Sup Forums related webms

can we have a thread please?

i'll dump some

Other urls found in this thread:



shit, sorry wrong webm







Whats inside the tube?


Okay, whats that


i actually have a cord like this, it's been lying in my drawer for god knows how long. Apparently they are used in switzerland and liechtenstein, the more you know...

If technology advances enough, we'll get there.

I give it 10-20 years.

that's a human bean


>What's your day job?
>Detailing dildos.


ok wtf happened here

Cherenkov radiation gives me an erection.


the muslim hoards will destroy the west before this happens ;(

The only thing they got right with Dr. Manhattan.


that is very erotic

What they don't tell you is that that video is sped up.

probably a leak in a car that runs on liquefied natural gas. Its popular in countries where petrol would be significantly more expensive than lng.

so you're telling me if I put a dildo on that snake arm and shined a blue light on my butt it would take a long time for it to get in position?

Yes, more than a minute.

I can't wait that long

Get two and shine a blue light on your mouth, maybe that will make the waiting bearable.

maybe you should stop hoarding muslims then

But why, there's no fundamental reason why it couldn't be 10x faster

It's not the final version

They should have sped it up more.

Now it just looks dumb.


anyone got sauce ?

an MMD animation
that's all there is to it

Jewgle, iqdb, tineye, yandex don't give me any useful information.

I need to know the author so I can furiously masturbate.



I've got zero problems with this. I fucking hate inconsistent texture in wieners. I could puke whenever I bite on a tougher piece of chunk.

same desu senpai

Didn't came here to cringe.

I fucking love these... some jap on twitter have a whole lot of these webms where he does creepy shit

that's cool but also massively overcomplicated for what it's doing

was this made by germans?

I think it's disgusting outright and don't touch processed meats at all

Literally only eat chicken and fish now.



stop mocking me

i would never

Fuck you

I need those MMD wrestling webms now.

If someone wonders what autism is just watch this


do you have any tall girl or /ss/ ?

>not dragon dildos
so close.


bump for great justice

b-but thats where my poop comes from onii-chan!

Imagine the love and care that goes into drawing veins on dildoes.

Fucking majestic, man.

Explanation? Chernobyl?


what is feels like after installing Arch

ur moms dildo


That's a research reactor giving off Cherenkov radiation (cool blue light)

Perfectly safe since the reactor core is deep underwater

>20 more years!

How to Basic is lower than reddit tier humor.

Only water gives off that blue glow.

When people near a reactor report seeing it in air, that's just the radiation lighting up the fluid in their eyes.

Aah, feels good being vegan

Ferromagnetic fluid

If a charged particle is travelling faster than light would in some medium (like water), it will give off light. It's sort of like a sonic boom.


i wanna resize these to be postable

Nvidia VS Nouveau

Nvidia 1

