/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser

We are making a web browser!
PREVIOUSLY: In the face of recent changes in Firefox and Chrome some anons were asking for a Sup Forums's perfect web browser, we collected the most wanted here and plan on continuing with the creation.

To contribute follow the WORK PLAN, join the IRC to ask developers for a repo, and get to programming!
IRC on Rizon: #Sup Forumsnetrunner

Website: netrunner.cc/
Youtube: youtube.com/channel/UCes2uiC-4xSBwqnldCFbh4Q
Twitter: twitter.com/Team_NetRunner
Gitgud: gitgud.io/odilitime/netrunner/
Teknik: git.teknik.io/gyroninja/netrunner

Look at the features list and implement them, ask what is currently being worked on if you don't know.

FEATURES pastebin.com/bnUU6kcu
FAQ pastebin.com/gjp7QmQJ

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Appimages are superior to snaps

Current progress report from last thread:
tl;dr: major changes that you can't see

I've been doing a major refactor, throwing out half the code in some files. Means no new features but removes barriers to adding them. Most of the directory structure has been moved around to better reflect our future.

All the OpenGL/glfw code is now container in only 2 classes. Paving the way for older OpenGL support, framebuffer and textual interface.

However OpenGL optimizations did take a step backwards: resizing is super fast but a render (which only happens on load or on resize) is much slower. Though this new structure will allow for texture atlasing.

Doing research on how I want to structure my javascript interpreter for next week's work. Also spent some time today on research for vi-style key bindings and looked into reproducible-builds.org/.

A lot of breaking things that used to work. Spending hours finding the change that broke them before fixing and repeating.

You're not the real odilitime, nice try

>Paving the way for older OpenGL support, framebuffer and textual interface.
I have a boner every time I hear framebuffer


found it, fixed. Confirmed to be real SpaceOdili

in the tests directory

>A lot of breaking things that used to work.
>Spending hours finding the change that broke them before fixing and repeating.
Neither of these should happen if you have proper tests and use version control correctly. Lrn2bisect, lrn2tests.

doesn't stop them from breaking.
doesn't stop me figure out what change it was in a batch
nor do they increase my understanding of what's going on (keep in mind, I'm not the original dev on this stuff)


pls, method="get" needs to work asep

Tests means things should never break. If they break it's because whoever accepted the PR should be banned from the project, period. Tests should be run automatically with a hook. The tests passing should be a mandatory condition for PRs to be accepted (barring forced-acceptance). If a moron was moronic enough to accept a shit PR and was throw off the project as a result as he should be, then whoever's left needs to write the appropriate regression tests. This is literally minimal effort. Thus, nothing should break. Including this, if you knew how2bissect (which you have proven you don't), it would take you all of 5 minutes of watching H videos to learn what broke it.

Touchy aren't we? I bet you work in a stiff working environment. Not that I say you are wrong in your post.

We're not dealing with PRs or commits here, we're talking about architectural changes. Where if we miss something from the old model, we need to figure out how to get it to work in the new model.

Testing just tells me something is broken. It's obvious that it's broken, that's not the problem. Also we have CI.

More testing wouldn't save us any time at all at this point in the project life cycle.

he's just inexperienced in anything but TDD. He'll learn one day.

There's nothing worse than a fucking moron self-approving his own PR that breaks the entire stack because the clown decided that changing the entire API without fixing any of the users of the API in the codebase was acceptable, except when said clown also decides to deprecate all tests because failing tests = broken tests, not broken code.

>the dev says literally above that the code gets thrown around and refactored a lot at this stage
>hur dur wher my tests
you're braindead. tests are useless at this point, and especially with rendering code

Get a job, loser.

go rewrite some tests faget because the ones you did on wednesday are already useless

Getting better

They're not, actually, because I'm not a plant in the head.

Who is migrating away from chrome/firefox to another browser this week? I am moving to Uzbl myself.

I moved to Vivaldi myself about a week ago. Very nice browser.

This project looks really promising though, and I can't wait to see how it progresses. Best of luck to everyone working on it!

>Net Runner Logo
Net Run

>no tests
hahaha u people are fucking retarded

I did everything it asked me to but it doesn't work

remove the ./ if you installed it via a package manager, or if it doesn't work cd to where you put the folder in and run it from there

>he does not understand basic shells


I'm currently only using browsers that are adnauseam compatible for the next few months

the netrunner folder is in /usr/local/bin but you try to run it in ~, what could be the problem?

they're not because your project is either not that complex or not that new

do a basic linux cli tutorial dude

t. never had a job in his life

Holy shit, I wasn't aware odili was working on this.

Is this your first time in a netrunner thread? He's been here since the beginning

not the beginning but since late-june

actually I work in gamedev. our tests are sub minimal wage Sup Forumstard monkeys pressing random buttons 8 hours a day :^)

>Is this your first time in a netrunner thread?
yes, except for the very first threads
Honestly I wasn't even aware this project was still alive.
Good luck though, it's unbelievable how shitty the currect crop of browsers are.

Thanks for confirming you've never had a job :^)

Odilitime, can you do a webm showing off latest features? If there is anything of note to show off

lmao testlets always get so mad when they hear that some people don't have to waste time on their bullshit

Keep up the good work

YouTube channel is best for that:

Nothing really new since earlier this week due to

It's OK, when you graduate from middleschool you'll understand.


Does this mean I won't have to have the latest versions of glew and glfw soon?

where can I post a pdf of the aesthetic logo.

alternatively, here is a super hi res version easily traceable.

Just looked at 1.x of GLEW, there's no reason the current code based shouldn't work with it. It looks like the same exact API.

no plans on supporting older GLFW any time soon. Older OpenGL is coming though.

Could you update the requirements on the README if GLEW 1.x works rather than requiring 2.0?

The README doesn't say 2.0 is required. Just that it works with 2.0.

Super HiRes 8k logo

Don't get demotivated by those pricks you're doing a good job anoon

Which version is better for the slogan, Sup Forums?
>Moonman moonman can't you see?
>Google and skype must hang from trees.
>Moonman moonman can't you see?
>Chrome and gayfox must hang from trees.


lmao, the comments here

Sup Forums did it, this is the most autistic browser of all time.

Well since it works now with 1.x, can you update it to say it works with 1.x?

I am saving this webm for posterity

Just contribute to the Brave github instead of wating your time with this literal who browser. Brave is based.

I didn't change anything. I just read the docs for 1.13 and it looks compatible. Notes say it doesn't work with 1.3, so guessing not all 1.x works. I'll need someone with 1.3 to tell me/why how it is broken. So there is no need to update the docs beyond maybe saying 1.13 looks to work

>just contribute to a codebase that doesn't exist
>just contribute to a cuckbase that doesn't exist
>just contribute to a cuckbase that doesn't exist so that 0 good browser is ever made
>just contribute to a cuckbase that doesn't exist so that 0 good browser is ever made and on top of that all your online activity is constantly tracked by every single browser that even exists
>just contribute to a cuckbase that doesn't exist so that 0 good browser is ever made and on top of that all your online activity is constantly tracked by every single browser that even exists, good goy

variant with rounded ends


Our new logo

That's more like it. But it would be more appropriate to use a cropped H pic.


wrong purple

SVG Logo Here:


Save as a text file ending in .svg

SVG Logo with Rounded Corners


Save as a text file ending in .svg

netrunner: error while loading shared libraries: libGLEW.so.2.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

On arch...

install the requirements:
sudo pacman -Suy glew glfw freetype2 harfbuzz mbedtls

Wait these niggers are actually using GLEW in a web browser?

Sup Forums really is a shithole

This thread: an autist showing his theme switching and unfunctional "browser" and a bunch of retards trying to create a logo, Sup Forums is truly a meme.

This browser won't be usable till next summer

>can't even render the first website correctly


This shit doesn't even support other keyboard layouts than the murrican one

I like this design to be honest

chromeshill is in full force today

I'm using firefox tho

So wait, I can finally compile on Windows?

Net Runner was a mistake.

Why not call it Foxrunner or Dieselsaurus?

I'm starting to think it is due to the incompetence of the team behind it. But the concept is great and the branding is great at least.


For example They have little/no experience in even college-level software development and the software is already crippled by it.

However, all current browsers are dogshit and we need a new one probably completely written from scratch, that much is definitely true.

>Implying I'm involved in this shitfest

HELL NO, the last part was good news so don't start making critics to strong points.

Looks like you replied to the wrong post. Sad!

Are you helping with the code? Because that would totally make your argument valid,

ah no dl tag support, easily added.

Your drivers don't support OpenGL 3.2

We're working on finding a solution

Guys no need to include a bookmark manager, make it separate linux-magazine.com/Online/Blogs/Productivity-Sauce/The-Simplest-Bookmarking-Solution

Why does it need OpenGL

Because it won't need other graphic library. Although they should use svgalib instead.

dyld: Library not loaded: libGLEW.2.0.0.dylib

Guck why am I ble3ding !!!!!

The score upset me, tried a cubic one and it looked unsettling. Went with 3 streaks instead.

weird, it should be included in the zip and changed to look locally. Try the 9-3 zip off the repo page:

Jesus Christ it just looks like shit.

Keep the good work!