in full screen mode it still shows the URL bar.

TreeStyleTab: Zero chance currently. Maybe in the future >.< Also below..
Vimperator: is as close as you'll get right now.
CLIGET: might work for you?
Yeah, fair enough. The containers experiment from Mozilla themselves might help? I've answered this question a hundred times and each person uses a different feature of it that my suggestion doesn't :P Good luck :)


We'll you've got us both confused then mate. Could you give us more information and see if we can help? :)
(No idea who is who here..)

I dunno man, it just works.

Because he is a retard. HTTPS Everywhere is better.

Whoops missed that bit. If thats the case then check this shit out famalam
Right click toolbar while in Fullscreen,select "Hide toolbars"


About:config > browser.fullscreen.autohide > set to true

I have that enabled in both the about:config and the right click options ans still nothing

messed up

looks fun, but where's the source code?


That's bizarre.. Might need to reset your profile?

Why is it that uMatrix is recommended over noscript now?

SmartHTTPS is a laggy piece of shit. HTTPSEverywhere is vastly superior in every way.

A good rss reader to replace bamboo.

Currently NoScript doesn't support WebExtensions. uMatrix is just further along currently. It might swap back when NoScript releases.

Difference in the way the system works. SmartHTTPS will induce lag first time you visit a domain. On the upside, you're covered on a lot more domains than you are on HTTPSEverywhere as I explained here: It's a tradeoff. I'd rather have more HTTPS than be worried about the extra second of load time you rarely encounter.

If you want to avoid the issue further, increase the white/blacklist size from 50 to 150. If you enable pre-fetch in Firefox, it just about writes off the issue entirely.

>Superior alternative to HTTPSEverywhere. Get it even if you're not moving to WebExtensions.
Yeah, I really like how it whitelists websites if my internet is temporarily down

How can I just disable HTTP from my browser?

Like what website still doesn't support HTTPS?

HTTPS Everywhere lets you block all insecure connections

What's the point of either add-on if most sites load HTTPS these days automatically?

Does it really.. That's fucking retarded..

A LOT of websites don't currently support HTTPS. It's definitely becoming more common, but it's not there yet. You can disable HTTP in totalis, to Google! Or, to HTTPSEverywhere.. Not sure about SmartHTTPS. Haven't tested.

Most sites don't load HTTPS by default. A lot of sites support HTTPS but don't load it as a default. It also depends on where on the net you. For instance, Sup Forums by default got to HTTP. HTTPS needs to be forced and lots of things break when you start making the move.

It will happen, but we're in a transition period currently.

Sup Forums doesnt

Maybe you added a youtube exception in the addon by mistake?

I really hope to God there's something like Keysnail for Firefox. I love Firefox to death. I mean, it's the only free browser in the mainstream right now (Chromium doesn't count because it downloads proprietary blobs), so it would be really sad to see Mozilla disintegrate for what's really the second time now. But if there isn't a good, extensible (Firemacs doesn't fucking count, that extension is a piece of shit) Emacs extension in the new Firefox, I'm fucking outskies. Done. Good-bye. There is literally nothing else binding me to Firefox.

Firefox is alienating all their own, native extensions devs in order to appeal to Chrome devs, and it's fucking ridiculous and depressing and I just want to crawl up in a corner somewhere and die.

It seems the browser profile spoofing is done by modifying entries in about:config so for someone with knowledge of Firefox addons (or even just JavaScript) it should probably be really simple to implement.

navigator.appName = general.appname.override

navigator.appCodeName = general.appcodename.override

navigator.appVersion = general.appversion.override

navigator.vendor = general.useragent.vendor

navigator.userAgent = general.useragent.override

navigator.oscpu = general.oscpu.override

navigator.platform = general.platform.override

accept = network.http.accept.default

accept encoding = network.http.accept-encoding

accept language = intl.accept_languages

Then use a VM to obtain the real values for these and spoof them in Firefox. Most of the other options can also be modified through about:config.

Is there a web extension for Vim keybindings yet?


Still waiting for:
Mouse gestures that work correctly on GNU/Linux, support custom actions and don't break on any pages.
A bookmark toolbar that only shows icons, allows assigning folder icons and supports dragging and dropping to and from the tabs.
Vertical tabs that support reverse ordering (newer tabs on top), renders favicons correctly, supports all default tab actions, and allows opening another sidebar at the same time.

It has to happen. If you go read the actual dev conversations, they're making solid points, and Firefox has become a fuckload faster since they've started making the move. It's fucked, it sucks, but the actual reasoning is solid.

It's more complex than that now. I don't have the bug discussing it, but it's not to simple to change. Especially given most things fingerprint through DOM rather than UAS. It's rather fuxored.

There's a conversation on it above. Re-read imo.

Nice catch.. I went looking and missed that.

>Nice catch.. I went looking and missed that.
Seems to works with Nightly
Caveat: the original horizontal tabs remain visible

What happens if you go to full screen (F11)?


>It has to happen. If you go read the actual dev conversations, they're making solid points, and Firefox has become a fuckload faster since they've started making the move. It's fucked, it sucks, but the actual reasoning is solid.
Yeah, I'm fully aware of that. That's an important point, really, that I probably shouldn't have omitted.

I've tried Nightly myself, and it's not a bad experience. In fact, it's really nice. Incredibly fast. And that's just me from an end user perspective. But in the same vein, I really wonder what would compel me to use Firefox after this.

The problem is WebExtensions aren't allowed to modify the UI so the tabs can't be removed but while I haven't tried it you might be able to completely remove the tabs through UserChrome.css

>Superior alternative to HTTPSEverywhere

>I'm finding this is missing a fair amount of ads now
update/add more filters

It has a webextension version.

In any case, just install esr.

Might work for some. Thanks for the tip.

Yeah, fair enough.

Firefox is still a lot different from Chrome in a lot of ways. I also think it's faster than Chrome for most things and a lot more flexible, even with the loss of proper extensions. They're also talking about extending the API to give ever more functionality.

Honestly, best answer is test a couple of browsers and see what you think.

Any alternative to bettersecurity and session manager?

Post more pics.

This page used to be unusable with Firefox months ago:

Reasonably fast now

Compelling argument again.

Resetting my profile fixed the issue. There was something really wrong with my install.

Not going to be installing ESR under any circumstance.

>I really wonder what would compel me to use Firefox after this.
It's still the most customizable browser, aside from writing your own.

>Not going to be installing ESR under any circumstance.
Why? Is it too good for you? Dumb fuck.

What good alternatives for:

>Speed Dial


You were lucky, i was getting plain http on Sup Forums on like the second day, fucker even bypassed 4chanX's orders to only load https.
Just use HTTPSEverywhere, Smarthttps also fucks up sites with partial https compliance.

Violent monkey doesn't include the sidebar with all of the user scripts like greasemonkey, is it worth the switch? I know greasemonkey is ded but that feature is like really neat.

This. So true. I have no idea why OP is shilling for smart https

Your not agreeing doesn't make me a shill.

I merely stated a position and backed it. You're equally entitled to your position.

aak is discontinued, use aak continued

No, the claiming it's superior alternative does make you one though. Most of the comments in this thread disagree

What a horribly designed website.

Still doesn't.

If there's an attempt to con people you'd be right. People are entitled to pick whatever they want. I could care less. I've only replied to people asking why or being a fuck knuckle in response to what I've said.

"It's not what I think, therefore he's a shill". I'd love for you to stop shilling desu. Enough shilling.

Shillception. We must go deeper.

Not tonight love, I have a headache.

>know greasemonkey is ded
What? It's being ported to WebExtension for the last few weeks.

In what way is it horribly designed?

I'm honestly waiting for lastpass webextension.
Something something happen with their webextension because firefox new API's bug or something.