How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?

How do you hide your pornography, Sup Forums?

I have a 500GB internal hard drive that I harvested off of an old computer. Whenever I want to jerk off, I retrieve the HDD from a box under my bed, after which I will open my computer case and connect the HDD to the computer's motherboard and PSU (after making sure the fans have stopped whirring, of course).

This ought to prevent family members from coming across my explicit material, as I doubt any of them are tech literate enough to connect an internal hard drive to a computer (they also all have super thin Macbooks, and I doubt those have SATA ports, kek). But is this enough of a deterrent? Of course not.

When the HDD has been connected to the machine, no porn will be found. Why? Because it's encrypted, and the only way to unencrypt it is with a 7 word passphrase I have invented specifically for this purpose using Diceware.

So let's say that the HDD has been connected, and that the porn has been unencrypted and the virtual drive B: has been fully mounted. Am I ready to fap now? Of course not.

Now I have to figure out exactly what I want to do. For you see, my hard drive contains the following programs:

-Web browser
-File manager with built-in image viewer and video player
-Torrent client
-Kodi (why? we'll get to that)

This means that all porn-related activities are isolated to this hard drive.

For now, let's say I want to enjoy one of the many lesbian JAVs I have stored on this hard drive. I could just double-click on the video I want to see, right? Of course not.

For you see, when I jerk off, I like to lay on my bed and watch porn on the flat screen television I have hanging on my wall. The problem with this arrangement is that I also want to enjoy the sound of Japanese lesbians screaming with pleasure (or pain? You can never really be sure); this is difficult to do on the TV, as the loud speakers will be non-discrete, to put it lightly. All hope is lost, right? Of course not.

Other urls found in this thread:

For you see, I have found a solution to this problem. Before commencing with my private sexy time, I will open a program that will stream the audio coming from the computer to my smartphone with low latency. Before I can open this program, however, I must set the bitrate of my computer's audio device to 44100 Hz, as this will improve the streaming quality. Now my smartphone can be used as a wireless headset.

All of the practical things have been sorted out. Now I just need to open Kodi, which is a media player that can be controlled using my wireless Xbox 360 controller; then pick my lesbian JAV and enjoy.

After my selfish act of hedonism is complete, I must repeat the entire process backwards.

In the end I put the hard drive back in the box under my bed, where it shall remain for the next 14 days.

Like that.

It's in a directory called "pornography". I have a symlink to it in my home folder.

Stop saving porn.

>hiding porn

In plain sight

Non-autists just keep it in ~/porn and encrypt there home partition.

I have an internal hard drive. The volume label is "Porn.". When I think someone might see it, I remember that I'm an adult and don't care if people know I have sexual desire.

Also, OP, I don't think you need to worry about your mom finding out. For you see, when she does your laundry, I'm sure the cumstains in your underwear clued her in.

Because I am not an underage faggot.

Because I'm not underage anymore and don't live with my parents.

I keep all porn on desktop. Not in folders or whatever, just on plain sight.

Like this, in local disk D. I also have a shortcut to it on the taskbar.

I don't care about my family members, I guess they would never tell me anything if they found my porn.

I don't even a porn folder, I leave them in my default torrent downloads folder.

By going to secret mode or incognito mode on my browser.

$ df -h /media/porn/
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/veracrypt3 1.0T 591G 434G 58% /media/porn


2TB drive that's called "Guess what this is for" tbqhwy

shredded all my porn last week I feel bad desu
before that it was in my lewd folder

I am an adult and don't have to hide my porn though I don't save it in the first place I just look at what I wanna see on the web and be done with it

>not having wetdreams anymore

>fetish pro card
>if it's full then it's full no more stuff of same genre
>only good stuff gets archived

Truecrypt file with 27 character password, hidden among rom collections.

Mines on an external and in a drive /new folder/ porn

I have an external HDD with stuff I can't find on streams

>A simple search for .hc files would find it easily

>Downloading porn
Is this 2000 again?

>How do you hide your pornography
I dont

dont forget to delete all the loli thumbnails/file names in million different places that windows saves them, also dont forget temp files, file indexer, system restore, recent doc list

on other words you are fucked there is traces of porn all over your drive

you need to be 18 to post here

Normie detected

it's in a directory called BIGCOCKS and that seems to be enough to deter anyone from exploring it

I have ubuntu so no normie would successfully find my stash. but it's called .inv in my pictures directory.

haha holy fuck op im dying

I dont even know what classifies as 'normie' these days

>incognito mode
>search for it.

the only porn i save is porn i want people to find

You're a walking meme

>saving porn

Nigga just open the file lol

I open Files and type


In a folder I keep on my desktop called titties:D

Why hide it you sick fuck


The process begins with making high bitrate audio recordings of my vinyl collection on a turntable. This is a ridiculous practice since the noise floor of those things is so high that the last 7 bits of a 16 bit recording go practically unused, but there are enough morons out there popularizing it that it provides decent plausible deniability. A custom software program I wrote hides the porn in these noise bits of every sample of the recording, which is then losslessly compressed. I then split the files into four groups of 64 kilobyte chunks. These chunks are separately encrypted, and then distributed to servers in four different jurisdictions around the world. Each encryption key consists of three pieces: a hardware token, a retinal scan of my dog's left eye, and a 16 character random password.

>That's impossible to access.

>Impossible? To do the impossible is your job.

>internet goes down

It's funny that now Sup Forums has evolved into such a normie fest that users on Sup Forums don't even know why you could possibly want to encrypt or even download porn, as everything they access is videos online lol.

I don't because I'm not an underage faggot or retarded manchild that still lives with his mother.

There is noting wrong with living with your parents in 2017, my two older siblings do it aswell

>not opening it under Sandboxie, then shredding your sandbox after you're done.

shush, what they don't know can't hurt them :>

I download porn, there's just no reason to hide it. Who is using your computer?

I thought I was the only one.

I save /d/ shit all over the place casually in random folders.
Someone casually looking at silly pictures of animals and suddenly BAM, dick-necks.

Yeah, keep telling yourself that, you fucking pathetic loser.

Kids these days refuse to grow up. It was only a few decades ago that most when they hit 19 or 20 transitioned into adulthood. These days we are lucky if this happens by the age of 40.

This has to be sorted. We are doomed otherwise

On my airgapped, unidirectional ingest 50TB NAS with 4 4k monitors courtesy of a firepro W4100. Password protected of course. I don't do LUKS since it's insecure. The case is locked and inside a locked server cabinet. It's not just for porn. Only about 15TB is porn and 8TB of that is sweet sweet mature and granny porn. I want to see every wrinkle.

fix the job market first

how are you to grow up when you don't have access to the well paying jobs out of hs anymore?
it's not really the kids' fault, they have no power over the situation.

Its more than that mate. I wish it was that simple

>t's not really the kids' fault, they have no power over the situation.
Correct pal, but like I said above, access to employment is just part of the issue. Our problems run deeper than this.

Who cares. The next generation will catch twice as much shit when robots, AI, and professionally entrenched millennials run them out of the workforce.


i hide my pornography but not having it on my computer or devices at all, how can you find something that doesnt exist?
wow so hard

sure, just always get mad with people putting the blame on others who really are not to blame at all.

You come back when you have came up with a solution to limited 3D space.
You'll be a trillionaire if you manage to figure out how to shrink things / weaken the strong force or access other dimensions.
Until then, quit your bitching.
That stupid fucking mentality is why nobody CAN move out because fucking boomercunts.

Then the job market is absolutely fucking worthless, as is general currency.
The dollar is fucking worthless inside the US. Half the damn country are on permanent welfare.
You can't do SHIT.
Insurance is through the roof, half the fucking time they don't pay out using all kinds of legal loopholes. Nobody is loaning. Nobody is giving mortgages. But damn you will find every person ever with 15 credit cards with all of them in 10 kinds of debt.

This whole "man if you've not moved out you are a PUSSY" mentality has ruined society.
And we think WE have it hard. Holy FUCK the generations after us are so fucked.
Millennials and GenZ are going to suffer horribly with shit health, shit food, shit job prospects, even more worthless economy, shittier housing.
Then there is automation right around the corner.
I can see considerable numbers of them living off permanent welfare for life.
This might be the generation that never work.
You'd think that was a good thing, but with the current world, it absolutely is not.
Never needing to work is not going to be a Good Thing until at least 150-300 years when space mining leads to a post-scarcity society.

I wish my tastes were so vanilla that I didn't need to save things

How do you think the species is going to far when kids are eventually running the world? People realize today what is happening, why it happens and the potential disaster that is ahead. No-one is listening though.

-t Baby Boomer

>Until then, quit your bitching.
I'm not bitching, just warning you out.
>Insurance is through the roof, half the fucking time they don't pay out using all kinds of legal loopholes. Nobody is loaning. Nobody is giving mortgages. But damn you will find every person ever with 15 credit cards with all of them in 10 kinds of debt.
You refer to what could loosely be described as the many inevitabilities of capitalism.
>This whole "man if you've not moved out you are a PUSSY" mentality has ruined society.
Nope. It has assisted in the pussification of people who would normally be classed as adults, but sadly never look like reaching this point.
>And we think WE have it hard. Holy FUCK the generations after us are so fucked.
Yep. Agreed.
I hope this thread is still here in a few hours. I have to go out for a while. But my theses on this matter all center primarily around tech.
The tech itself or its infrastructure is not the issue. Rather how it is used, why it is used in a certain way, and the ways that tech specifically delivers information to our brains.

You need to grow up (its not your fault that you cannot though).
There are some 'boomers' that genuinely wish to help

>not all boomers

>>Insurance is through the roof, half the fucking time they don't pay out using all kinds of legal loopholes. Nobody is loaning. Nobody is giving mortgages. But damn you will find every person ever with 15 credit cards with all of them in 10 kinds of debt.
Uh no screwing people over for there money is not part of capitalism. This is especially true were it is almost mandatory you can have capitalism and protect consumer rights it is not mutually exclusive
inb4 tumplerfag


t. Not 12 yo

Forgot to put >You refer to what could loosely be described as the many inevitabilities of capitalism.

why would i hide it? currently on my laptop and videos are in ~/Video and images in ~/Pictures and its not even encrypted but you have to know that the file manager opens from f2 and f3 opens the web browser if you want to see the new tab page or browser history. it might work as "encryption" for normies.

I hide it before it gets to my harddrive.
I hide it when it appears in the catalog on Sup Forums.
most importantly, I don't download it.

in a .folder/

I live alone so I just keep it in a folder named "lewd" in my pictures folder.

I just encrypt my hard drives with veracrypt anyways so who gives a shit. Even if someone stole my computer they couldn't get into it.

If you don't have all your storage mediums encrypted in 2017 you're doing something wrong.

My pr0n is on my desktop. Zero fucks given.

i dont because i worry that i forget the decryption password and lose the files.

or that the encypted partition gets corrupted. it happened to me once when i was still using windows and enabled bitlocker.

If you want to encrypt use linux.
BTRFS or ZFS containers only.



>hiding porn
Why would it make it so difficult to fap? Keep it on your desktop for ez access senpai, that way you never miss a MOMENT

i just keep all my porn on a 64gb microsd card so i can easily destroy if something happens even though there is nothing illegal on it

>all that shit
>censored JAVs

Sounds like a lot of work for scrambled mosiac porn.

underage b8

>Pirating games

I just push the "Encrypt Folder" option on my flashdrive's porn folder. Will stop any average normie from seeing my scat hentai should they steal my drive

I have it all on my desktop because I'm not fucking 15 years old you underage little shit

Back in 2005 when I was underage I would install a video game and then put in one of the folders. One day I wised up and made a "textures" folder where it contained pornography. Now that I'm an adult I stopped because pornography is degrading to women.

adults don't encrypt.

I dont? who the fuck else is using my computer but me?

It's all stored on PornHub's servers so I don't have to worry about that shit anymore. I also use my laptop for porn so I can leave it unplugged in case I suddenly die mid-fap so the battery will die before my corpse is found.

Oh shit, you also use soundwire? I find that the latency is about 300 milliseconds and I correct in software with video player, do you have about the same? Also how do you correct for sound latencey in browser? haven't been able to find an answer

what if they walk in on you jerking off

i hardcoded my porn into my version of emacs

Have you considering setting up an operating system on the disk and then using vmware to use the drive to boot a VM which you can access your media and the configurations for your media player and bittorent client without having to deal with if something autocomplete in some search bar that family could find as mentioned in The VM seems like the logical progression.

I don't jerk it to porn very often, since I get hyper-desensitized easily. Like to the point where I'll be fucking an actual girl, get bored, and won't be able to finish.

When I do indulge in a video-assisted wank, I simply open up Chromium in incognito mode, and visit
Once I close the window, no evidence remains on my computer.
