Redpill me on Soulseek

Redpill me on Soulseek

better than private trackers

absolute shit


Just install it and try it. It takes two seconds holy shit. Completely useless post

It works as advertised.
Some users are cool and will share ultra special albums if you ask them nicely.

t.fell for the /marked/ meme and its fucking nothing.

I am using it, but what I mean is: is it good according to Sup Forums? What about botnet? Better alternatives that access the same libraries? Etc


I actually use Nicotine+, though.

It's just P2P. I found all sorts of books and music. Who cares what Sup Forums thinks it works. You'll of course find more specific things on private trackers. And as always use caution when downloading things

This. The slsk community is really fucking cool.

>It's just P2P.
Well that's blatantly ignorant. Have you never visited a p2p thread on Sup Forums before? People sure seem to be splitting hairs over what is apparently "just p2p".