/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
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2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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$ man %command%
$ info %command%
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$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

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$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

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First for shitposting

first for stopping 'first for' posts

darn i was too late

Install Gentoo

Reminder that there's NOTHING wrong with systemd. Just embrace the future already, luddites

>Computer is loud as a fuck and fan always blasting
>Computer quiet as a church mouse and never is loud unless a very demanding program is running

>Reminder that there's NOTHING wrong with systemd. Just embrace the future already, luddites

>init system having anything to do with fan utilization

You are retarded.

There was a real night and day difference in computer performance with systemd and sysvinit

You're running the same software, retard. What starts some of your software has no impact on the software itself, you idiot.
You're on a technology related forum, stop embarrassing yourself by lacking basic knowledge.


Systemd has huge amount of control over the OS compared to sysvinit, far less is happening so less demand on the computer.

>systemd cannot be the reason your computer is slow. c-come on guys

Isn't there a common issue with systemd overheating the computer forcing it to turn the fans on more often?

halp. trying to update manjaro, and pacman says it can't find libcrypto.so ...

give us the command you ran the the error message it produced

pacman -Syu
all happening after i did a pacman-mirror -g

backup and reinstall

Must be faulty fans, not a bug.

What hosts file is Sup Forums approved and how do I keep it up to date?

Is there a gnu+linux package that takes care of this for me?

Never happens with sysvinit on the same computer

Post proof you retard. Show me that programs behave differently when systemd starts them.

yes. it's called a fucking DNS server

That's the true Linux way, continuing in the grand tradition of Windows. Debugging the system is a waste of time. And god forbid the kernel hits a BUG_ON, all good kernel developers should use WARN_ON when their code generates an invariant. Users don't want to see any pesky kernel panics.

>Wire optical mouse is dead
>get Wireless optical mouse pic related
>Doesn't work
I've tested the mouse under different machine and it worked just fine.
lsusb shows the device ID only with no other info.
Any idea how to get it working?

Other programs do the same when you use sysvinit. Just because some program under the sysvinit umbrella doesn't do it, doesn't mean other programs don't. localhost
::1 localhost

Any gentoo users here?
How do I find out which scripts are stated at which runlevel in OpenRC?

A little hint, you utter retard.
You used sysvinit, which means you used a different distribution, which means you used different software and different software versions, including the most important part: kernel.

Stop posting you fucking mongrel. You have no idea what you're talking about and you keep getting disputed but you still keep insisting your retarded spewing is true.


systemd constantly runs in the background and does more than start programs, retard. sysvinit is just an init and systemd is a lot more

It's so obvious you're a systemd shill it's not even funny.


rc-service or something like that

Those are other programs, not the init part of systemd.

It's so obvious that you're an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about so you can only use buzzwords like "shill" to discredit people instead of trying to prove your points.
Kill yourself.

Prove it is, you idiot.

Just in case you thought linux was actually a good kernel:


When your kernel finds an irrecoverable error, you can take solace in knowing that the error will be swallowed, potentially causing downstream errors that potentially will corrupt your data.

systemd is all one part you retard


Can we already add systemd to the topic? It's done more to the GNU/Linux ecosystem in recent years than any other project.

fuck off redhat shill

All sysvinit does it boot up the OS and setup programs so they can be ready. Fucking systemd does that and countless other tasks and all under one binary program.

package-manager list-files-owned-by-package | grep -i /usr/bin | wc -l

Sure is, buddy.

But... m-muh 69 binaries

>there are multiple binaries so they must be different parts

Sure it does. See .
For everything else keep being retarded and posting your buzzword and parrotted meme claims.

What do you get out of being retarded on a technology related forum? Maybe your uninformed retardation could fly on gardening.com, but not on a technology related place. The fact that you believed it would shows how retarded you are.

>this one programs does everything!
>gets proven wrong
>w-well, just because they're different programs doesn't mean anything!

Stop posting.

Make all of the parts of systemd work without each other before making such stupid claims. I think Reddit has more people with your intelligence level.

>s-systemd is different parts!
>gets proven wrong
>b-but look at all these binaries
stop posting

I don't use systemd-networkd, systemd-resolvd, machinectl, hostnamectl, systemd-firstboot, systemd-nspawn and a few more. Works fine.
Kill yourself.

Anyone using ext4 filesystem encryption? Is it something that can be switched on post-filesystem-creation?

If you still insist that systemd is one big program then you are clearly retarded. That's an objective truth and only the most delusional retards such as you would deny that. There is nothing to discuss here. You have no arguments except that it has a few dependencies, but which are separate programs.
Are you getting paid to be a retarded shill? Because you should be compensated for displaying such levels of idiocy. Surely it messes with your mind being retarded for 12 hours a day on here.

Why encrypt your drives? Just have magnets nearby to run over your shit before the FBI kick down your door, if you're gonna commit to downloading CP the least you can do is get some magnets.

Mate this is the FRIENDLY linux general and you are not being friendly.

If you still insist that systemd is separate programs then you are clearly retarded. That's an objective truth and only the most delusional retards such as you would deny that. There is nothing to discuss here. You have no arguments except that it has a few binaries, but which are dependant on each other.
Are you getting paid to be a retarded shill? Because you should be compensated for displaying such levels of idiocy. Surely it messes with your mind being retarded for 12 hours a day on here.

>all he can do is mirror posts
>makes claims, but can't prove them
>makes claims and gets proven wrong
>still just mirroring posts

Your mental age must be in the range of 6-10.

>implying it's a magnetic drive

What's he going to do once someone steals his laptop and looks through all of his pictures, videos, documents, diaries, passwords, etc?

>all he can do is mirror posts
>makes claims, but can't prove them
>makes claims and gets proven wrong
>still just mirroring posts

Your mental age must be in the range of 6-10.

Googling says it's as simple as "tune2fs -O encrypt /dev/sdX".


funny one faggot

Scilab vs Octave?

Anyone has experience with those? I'm inclined to scilab.

There is also Maxima but i don't really see any reason to use it.

Octave because GNU.

They are all free software.

Octave is part of the GNU project iirc

Why would it matter if all of them are free software?

Wish he had a big magnet to bludgeon himself to death with.

any drive is a magnetic drive if you have a big enough magnet

Is it a good idea to put commands I want to be run at startup in inittab?
I want to set the backlight brightness as soon as the i915 module is loaded.
Apparently the 'modules' script starts at the 'boot' runlevel, so I guess I'd need to run the command at runlevel 1 to make sure that the module was loaded before running the command.
So, I want to add an entry to inittab like this:
brt:1:once:bash -c "echo 12 > /sys/class/backlight/acpi_video0/brightness"

I'm trying to use this i3lock script (specifically the dual monitor branch) github.com/meskarune/i3lock-fancy that takes a screenshot of the desktop, blurs it, and then uses it as the lockscreen background.
However, my two monitors are different resolutions and so there's a part of the screenshot that has nothing in it.
Ideally I'd want this space to just be pure black so it doesn't affect the image, but right now when using scot it's just a mess of white and pixel noise as you can see from pic related.
I removed the blur part from the script for this picture, but when it's there all the white part just bleeds into the actual monitor space and looks like shit.
Does anyone know a way to fix this, or a screenshot tool that doesn't attempt to capture sections that aren't rendered to?

Also: wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Ext4#Using_file-based_encryption

Notably, you can't encrypt already existing files using Ext4's encryption (that is, you have to make a new/empty directory to be used for encrypted things). So it might not be what you want.

I meant `/bin/bash`

I'm going to be dual-booting Ubuntu with Windows 7 alongside it. How much space should I allocate for Ubuntu on my 128gb SSD?

this is meant to be the friendly Linux thread?

16 GB minimum

20gb ~ 30gb would be very comfortable.

Because there are other reasons to encrypt your computer like when you cheat on your wife or you have commercial secrets stored on your drive.

You are using an outdated mirror

So I just need to run pacman -Syyu?

No, you need to change your mirrorlist

But why?
The default mirror is outdated?

If they havent updated then yes.
There is no "default" mirror, arch's ftp server is limited to 50kb/s and not feasible as an option.

Download reflector and use it to generate a better mirrorlist

>arch users get cucked into 50kbs
keep it simple guys :DDD

No one even uses the arch ftp.
Why waste money on bandwidth when universities and other people want to maintain it on gigabit or higher lines?

Does Wayland work okay with gaymes/emulators?
Anyone tried?

What are some cool things you can do with the Termux terminal for Android besides neofetch?


ssh into a machine without juicessh.

oh forgot, if you get the android api stuff, you can ssh into the phone and take pics etc. too.

Uh what does ssh mean? Sorry probably a newfag question

reply to: 62353745
not gonna fall for that one

what do you guys eventually use as network manager with i3? I'm configuring my arch+i3 now, and I'm using netctl with wifi-menu.

But to connect to wifi on my uni I have to fill in lots of options like inner authentication, anonymous id, etc. This worked when I was using xfce, so I think I need some sort of network manager a gui to make this easy right?

Make a netctl profile for your school,then have one for your home/other networks
sudo netctl stop home.profile
sudo netctl start school.profile


what distro should I use if I want to decicate the cpu almost fully to chess engines tests?

any you like or have the most experience with
it really doesn't matter.

I am new to Linux and i fell for the Distro jumping meme.

Currently using Linux Mint right now, jumped from Solus. I liked Solus more so i am thinking in jumping back, but before doing so, i wanted to ask you guys, do you recommend any Distro to a newbie like me? No. No Gentoo.

Solus is fine. Enjoy

keep jumping till you find one you like

What program should I use to get rid of this infected tooth? I tried rm ~/Mouth/Teeth/molar5 but it didn't do anything. apt purge didn't do shit either. I'm at the end of my rope here.

Can't decide between Arch/Antergos and Debian. I like the simplicity of some aspects of Arch but I don't want to have to deal with doing something wrong in a manual setup, like leaving a security hole open because someone smarter didn't do it for me like would be the case with Debian. What do? I just want a moderately easy distro that I can quickly set up to be secure with a VPN, LUKS, and similar things but I don't know enough or have weeks to spend learning in order to do it all myself.

Go see a dentis, cletus

Do I compile that from source? I'm not seeing it in my repo.