/hpg/ Headphone General

>"What's with you faggots not starting new threads?" Edition.

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub (embed)

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For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in Beware the shills.

>Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

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nth for which ever user took this pic
he is the most based mother fucker on this board

Best closed headphones for sound stage and separation? Preferably under $300.

I've been researching that market and I think the NAD VISO HP50(recently price dropped to 150 from 250) and the Meze 99 Neo would be worthy considerations.
People say that NAD was trying to make the hp50 sound like "good speakers in a good room".
That's all I got.

300 CAD
Sony LED TV, Laptop.
>Type of headphone
Full sized headphones
>Open or closed
Closed because I don't want noise traveling outside
>Comfort level
Mega comfy, but I can sacrifice for better sound quality
>Past headphones
A Sennheiser HD 598 open back headphones

Viso HP50 is still 300 euros here unfortunately. But I'm keeping both of these in mind for sure.
I have to say I have never heard of the HP50's before and therefore am a bit skeptical, but I'm definitely keeping them in mind. Thanks user.

What is the closed back equivalent to hd600s

what should i get
>64audio u6 or u8

Idol trash here.
What's your setup like, user?

Opinions on the hifiman edition s? Is the sound actually good? Are they actually really quiet when you use them 'closed'?

Any good RF headphones? I'm using a Sony one that starts to get old and I have a couple of issues with it. Are there even any recommended RF headphones?

Like this! Still trying to finish love live Mr idol user.
Also going to be buying like every midfi headphone in a month


Nothing in your price range is going to be better than the HD598, especially without getting an actual amp.

HD600/HD650 sound like ass connected to laptops and shit. Yes they'll make noise, but an actual amp is needed once you start getting better headphones.

Is that a taipan mouse? :X
I also use a taipan...
I hope you're enjoying Love Live :-)

It's a death adder. I bought it at Walmart just to test out and return and it rang up as $10 so I bought three.
I'm gonna buy a ultrasone hfi780, Visio hp50, ath msr7, and 99 neo and keep the best one. Then a r70x, hd600, and he400i and do the same thing. I won't feel good about my upgrade unless I do so fuck it

>3x death adder $10
Whoah, that's some crazy good value you got.
>list of headphones
HD600 is the only one you need :P

What do we™ think of ath-msr7?

those connectors look stupid, why not opt for MMCX or something as small instead

im still tempted though. Are the hinges/headband the same as the TH-X00 or are they better built? If these go on sale for $1000 or something instead, I think I might drop the cash for it.

500 ~ 1,000 USD
>Type of headphone
Full sized headphones
>Open or closed
Closed cuz roomies can't appreciate real music
>Comfort level
Comfy as you can get. Gonna wear 'em for 4-7 hours at a time (about).
>Sound signature
Neutral and Bass boosted are both fine.
>Past headphones
HyperX Cloud headphones. I Liked 'em but i haven't had any other high class headphones so i have no frame of reference as to what i might like more. I do appreciate the feature to go from Neutral sound to Bass boosted at the press of a button.

What is the second best headphone behind HD600?

Does your budget include a headphone amp/DAC?

At that price range any headphones you'd buy would sound like trash connected directly to your PC, your PC simply doesnt expect high end headphones and can't output enough power.


Hmm. Makes sense. Sounds like a whole 'nother can of worms spending money on an amp and DAC but sounds worth it in the end. I'd have to research those too but i'd prolly increase my budget to 1,500 USD to get a decent set up.

Are the V-moda Crossfire 2 really worth the money? I just want a decent, durable pair of Bluetooth headphones without things like noise cancelation or gimmicks like capacitive controls

With $1500 you can get most of an end-game setup.

Look at HD800, Audeze LCD-2, Mr. speakers, etc.

Sadly at your price point you'll really want to try and test some of the headphones out before buying so i'd look around for audio show rooms.

Mrspeakers Aeon.

Magni 2
>Type of headphone
Over Ear
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
mid to high
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
Rocking the Fostex T50RP right now. Also have the HIFIMan HE350

I should add I pretty much only listen to jazz so I want something with great detail.

there's a fucking hair there wtf

>not keeping a sample of your DNA in contact with Maki-chan at all times

> 600s/650s
> having bass

>not ensuring you have a proper seal before running measurements

HD600, obviously.


cellphone bluetooth
>Type of headphone
something wireless
>Open or closed
doesnt matter much, pref closed
>Comfort level
mid to high
>Sound signature
>Past headphones
nothing special

I run a lot. I like to listen to audiobooks and sometimes music from my cellphone, but the wires bouncing around always creates a thumping noise that drowns out the sound. Any suggestions?

Airpods look ok except A) easily lost, maybe fall out of ear? B) I don't have any other apple products C) it's an apple product, so i'm assuming overpriced for the specs.

What's the best under 250 euros for trap/rap/pop? Momentum 2?

If you want Bluetooth, csg is a good place to ask. Lots of good chink shit Bluetooth over the ear and in the ear options. Bluedio is a chinese brand that has a pretty good track record. I have the T2s Turbines, would not recommend sound like dogshit and not the most comfortable. I've been told their other stuff is better, though. Ask around in csg for people who have actually bought them though and make sure you don't buy knock-offs. If you want something non-chink then I suggest the Sony XB950BT EXTRA BASS™ Wireless Headphones. Maximum comfy and good sound quality for Bluetooth. I don't own a pair, but I've borrowed them from a friend before and I liked them a lot.

Sennheiser HD600

That AMP probably can't power those cans

> that video
> 4:43

Where can I get those microphones s and how many organs do I have to sell?

>blocked ear canal mics
Not even that useful. rtings is retarded for using them for their measurements. etymotic.com/auditory-research/microphones/er-7c.html would be far more useful, as it measures at the eardrum.

AKG K712, they have a bit more high end than the HD600 which would be better suited for jazz

That amp puts out 1w at 32ohm I doubt they will be starved of power

They also measure like a rollercoaster

K712 sound like fried chicken and watermelon, Davarius.

>AKG K712
He said neutral, not melanin-enhanced bass.

In defense of the k712 they do bass extremely well for open backs. I'm talking about amazing audible extension all the way to 20Hz.

Everything else is shit but after selling them and than buying the 650s I really miss the bass.


I'm actually interested in our™ thoughts on that, too.

>prolly increase my budget to 1,500 USD to get a decent set up.
Fulla 2 is probably all you need. If not enough, throw in a magni2 and done.

You've pretty much given the template for a HD600 answer.
k712 is anything but neutral. And too much of a rollercoaster @ mids. HD600 is a night&day improvement over that.

> spending money on DACs

Retarded. Something like the E10K or the Fulla 2 already offer fantastic DACs that even though they aren't mathematically end game the human ear is complete shit so in reality there's literally no difference between a 100€ DAC or a 1000€ one

Amps are something else but still an O2 or a Magni 2 is just enough unless you're trying to power the least efficient headphones in the world (600omh AKGs)


I have googled this shit quite a bit and no one give a good simple answer in layman's terms. What's the difference?

Any opinions or experiences with the OPPO PM-3 and/or the NAD Viso HP50's? I'm looking for closed cans that sound as open/wide as they possibly can being closed. Do these produce audio representative for the price? Are the HP50's more than a gimmick?

Pretty sure the pre amp is what you use to change the volume using the potentiometer - that thing you turn around on the amp

Someone correct me if i'm wrong but be gentle

What's the next step up from the HD600's if I were able to increase my budget.

>hat sound as open/wide as they possibly can being closed
Don't the HP50 sound really close? They're very warm and bassy with rolled off treble.

Maybe it's just marketing talk but the HP50's are supposed to sound 'like you're listening to speakers in a room'.

Audeze LCD-2 maybe but they're a bit too dark
HE560 also but the treble is slighly aggressive

My Modi Multibit shits all over my Fulla 2 DAC when ABing

>The loudness war is a me...

Yea i've read that too but I own a pair of hd650 and they don't sound nowhere near as open as something cold like the K702s which are ptty treble heavy

I find this hard to believe, have you done the test blind?

Right, but without listening to them it sounds like a bit of a gimmick. You know those stupid sound effects you can throw over your audio? Like a virtual environment that distorts the shit out of all your music. I'm just afraid they put that in a set of headphones.

>I'm just afraid they put that in a set of headphones.
They didn't. Tyll liked them a lot


That's a hard one. There's options, but none is a 100% upgrade on the HD600. There's always tradeoffs.
HD600's recommended a lot because it's so well balanced. Not just the FR being very neutral, but how it does everything well and nothing badly, and how it doesn't need EQ.
As an example, HD800 is an improvement in comfort and potentially sound, but costs way more and does need EQ.
There's options that will give you more bass, like the planars suggested, but have less flat midrange (which is the most important), are sibilant or cost 3x times at much.


I want one

Doesn't even have a laser

Audiophile stereo sound. What more could you possibly ask for?

>Digital Ready

If there's two headphones, and one is digital-ready while the other isn't... which one would you get?
Assuming you're the average consumer, that is, a pleb.

There's not such thing as digital audio memeboi, at the end you will always need a DAC.

say that to my hypersonic speakers fag

There literally is none. asa.scitation.org/doi/full/10.1121/1.4984044

Any good open headphones around the price of the SR60e? Or should I just get one of those?

It's possible just not practical

SHP9500S sound better and are far more comfortable. Same goes for HD558.

thanks bud!

Quick question, I have an old NAD 3020a which I use to drive my speakers. Now I'm more than happy with the MDR-V6 I have, But would this amp power higher end phones like the HD600 if I wanted to go that way sometime?

For some odd reason, those are more expensive than the Grados in my country. Got anything else to recommend?

I'd recommend saving more money. On-ear headphones like the Grados are very far from optimal for long-term comfort.

It will work fine

Gotcha. What do you recommend though? I just need something to complement my ATH-M40x in terms of price

SHP9500S and HD558 are the only

NFB-11 - I switch between X2 and M1060 depending on genre.

Honestly though, I spend more time listening to my speakers.

JBL LSR305 + Klipsch R-110SW on my desktop, Pioneer BS22 in the bedroom.

LSR305s are fucking good for the price, the other two were just good deals, but not necessarily strong recommendations for others.

Next audio purchase is probably going to be sub. The current sub's ported, I want to try a sealed one that offers good response on low frequencies. Thinking about a Rhythmik L12 sub - rythmikaudio.com/L12.html

Once I manage to move to a different location (I don't want to drag speakers around if possible), I plan to get a couple of these and just attach them to my magni2u preamp outs.

Is the K712 worth it over the K7XX? Haven't tried AKG yet.

What am I looking at?

This is why i'm keeping my K712 and also ordered the Massdrop HD6xx in july for delivery sometime around Christmas.

Now i have both

They're good shit, and that'll work. You'll have to unplug the headphones to switch to the pre-amp outs.

I will warn you, some people have ground hum or computer interference problems when using non-balanced lines. It went away for me when I plugged the speakers, DAC/pre-amp and computer into the same power bar.

Both are extremely melanin-enhanced in the bass region. I can't recommend either one.

i'd personally avoid massdrop-branded headphones myself entirely because of aesthetic, bang for buck aside.

i'd also avoid AKG nowadays since their Austrian HQ closed down this year. I don't even know if the newer AKG K712 are made in Slovakia or China (definitely not Austria either way).

>in july for delivery sometime around Christmas.
Jesus christ

Preamp normally refers to vinyl. Signal from cartridge is very low level and requires very large amount of amplification. Also applies RIAA compensation, but that can be done at any portion of the playback chain.

No, using probe mics is being silly.
Rtings uses the blocked canal mic in a limited sense. At low frequencies, it produces simple and repeatable results.

>step up
What are you looking for?
>no correlation...
That doesn't mean there isn't one that can be better. It just means that audio products are a roulette, with no way to anticipate the response based on price alone.

until you start eqing and then you're shit out of luck

I got my K712's 3 years ago on massdrop for $320 with shipping. They're austria. But this was before they started doing massdrop branded stuff.

Yup, but i've got K712 to last me until then so not like i'm hurting particularly.

Thanks user
Nope, works fine. Never even had to use high gain.

How did you last 3 years? The 712s have probably caused irreversible ear damange