Best Buy Pulls Russian Anti-Virus

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Good move vest.
Fuckers should have inown better than to be ex KGB agents.
KGB once - forever KGB nobidy should ever be forgotten or firgiven.

They told Best buy employees to literally destroy anything with Kasperskys logo on it.

>making your russian botnet so obvious that even bestbuy refuses to sell it


Meh, I just walked into work one day and it was all gone.

In other news, I'm concerned on how this will affect business. I work in a store where the demographic is definitely older than other stores, and I don't want to hear some old fucker come in and say "You guys put Kaspersky on my computer and now I'm being hacked by the Russians." How is that good for business to pander to Russia-phobia while also telling your customers that they may now be vulnerable to some imaginary problem that you endorsed?

Russian here.
Kaspersky is literally an ex KGB agent and is often seen with active FSB agents so is his wife.
Putler's regime would never allow anything uncontrolled exist, they forced Durov out of VK and the country for refusing to give them telegram(dont be surprised if he suicides in the back of his head anyway).
I have no doubts putin has his tentacles in everytging Kadpersky/Yandex related.

As for your customers tell them "well at least Rusdians wont share your info with NSA/FBI, better to be spyed on from a safe distance"

>trusting anything russian that isnt a weapon

>bestbuy does something right for once
ok now lower those prices and replace all employees with more productive robo sluts

>post yfw

>comparing Putin to Hitler
Try harder shill.

>BestBuy removes one of the only antiviruses not to add exceptions for US state malware
Wew lad

>making excuses for russian spyware
I've used it for a year desu and it's actually just as useless as windows defender.
Malwarebytes is the literal only option.

>believing in russia
come on you lot...

nowadays you compare everything and anything to hitler, dumbass.

hitler from oxford dictionary --- a person I don't share my views with.

that said, putin is a dictator for western standards, but russians are more or less fine with that. they don't want your hypocrite democracy, and people who want to linch him want just another strong leader. not democracy.

source: I live in post-soviet shithole and I hate russia and russians. using word from putin-huilo's dicionary: I am a russophobe.

I forgot to mention I also hate communism and stallman but love linus and linux.

>refusing to give them telegram
Nigger, he bought telegram from some dev at a coding competition after he ran away to Germany.
Durov is a lying jew faggot.

I change my anti virus every 1 to 2 years, depending on the latest AV Comparatives report.

It doesn't really say why in the article... Kaspersky is rated high in all the AV tests, so why?

I'm sure they'll lose a total of 20 sales because of this.

love u user

>so why?
Literally because of the muhh Russia hysteria. It's one of the best cybersecurity firms out there.

>russian spyware
I dont suppose you have any evidence?


A simple 'no' would have sufficed

Where did he compare anyone to Hitler?

Here you go dumbass.


How about you read articles before you post them next time retard
>Emails show the security-software maker developed products for the FSB
>Kaspersky Lab has always acknowledged that it provides appropriate products and services to governments around the world to protect those organizations from cyberthreats,
Kys shill

This is very interesting if true and I thought it could possibly be because they were blocking something frowned upon by our intelligence communities here.

>make statement
>refuse to back it up

fuck off shill. go back to pol retarded redneck.

>these same Kaspersky Lab experts then issued a “protective patch” (that fixes computer security vulnerabilities) to “close” this CIA “backdoor” from ever being opened again.
Wait so I can reduce macroshafts botnet by using karpsersky? woah, I bet no other western software is capable of this, now im seriously thinking of getting it, dont want to get cryptoramson'ed courtesy of microsoft itself desperate for me updating to w10

>source: I live in post-soviet shithole and I hate russia and russians.
rabbi, we meet again

ukraine? give it back, chaim...

Can anyone confirm?, sounds reasonable and I would like to patch my computer