Why should I use linux over windows if my main use for a computer is video games and I don't want to spend half an hour setting up more difficult software to do so?
Why should I use linux over windows if my main use for a computer is video games and I don't want to spend half an hour...
If your main use for a computer is video games you should fuck off back to
Sorry, I forgot Sup Forums is only for people whose careers are quickly being taken over by pooinloos.
Go back to Sup Forums onii-chan ^3^
probably because americans care more about video games
This is spot on.
looks like he touched a nerve, rajesh
>being this asshurt over gamers
There;s nothing wrong with gaming, Sup Forums just gets anal pained for pointless elitism against Sup Forums
If anything gaming funds the development of hardware, we should be thankful for it
Someone's mad they have a useless degree now. Too bad you make such shit life decisions
>half an hour
Oh, you wish you could do it in that amount of time, brainlet.
>there's nothing wrong with being a neet man child
Why are so many Sup Forums faggots here?
Yes, you should go back onii-chan
So many faggots biting this glaringly obvious bait. Sup Forums has an average iq of 70
>Implying you're a neet manchild simply for enjoying some video games
Wew lad
>playing video games makes you a neet
>having one hobby makes you a manchild, but assuming you know someone's entire life by their one hobby that millions of people participate in doesn't
The door is that way
I'm bored.
>neet man child defense force
Videogames are technology you dumbasses, and contribute to high end technology which helps fund research and the enterprise side
If your main use for a computer is games, don't use linux. Yeah, there's some games available for Linux, but not everything you're going to want to play is compatible. Or rather, easily compatible. Linux is for work or maybe as a hobby.
>Not an argument
If u know where is it, why are u still here onii-chan?
Go buy intel covfefe kid.
>Why should I use linux over windows if my main use for a computer is video games
People are absolutely right when they're pointing you to Why would you ask it here?
There is a board for that shit
>Linux is for work
Yeah have fun in LibreOffice
I know this is bait, but seriously, I can't take anymore of this.
either actually LEARN informatics or fuck off.
I'm sick, physically and emotionally sick, of your incessant shitposting.
If you don't understand a topic, don't comment on it.
Linux is the furthest away from being obsolete compared to the proprietary and bricked shitfest that is Macintosh software and hardware, or the banal and bloated botware of Micropenis.
If you want play your shitty AAA games (in which they don't even bother anymore), rather than actually contribute to intelligent technology related discussion? That's great.
But newsflash!
We have a containment board for that rubbish:
>Go home!
>Picture very much related, it is you trying to browse and understand TRUE Sup Forumsthreads.
>making animated gifs of yourself
Did reddit teach you that
>being this assblasted over some dumb gaymer bait
Jesus I agree with most of what you're saying, but you don't have to be a complete autist about it
You just made yourself look retarded by posting this.
>I'm a neet man child that plays video games all day
>but you're the one who looks stupid
lol ok
>go to Sup Forums if your main use of a computer is video games
The hardware used to run these games aren't video games last time I checked.
>Why should I use Linux if there are more games for Windows??
>Why should I use Xbox if there are more games for Playstation??
These are practically the same question and they belong to Sup Forums.
I meant like programming or networking kinda work.
So are you a pajeet or do you have brain defects? Why can't you read?
I was talking about doing work, not playing games. OpenOffice/LibreOffice is Microsoft Office's retarded cousin. GIMP and photoshop are the same.
>calling other people neet manchildren on an anonymous paddle boarding forum makes me feel better about myself
>check out my thousand dollar computer to play video games xd
>should I buy an ssd
Yeah no thanks,
You fags have no self awareness
Don't even play video games you raging autist, just enjoy you getting absolutely assblasted over other people playing them
I play videogames and I use linux
You shouldn't, games are proprietary anyway.
Install gentoo.
>contribute to high end technology
Made me kek. We should burn our CS, CE and EE degrees and start gayming and be a retarded consumer and beg for buttcoin fags to lower the barrier for the (((contribution))) of high end technology.
Why are murdering threads on Sup Forums if your computer is only for video games?
If you want to play vydia gayms you get a PS4
windows is for werk
Well.. in thus situation you dont have reason to go to linux. Windows is still alot better for gaming os because windows "Just works" for every game.
Linux only works with games made for linux with wine you will get issues.
But hey linux is getting better with games, valve actually made a great job with linux steam.
Couldn't run doom3 on w7. On wine it just werks. Also there are many legacy game that incompatible with recent versions of windows.
>linux thread
>posts breadsticks
fuck you OP, now i want breadsticks
>wanting bread sticks
Get your anus here
>why should i use gentoo over ubuntu if my main use for a computer is taking notes and I don't want to spend a couple of hours setting up config files?