Hey guys! I have a question because I can't seem to figure it out myself. I live in a student house and there are 3 apartments, each with 3 ethernet cables. However, some guys moved in and they are fucking up the internet for all of us. I asked them to stop downloading shit all the time and leave some bandwith for us but they just don't seem to be reasonable enough. Could I kick them out of the main router somehow and leave only 2 functional ethernet cables?
Just fuck my internet up
Without admin rights on the router, you can't do shit.
Well, I have access to the main router. I don't have access to their personal router. There are I think 4 routers in the house. 3 for each apartment and a main one.
this is basic-bitch tier shit, user. Who the fuck on Sup Forums is going have the patience to explain this basic shit to you? Google how to manage bandwidth on a shared network - fuck!
I did my man. There seems to be no apparent solution for my particular question... It's really complicated especially since the landlord made some fucked up wiring through the house... Admin: admin:admin
Maybe that'll work. Maybe not.
Yes, cut their cable.
I was actually thinking about that, but the issue is they might know it was me.
>It's really complicated
No, its fucking not. If you have admin access to the router (why the fuck do you have admin access to campus infrastructure?), you have access to do what you need. Lrn2Google. This is basic shit.
Yep, I accessed that but then I'm struggling to figure it out.
Not a campus bro. It's a student house with 3 apartments within it. The password was just admin and the username was admin. Not too hard to figure out.
Let's be honest, you're already the main suspect if something goes wrong. Do you think they will just give up on using the internet?
bandwidth management rules in the admin router, you will need to know how the network is setup, if each apartment has its own vlan, or they are on different subnets
>reset main router
>enable QoS
First you have to connect to your router homepage, to do so you have follow this :
Before you start I suggest you to do the following step only if router is yours and you are violating any law or any other stuff.
1) Find the ip of the router homepage, if you have windows just open cmd, and type "ipconfig" and take the ipv4 value. Copy and Paste it to your URL of the browser. Press enter and hope there is no login, if there will be. just try default one.
Or if you have Mac , open network preferences, advance, click on TCP/IP and take the value under IPV4 voice
2) if you are lucky you are in! just kick out by applying some MAC address . type in yours MAC address and save. So internet will be provided only to your selected devices.
3) Good Luck
Realistically speaking, they must likely won't give up. I need the internet to work fast because I do a lot of face calls and voice calls with my colleagues. However, they use the internet to play League of fucking Legends all day and download torrents most likely. I can just make their life a little bit harder by restricting access.
That might actually work. Didn't think of that. Thank you for your kind help user kun!
Add the cunt's router IP/MAC address as static. Then limit bandwidth of the cunt from bandwidth management. ezpz
you are not violating*
OP here.Thank you all for your help! I will definetly figure it out now. It was a pleasure anons
set up quality of service
If you are real OP, dont kick him. Just limit his speed to 10kbps for lulz. If you kick him he will complain to the house owner and you will be caught. But to me it seems like you are a retarded rebbit user so you deserve every bad thing coming to you.
Nope bro but this, as someone else also said..is basic shit :D
For the next time try to google it out be4 ask for dat
Cut their cable retard.
ahahahahaha you are a fkn genius
Then fight fire with fire. When they are playing League start massive file downloads. Trust me, that will make their life a bit harder.
You do realise that playing an online game has litterally no impact on overall internet bandwidth.
If someone on the same internet connection starts a video call however, anything with low ping requirements will be almost impossible for anyone else.
Anyway, you already sound like you have admin access to the main router. Just hope the router doesnt have complete shit QoS options.
Call the police.
Real tired of this kidde shit.
What's the model? Do you have admin or just access to the gateway?
OP here guys! Thanks a again for all the answers. I know it's a basic issue for some of you but for me it wasn't... All my life I had one main connection. Never dealt with this multiple bandwidths shit. Much love to you all!
better change it or they'll get access before you
install cain&abel, run mitm attack, it will disable their internet as long as you keep it running
>why the fuck do you have admin access to campus infrastructure?
Usually all people need is to know the factory settings (factory password and root username) because those are rarely changed.
and this
You can block their router in the main router if only they are using that router
Just show us a page or something, lets try to fix this
Use a 200m cat5 (not 5e) cable to makes his connection more unstable.
>I asked them to stop downloading shit all the time
And? stop being a fucking beta bitch. they got a problem then stare them down
Stop all the downloadin'!
>beta bitch
when you say nonsense things like that it sounds like you're making up pokemon characters
I mean there's all sorts of things you could do that might have an impact, they're just mostly illegal. (Things involving your wireless region, wirless jamming, etc.)
There's one possibly legal thing you could do to really fuck with them but honestly if you aren't already in the know on that sort of stuff the you don't really deserve to be told.
As for people who are in the know: yes I'm talking about that thing named for a plot cliche. (yes I googled that to make sure normies wouldn't know what I'm talking about). Eh it would have some potential for lulz in this case if he was sneaky about it and didn't do anything /really/ bad.
The cunt is probably using Windows.
Assuming your machine and his are on the same IP subnet, Windows will broadcast loads of shit (mostly SMB-related, discovery services and stuff).
Sniff the traffic using Wireshark and find his MAC address. ARP Spoof the faggot after that.
NOTE: that is probably a violation of the code of conduct (or whatever it is called) of your student house
Ignore my comment, I didn't see .
You're just a retard that doesn't understand networking and you're not giving anyone remotely enough information to help or give a shit in the first place
lol literally this