Linux is touted as having superior stability

>Linux is touted as having superior stability
>countless stories of people inadvertently breaking their Linux system

So, what is it, Sup Forums? Is Linux stable or is it easily broken?

Other urls found in this thread: archive/ubuntu/ppa

Unstable, techno communist e-penis enlargement for socialist nerds with too much time on their hands.

Linux systems are usually broken when they update or the user does something stupid. Nobody uses linux anyways so who cares?

Stable, but easily broken if you happen to be retarded

It's stable but easily broken if you don't know what you're doing. Under normal operation it will rarely, if ever, crash.


But it's true. I mean, that's one of the core qualities of most Unix-like operating systems.

Pro: Unix does whatever you tell it to do
Con: Unix does whatever you tell it to do

Thus, many end users, through sheer negligence/incompetence, end up breaking things

So, it's like a jenga tower... stable only if you're an expert... hmmm.

>install ubuntu
>install nvidia driver using the official installer
>blackscreen after reboot

It's like a jenga tower at the beginning of the game, if you manually pull the bricks out it becomes unstable.

Install it from Ubuntu's graphic drivers repo you monkey. archive/ubuntu/ppa

if i have to go out of my to install this shit manually, why include the driver in the official installer? linux """logic"""

These days its too bloated to be stable.
Want a server that won't give you any headaches? Go with something old school like Slackware or better drop all this Gnoo plus Linox nonsense at all and go full FreeBSD.

Just use Windows and run Linux if you really want to in a VM. Tinker with it there, if you break something use earlier snapshots. Once you're ready, install on bare metal.

>install ubuntu
>install nvidia driver using the official installer
>it also installs some other absolute unnecessary shit like login and file managers
I never asked for this. On Debian, if you want to install the drivers, you only get the drivers. Why is Ubuntu so shit?

It's stable if you happen to have a +80 IQ

Linux has better long-term stability. You can set-it-and-forget-it when it comes to servers, and just not update for years. It has god-awful short-term stability, it feels like the moment you update something it breaks and when you're running a desktop distro you're updating regularly, usually at least monthly.

Windows is the other way around. A Windows installation will mysteriously crap out and only go back to full-performance after being reinstalled, but you can download and upgrade local programs regularly with very little breakage. e.g., updating your media player and init system won't mysteriously break your display server config file and require an hour of googling and debugging.

It's an old version, you bonobo. Works for older cards, not necessarily newer ones. The PPA has the latest one.

>+80 IQ
the problem is - if you have an IQ higher than that you won't install Linux in the first place

stable =/= easily fucked up by users

if that's your logic, then windows 10 is the least stable os ever.

Lol you really tried to install that ancient shit that is on the nvidia website, written for XFree86???
As other anons said, it breaks only if you are incompetent and/or retarded.
Most distros are stable as shit, and if not, there is an announcement website, where they tell you exacly what to do in order to not fuck up the OS.

>inb4 but reading is ha-a-ard
Go back to preschool


>Gnome/KDE crash
>"linux is shit"

Also a lot of people think that using testing repo is a good thing for daily use, just because they still didn't have any bug in their 2-days distro testing between the next distro-hopping

If you just use it, it will never break. If you try to modify the system, it will easily break if you're retarded. This applies to every OS. My sister killed her MacBook by deleting important system apps that she didn't recognize. My dad killed his Windows laptop doing the same thing.

>Love KDE
>Install Kubuntu
>Cursor leaves trail
> Look in internet
>Internet says i need to change graphic driver
> Looking for guide how to change driver to solve problem.
> No working info
> And its fucked
> Removes Kubuntu... its shit
> Install Mint kde
> Cursor leaves trail when moving
> Change nvida drivers with preistalled driver manager
>No more problems with cursor leaving trail
Mint is good

Every fucking time. Install openSUSE or maybe Arch if you want.

>Gnome/KDE Crash
>XFCE/LXDE/LXQT/etc. Screen Tearing
There's no such thing as a stable daily-use DE. There are just some that suck less than others. If you want actual stability, you buy it from Apple or Microsoft.

What about KDE Neon?


I'm becoming increasingly convinced that 90% of people having problems with GNU/Linux have NVIDIA hardware because I never ever saw anything remotely resembling those horror stories running it on AMD hardware.

Why should i?
Linux mint KDE fills my needs.

ur like a little baby

Most unstable KDE distro, will crash at least once a week. Avoid it unless you want to be an alpha tester and know what you're doing.


It's incredibly stable when you don't fuck with it and run a stable build.

The problem is a lot of people who play with linux are inherently tinkerers and when they go tinkering they fuck everything up.

Linux is like a new fucking car.

Works great, but if youre a tard and do stupid shit like running it without oil it is gonna break.

>load average is 0.05
what is the point of letting your pc running all day if you don't use it?

It's like an electric motor. Infinitely reliable, but if you do something stupid like never repack any bearings (there is no such thing as a lifetime lubricant.) or fuck with the control circuitry without knowing what the fuck you are doing, it will go up in flames and you'll have to rebuild.
>wind a new coil (rarely. did you light it on fire and melt something?)
>new bearings (usually)
>wow we're done that was fucking easy

Windows is like an ICE motor. You can call it reliable, but it's slowly degrading over time, losing compression, starting to burn a little oil. Fans will say it's no big deal, they're used to it, and it has so many more practical applications, but in terms of raw performance, it's worse, and half the time when it's bad enough to fix, they just replace the fucking thing because it's too complex to fix.
>alright mate we need new valve guides, seats, cyllinder walls, pistons, rings, rod bearings, cams.....
>how much does all that cost?
>seven grand
>well, at least fuel is more readily available
>and it makes cooler noises!

Nerds love their "package managers" because they automatically install library bundles developers need and will need in the future

Everyone else hates them because they install deps for optional features whenever you're installing a graphical program. Developer logic: well, if it didn't install that, the optional feature wouldn't work, and then people would be confused!

The actual problem is feature bloat. Every "linuxy" program wants to do everything in one binary or integrated environment "because it would be sooo cool". EVEN FUCKING VIM. I use acme now. Fuck that. And the actual problem here is a lack of community cooperation. People would not be trying to make their all in one environments if they could decide on a common goal, one simple enough to work for everyone, that could be built into various things for all the snowflakes out there without changing the core technolgoy.

i use it every a production server, NAS and content delivery

Linux was never meant to be a desktop OS, and if thats all you're using it for, you're doing it wrong.

My webserver looks the same. Popular site, you know.

yes if you want shiny stability, you buy it from apple or microsoft

>OS X keyboard input freezes that apple refuses to fix ("doesn't happen on the newest macbook, not our problem, buy a new macbook")
>finder crashes
>various windows explorer.exe crashes
>screen tearing on windows. yes, bad drivers exist.
oh fuck wait no all software is shit

I tried openSUSE and really liked it, but changed to Neon because there where a lot of applications that didn't work for some reason. For example I installed the thumbnailer for pdf files, but it only worked for some files. On Neon on the other hand that kind of thing hastn't happened to me, but it does crash from time to time. Although nothing that requires a reboot.

Linux is easily stable.

A "desktop OS" is single user with little to no server capabilities whatsoever. You want a desktop OS, you use classic mac OS.

OS X, windows NT, and the *nixes are all derived from server OSes.

Linux is what you get when you design by committee. The lack of a singular vision and direction ensures it never gets much momentum before it careens into yet-another hangup. One distro and DE gets it right for a while, then it's abysmal shit. Then another one picks up from there. It's all so tiresome when you just want to dev software for any given platform. Eventually you realize containers obviate the need to run that incredibly hit or miss desktop. Thank god for Docker, Vagrant, and Virtual Machines in general.

Ubuntu is Debian for Dummies.

there is a singular vision and direction. it's called GNU.

it's not our fault you're too "modern" for just using emacs.

Debian is linux for dinosaurs

>oh fuck wait no all software is shit
Compared to the shovelware that passes for OSS, it's not even remotely shit. Whens the last time you did anything but edit configs?

>muh everything is just as bad as my awful DE
Nope. Yours is worse, and that's why hardly anyone dares sell hardware with your freemium software on it.

sure buddy, but numbers don't lie

>muh hurp derp just use emacs for everything
whatever you say m8

GNU/Linux is extremely user-friendly. It just happens to be particular about its' users

Home distro - Mint
Server distro - Debian

I dont know i should be home distr or server distro so in confusion i became amazon spyware distro - Ubuntu

I use mac OS X.

All software is fucking garbage.

That's Slackware.

>muh petit bougie nihilism
suicide is painless

No, really. This is the most poorly optimzied, least intuitive, buggiest piece of garbage you could use if you dare use it on anything but the latest and greatest $2000 underpowered facebook meme machine.

Windows is actually slightly better for most people's purposes.

You're missing my point.

It's a server OS I a server. Granted, for very few users, but when you're not trying to force it to be something it wasn't meant to be (like a desktop) then it is very stable and efficient.

It's amazing on desktop, far better than windows from my experience. Why shouldn't people use it?

Because it has ties to NSA

What makes a desktop different? Don't bother answering.

Every answer to this question is user specific.

>it doesn't play my video gaymes
>it doesn't run my favorite meme music player
>i need microsoft office because i'm in high school
>my mom is too stupid to use it and we share a computer because we're black

This is EXACTLY what happened to me.

Fortunately I still had Windows to boot into.

the point of having a desktop instead of a laptop is using up to date GPUs and niche peripherals that linux has no drivers for.

Osx is free though

>buy overpriced hardware
>os is "free"

>buy "idk why it wont work anymore battery wont hold charge buying a new one" macbook off ebay for less than a working thinkpad
>replace battery for $50

So much for overpriced hardware.

>thinkpad + new battery
>still less than half the price of an equivalent macbook
>that macbook's battery is also virtually worthless and may or may not be user serviceable

communism doesn't give you choice or freedom, two things that linux does well

>niche peripherials
Name ONE peripherial that Linux doesn't support in 2017. This isn't 2005 anymore, and we aren't talking about Free BSD.

>user serviceable batteries

thinkpads with relevant performance don't have these either because packs of 18650s with copper strips running between them are actually pretty shit

Linux: choice and freedom as long as you know C and C++ but with nonstandard GNU extensions and some of the worst libraries ever made (ie: gtk)

>he doesn't know C and C++ with nonstandard GNU extensions

Yeah people talk shit about how linux is hard and complicated as hell and oh boy every update i must repair stuff.
But some of people just pour out shit on linux mint because "it just works".

But what other distro is more pure "windows replacement desktop distro" than mint?
Actually mint update filter is not bad as people say (you still can choose to install "blocked updates"), its reason is mostly to keep system stable and working and to avoid situation where updates fuck up your OS. Remember its a distro meant for people who are not techie or they are but lazy ones.
Website hack is a bad news for mint but it could happen to any os, i dont think ubuntu or archlinux have unhackable websites.

this is a perfect summary

my linux home server has been running unattended for months nonstop without issues or glitches. earlier today the power went out (not a surge, just a harmless outage) and the fucking thing now somehow has unfixable corrupt system files it claims to auto-fix, wifi driver errors for no reason, etc

windows has a shit ton of small, shameful, annoying and fucking stupid problems all the time, but none of them are showstoppers. whenever you fuck something up, the cause is always obvious, reversible, and requires minimal work, and a reboot fixes most glitches

>thinkpads are pretty shit
>horrendously expensive and even less reliable macbooks aren't
really made me think

as someone who has necessarily always had to put up with using nvidia garbage, i csn assure you you are correct

each and every problem i have ever had with linux was always traceable to the graphical stack

lets not kid ourselves and pretend foss graphics are anywhere near functional, but nvidia always seems to fuck it up even more

>Is Linux stable or is it easily broken?
in my experience, it's stable if you don't mess with it. if you mess with it, it will break. so set it up the way you like, then don't even look at it wrong.

which distro would you recommend me on my laptop ? (don't even know the exact model, it was a gift from my uncle and he gave it to me without packaging)
I use windows all the time on my home desktop and I'm not very familiar with linux systems in general, I was just thinking about installing some loonix on my lap because that way I don't have to mess around with updates, AV's and system rot.
Mint, perhaps ?
Ubuntu ?

Mint is the best choice. Biggest chance it will work

Anything running xfce. It has a 30% better battery life than Cinnamon and Windows on my laptop. You can get rid of screen tearing with Compton.
You should go with Xubuntu, Mint Xfce or Zorin Lite. Whatever looks good to you.

alright, I'll give mint xfce and xubuntu a try

Which marketing agency do you work, mr. community manager?

You're kinda right. You really need to suffer a little bit with Linux, then you sort of develop an intuition for how to set things up for your particular machine. It's a lot of little bits and pieces that you have to keep in mind when installing shit. No doubt, it's a little daunting at first, but it sinks in eventually. I'll admit, laptops can be an exercise in rage, though.


t. linux user

Mate or XFCE ?


Maybe 7 was stable, but now it's a complete clusterfuck.

linux is great if you're lucky and your system works smoothly without tearing or graphics driver problems. If you have to tackle with those you're not going to have a good time.

>tearing is a problem
>disable your current shit compositor
>sudo apt install compton
>set to autostart: compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --vsync opengl-swc
>all problems fixed
Wow, that was so hard.

only stable linux is android. thanks, kikes.

doesn't work perfectly on all gpus my man. I use compton and it doesn't fix the problem completely

Works on Intel and AMD for me. I never used nVidia GPUs so I can't say if it works with them.