u have 10 seconds to think of an excuse or this anime girl is taking your job and youre fired
U have 10 seconds to think of an excuse or this anime girl is taking your job and youre fired
holy shit Sup Forums on suicide watch
I started programming around middle school, too. Checkmate, athiests.
Union would get my job back including back pay so I would enjoy my vacation.
Is there a problem with a 28 year old intern?
Also started programming in middle school.
And I've beaten titled players in chess
double check, checkmate ++#
she contributed to open source c++ projects in middleschool and won yearly C programming competitions since age 13
fired and humiliated infront of everyone by the anime girl
too bad raw skills means jack shit and it's all about who you know. enjoy unemployment tsubie-shit.
fired, blacklisted for posting anti-semetic images on alt-right internet forum
Can't fire me, I realized in high school I could never compete with Chang and Pajeet, so I got a job they couldn't, now I gross over $130k/yr.
Have fun wasting time in college accumulating debt only to start at a disadvantage in a job market that doesn't want you.