Sup Forums, why haven't you chopped your genitals off, and apply to Outreachy yet?
Sup Forums, why haven't you chopped your genitals off, and apply to Outreachy yet?
Why would I need to chop them off? All I need to do is (((identify))) as a woman.
Does this mean i need to grow a penis? LOL
sad you chopped it off?
>5,500 USD pay with $500 USD travel stipend
>seek white employees
>das raycist
>seek mentally ill faggots
>be praised
Why Sudan?
>Say you're a white cis man
>Get rejected
>Take rejection letter to lawyer
>Sue the pants off of them for violations of Section VII of the Civil Rights Act
I've wondered for years wtf that means
This sounds discrminatory
should i give it a try?
im not not trans but this board needs some action and im bored i need a free job
Isn't this discriminatory to white people? aka against your constitutions in america? asking as a white cis foreigner.
And asians
lurk more faggot
just identify as an Outreachy intern and skip the signup bullshit
Of course it is. It's illegal, but that only matters if the law is enforced. Unfortunately the people in charge of making sure the law is enforced are often jews or jew sympathizers.
nice racist, sexist advertisement
>Does this mean i need to grow a penis? LOL
you should grow a set of balls you fucking faggot.
Why do all of these startups have these dumb fucking names with -y or -ly appended at the end. Maybe that's why they fail, because they can't fucking spell.
>romance languages are now misogynistic
If free software doesn't free itself from that fuckery, we are doomed, never expected that the most stupid people in this earth would be taken seriously to the point to be a threat
>be asian
>get rejected
>sue on grounds of non-discrimination act
systemd will kilil linux soon
first embedded, then everything but phones
US sanction countries. Although I didn't hear about sanctions against Crimea? Maybe Russia really did get to them.
It refers to the "please live in london" desperate hope some user back in the mists of time had that a femanon was actually near them, presumably so they could gaze from afar wishing they could fuck them but being too socially awkward to actually speak to another person. The acrostic, and later changing it to any other placename, is later shitposting.