What are the definitive F-Droid applications?
What are the definitive F-Droid applications?
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Simple mobile tools
None they are all fucking shit
that's it
If no one else will mention it, Red Moon (FOSS version of Twilight)
What the fuck is the point of Yalp Store?
Night screen is also very good.
Twilight is more stable though. Redmoon crashed or glitched out so often that I just ponied up the dough for paid version of twilight
How good is ths Yalp Store compared to APKTrack? Does it really download unmodified APKs from the Play Store?
it's really good, don't need to have play store service installed, it downloads the apks directly from google servers by using a public account. The point is, if you have an open source android OS you can download all the play store apps without installing play service.
how do you get paid versions of apps?
I'm guessing you can use your own Google credentials on it? That's a good question.
You don't. Fucking buy or pirate
why does the calculator app needs to find accounts on my phone and needs network access?
it gives you a sign in prompt in the browser when you want to purchase an app or install the app you purchased. Tried this long ago but didn't work for me
idk i don't see any option, you can spoof your phone model tho
Aptoid, it compares the hashes of the apps and scans for viruses so you can pirate (almost) safely
good question
does this work with the poweramp unlocker? I already bought poweramp years ago but I recall it being notoriously hard to pirate/circumvent. Also, if you have something like yalp store or aptoide or whatever, does it keep your paid apps updated like play store? The convenience is the only reason I still use play store, if I could be read of it without losing those features, I'd do it in a heartbeat
Any reason I should use adaway instead of DNS66? DNS66 doesn't require root access and can also change DNS addresses.
Why are you not using clover?
Poweramp is easy as fuck to crack. Never bought the app in one year of daily usage. Just apply the second custom patch from lucky patcher and you're done
From varying sources, it seems that DNQ66 is a battery drainer. I never used it so I can't tell, but one of the strong points of Adaway is that blocking and you can add yourself websites to block
"By default Yalp Store connects to Google services using a built-in account, soyou do not have to own a Google account to use it. The only reason to use a live Google account is to access the paid apps you own."
Because Dashchan exists.
What do you mean by almost safe?
Words of advise
Don't install the latest version it crashes on boot
Frex, fractal generator. But it seems to have been removed.
Some of my favs are:
Password Store
Simple Loan Calculator
>still running kitkat
>can't have termux
kill me
Just look at the permissions that calculator app wanted. Holy SHIT
So don't install that calculator app. Wow that was hard.
Yalp Store is great I had no idea it worked so well.
It lasts only for a month. I switched to Neutron, it's more reliable to crack and doesn't need gapps.
Have any of you tried Blokada and is it any good compared to AdAway?
Why the fuck would you pay for apps you retard
Vpn based garbage.
I hope your rom has updated security level at least.
Oh, and I forgot, Net Monitor. It logs everything going on the network, and where it goes.
Adaway is better at blocking but requires root. DNS66 is slightly worse at blocking but doesn't need root to function.
Anyone else having trouble updating repository on F-droid?
it happens to me every once in a while, i just uninstall it and get the newest apk from the website
which net monitor?
I know right?
>Control vibration
sounds necessary for key presses
>Draw over other apps
Has a floating feature I guess?
>Full network access
Now what?!
>Prevent phone from sleeping
Necessary if you're doing long calculations
>Find accounts on the device
Seriously why?
Why isn't any video player in fdroid?
It does not sound good, searched if there was a behavior in this like, type and number and create a contact, but there isn't such thing.
Why is FOSS in general so shit for video?
all the best video players are foss
>Simple Loan Calculator
Yes, hehehe good goy.
Faggots this calculator is calculator by xylthe on play store. It has in app purchases on play store which doesn't work in fdroid version because fdroid strips off non free Google play billing library. So although the permissions are there, it doesn't work.
What do you guys use termux for?
Why not just use AOSP calculator?
It can be done in terminal emulator. Why do you need extra bloat of termux?
kde connect
osmand~(best map for highstoragespeed phones)
sms ping
survival guide
vx connectbot
my expenses
shader editor
arxiv mobile
Why is Adaway better at adblocking? You can add the same filter lists in both apps. Both of them are hosts-based ad blockers.
Why have Newpipe and Skytube? Is there a point to having both?
Not the guy, but my guess is Adaway actually edits the hosts file in root, while DNS66 probably adds another layer of abstraction that emulates a hosts functionality, which would likely consume more resources. At least, that's how it sounds like to me. (I don't know the internals of either of them for sure though)
yes absolutely. I use newpipe for the floating window feature and to download songs/videos. I use skytube because it has a working subscribe system unlike newpipe which requires an rss app and also use skytube for casual youtube watching.
how do you block ads?
Adaway can block ads on Lightning. Although it isn't as good as uBlock origin on Nightly.
Adaway directly blocks ads through the device host file. Thus DNS requests are never made.
DNS66 sets up a VPN and intercepts DNS requests through the VPN so as to block DNS requests. The result is that DNS66 runs (presumably) DNSMasq and a VPN passthrough, all of which requires overhead.
It's also possible to miss things occasionally through the DNS intercept approach, although this is super rare. Simply put, Adaway is just way better, but that's why it needs root. If you don't have root, use DNS66.
ghost commander
pixel dungeon
>doesn't block twitch ads
oh wait it does, nvm
How do you get adaway to work on nougat? It isnt working for me and i doubt that it is the OASP browser doing tricky shit. (lineage 14.1)
KISS launcher is great
Doesn't block youtube ads though
>ghost commander
Total commander and its plugins can be downloaded from the dev's website though.
Why aren't there any launchers that lets you group apps like any default ones do?
Also, maybe a stupid question but I can't find an app that gets the lockscreen to be a different image than the wallpaper.
Also, too normie to root. Pls be gentle.
Tons of them do. Nova Launcher is a must buy in my humble opinion. Just wait for it to go on sale (which it does regularly). So get the free version, go pro when it goes on sale :)
The lockscreen question depends on a couple of things. Some lockscreens might be locked to your wallpaper. You should be able to work around this with a different launcher, but depends on whether you use the built in gallery to set your wallpaper, or whether you set it through the launcher. Nova again. Use Nova to set your wallpaper and see what happens.
We were all normies once..
Adding onto what this user says about Nova, if you do buy prime on the play store you can email the dev and get a code for it so you dont need to have gapps.
I am able to set lockscreen separately here with Nova, but that might just be Lineage. YMMV on non "stock" android.
Hey, is there any FTP _client_ for android that is free software or at least open souce? Couldn't find any from F-Droid!
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Why isn't lawnchair on f-droid?