Fedora fags love linux

>Fedora fags love linux
really makes you think

LARPing as neo is cooler and easier than WRITING YOUR OWN COMPILER

>"imagine no religion"
>shows examples caused by religion

hmm... really makes me think *flips trilby*

Don't lump uncle addy in with those degenerates

Get Uncle Adolf off that picture you fucking faggot

I totally forgot Hitler wanted the SS to become Muslim

>the important is we have democracy"
>picture of women eating

I'm as fundy as they come mate and I use GNU/Linux.

eating on the street.

Enjoying the wonders of free market, empowerment and liberty


how do you even find so many poor people?

>Meme Lennon
That's how easy it is to market atheism as fashionable


>That's how easy it is to market atheism as fashionable
found nu-pol again.
Get real bro you have no clue who those guys on that image are and if they where atheist or not.
He plastered some (((quotes))) and you fell for it

I agree that Lennon shouldn't be on that pic, but I have no idea what you object to apart from him.

Chomsky never wrote anything he made his life because he criticize capitalism. And Lennon a thinker only a leftist retard who studied Chomsky buy his garbage. Evereything Lennon said was a product of what mass media told him, his original ideas were born in New York City and Yoko Ono.
Freud was a cocaine addict who thought babies were born already seeking for sex. It's him his books but it's never mentioned in any psychology college.

what religion caused this

We are so divorced from it that we feel at once a sort of loathing for real life, and so cannot bear to be reminded of it. Why, we have come almost to looking upon real life as an effort, almost as hard work, and we are all privately agreed that it is better in books. And why do we fuss and fume sometimes? Why are we perverse and ask for something else? We don't know what ourselves. It would be the worse for us if our petulant prayers were answered. Come, try, give any one of us, for instance, a little more independence, untie our hands, widen the spheres of our activity, relax the control and we ... yes, I assure you ... we should be begging to be under control again at once. I know that you will very likely be angry with me for that, and will begin shouting and stamping. Speak for yourself, you will say, and for your miseries in your underground holes, and don't dare to say all of us-- excuse me, gentlemen, I am not justifying myself with that "all of us." As for what concerns me in particular I have only in my life carried to an extreme what you have not dared to carry halfway, and what's more, you have taken your cowardice for good sense, and have found comfort in deceiving yourselves. So that perhaps, after all, there is more life in me than in you. Look into it more carefully! Why, we don't even know what living means now, what it is, and what it is called? Leave us alone without books and we shall be lost and in confusion at once. We shall not know what to join on to, what to cling to, what to love and what to hate, what to respect and what to despise. We are oppressed at being men--men with a real individual body and blood, we are ashamed of it, we think it a disgrace and try to contrive to be some sort of impossible generalised man. We are stillborn, and for generations past have been begotten, not by living fathers, and that suits us better and better. We are developing a taste for it. Soon we shall contrive to be born somehow from an idea.

Coca-cola was putting cocaine in their drinks before it was illegal, nobody cared about cocaine back then and despite freud being wrong about his theories he still paved much of the way of modern psychology and psychiatry where we no longer believe that disorders are demons inside your body and you need to drill a hole in it to release them

>about his theories he still paved much of the way of modern psychology
That's what repeated in every college but they never mention his contributions. Jung and Freud are just important to psychology as an indian healer or a russian spiritualist.

>dostoevsky isn't important to psychology

I took some psychology in high school and some in college and whenever freud or others were mentioned it was agreed his theories were completely wrong, but he did get the interest in studying the mind and how it works other than actual voodoo trying to banish the demons in you. Just about every other field like astronomy or chemistry had its origins with completely wrong theories, but the field had to start somewhere

I was talking about Rasputin. And unfortunately not a single psychology student knows who Dostoevsky was and they will always end up repeating what they saw on Discovery Channel about Freud being an important person
You believe Freud helped to make mental illness more human. That's cute to think doctors before him killed people with shock and after him everything changed. it was a slow process Freud and Jung had no part on it. Subversion is always more subtle and more comforting than a shock treatment


Nobody really cared about studying psychology before freud. If they didn't practice demon releasing they would call you mad and just lock you in the lunatic tower, which took an extremely long time to slowly end that practice of just locking someone up like a rat

It wasn't bad like you say. Freud's friends and Freud himself treated people like objects.
Modern science was born so destructive it took years to convince them to stop trying to practicing what you would call lobotomy. Hygienic was so destructive in europe all literature you have about mind control was born because of people like Freud

Very log uptime.
Linux is grate.So is Jesus.
OP is a Jew shill.


And you think it would have been better without freud, like whom? Who would you suggest should have lead psychology instead that would have resulted in people with disorders being treated humanely earlier rather than later