ITT: Compress this image

It has to be in color, and you have to be able to see contours.

Other urls found in this thread:


Compression is technology

do I win anything?

>creates compression thread
>original image already has PNG artifacting

I win


when will resolutlets learn?

maek jpg because photo, then imageoptim@70%

Do not compress images, they become unbearable to look at after spanning multiple years through hundreds of computers.


another one

Wrote a new compression algorithm just for you


You're right. It's because of rotational velocidensity, isn't it? That's why lossless is the best.

convert -strip -interlace Plane -gaussian-blur 0.05 -quality 1% 1505126569624.png result.jpg




it's difficult to present results given Sup Forums limitations. Any and all jpegs would be parsed through mozjpeg's "jpegtran -revert" effectively losing any optimization in size. webp are not allowed. flif are not allowed. bpg are not allowed. you name it, it's not allowed.
anyway. have this 1-frame webm.

spruced it up a bit

colours ..... checked
contours .... checked

fuck this is hard


what do I win?


you win. 8kb, all that detail, you cannot beat this.

I win faggots, best quality for size

too much quality

there are no indications about quality and size in OP. If we literally only care about colour and contours, a dumbed down version of is fine too.

just take it further. im impressed with the cleanliness of your compression.

it ain't even that good.
Pic related is 4,8 KiB before uploading. It will get bloated up to 15 KiB because of

converted to .jpg, lowered quality a bit

you lost the fold in the center of the flower. your first was the sweet spot

What if you traced it as line art, colored it flat and saved it as .png?

the "first one" was not mine. this is with the smallfry algo. It weights 4931 bytes ( 4.8 KiB ) before uploading, and has the central blurry fold you like.

-qmax=2... 5983 bytes ( 5.8 KiB )

-qmax=3... 7335 bytes ( 7.16 KiB )

-qmax=4... 8721 bytes ( 8.51 KiB )

my attempt

...and webm

Might be 10kb but it takes forever to load.

It works instantly on my machineĀ®

should work if you're using botnet browser


mirin' all those details

why did I spend time doing this

>why did I spend time doing this
because you're escaping from reality doing trivial tasks on the interwebs.
excellent work. But you missed the chance to halve the size of that png without further loss in quality.

Most of Sup Forums is mobile. Paste the image properties instead.

>Most of Sup Forums is cancer
I know, I know.
>Paste the image properties instead
mobile or desktop is irrelevant. It's almost exactly the same of the 1-frame webm.


is webm vector based?

I just noticed that was edited in 4.0.17 in sRGB with intent=perceptual and this leads to a slightly different colourspace extra chunks are removed and the images are opened in browsers. Something like pic related would match the original colourspace better in this case.

>different colourspace extra chunks
*different colourspace if extra chunks
just vp8, motion vectors as described in RFC 6386 should be irrelevant for still images

So...gardenfag here..does OP know the rose he's wishing to compress? I'd smite the hell out of my neighbor Mr. Fancy Exotic Bloom-pants with that shit...


is this a new AI?
Hi, Siri
You're drunk again, Siri

Op here. Sadly he does not. Sorry.