This uses 20% of one CPU with one tab watching Twitch.
Vivaldi uses ~ 80%, same with Chrome. Firefox is 60%.
Combined with uBlock advanced mode + JSBlocker, this seems like the best browsing experience.
This uses 20% of one CPU with one tab watching Twitch.
Vivaldi uses ~ 80%, same with Chrome. Firefox is 60%.
Combined with uBlock advanced mode + JSBlocker, this seems like the best browsing experience.
What fucking CPU are you using holy shit.
safari is comfy af
only problem is webms
>not piping your twitch streams through mpv and chatting on irc
I have an old ass i5 2500 (stock speeds) and my cpu usage is almost nothing right now. Fuck using the shitty web player in your browser
I dunno why but Twitch seems to guzzle CPU cycles on all my machines. It's especially a problem for laptops because when the CPU starts working hard you have to deal with fan noise while you're watching. One of my laptops is a real piece of shit that struggles with running twitch at all without stuttering and buffering, so hopefully this will fix that.
Of course what really needs to happen is for twitch to fix their shit, but we all know that they fucking never will.
I know that feel, and the VLC plugin got removed from their site.
>plebs will never know this feel
using an actual media player is so much better than a browser
Firefox doesn't have this problem.
Safari is really good at using SIMD or GPU to off load video shit.
It's pretty much the only thing it does better than Chrome or Firefox.
I was using 56, let me try Nightly. Thanks.