Any good alternatives to popcorn time? seems like popcorn time's dead

Any good alternatives to popcorn time? seems like popcorn time's dead.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kodi with Covenant add on I guess?

ace player and a decent torrent tracker

The Pirate Bay + VLC + uTorrent PAF

what is kodi?

Download xmbc kodi from Google and then look up for tutorials to install covenant mod


I thought TPB was dead or compromised? ;_;

TPB, also Popcorn Time ain't dead.

Duckie for tv shows:

Except there are thousands of popcorn time clones and it's impossible to know which ones are just scamware or not.

Maybe if you're braindead, .sh is the legit one.

No, and no

It's not dead though, this is the real one
For torrents use rarbg for new and others for old stuff

Broken? I can't get a decent stream on any of the services.

Why do people nees popcorn time?
Just use your favorite torrent client with sequential download + a video player of your choice

It's nice to have it all in one place to browse and so on. There is no NEED, it's a want.

popcorn time sh

putlocker rs

the popcorntime subreddit sidebar link always points to the preferred version.

Fuck off with the stupid name. Nobody cares that you think you're a girl or that you think it matters.

Aw :(

Do this.

Kodi + Covenant is all you'll need.

qbittorrent > download in sequential order > preview file

everyone says use kodi. what on? pi? vm?

Why does Sup Forums help normies pirate?

The more people know how to, the more it's cracked down on.
Piracy should be limited to the top 10% tech savvy people, like it was for decades and nobody cared until it went mainstream and then suddenly we get spammers and anti piracy agencies.

I have Kodi on my Android phone, my Raspberry Pi hooked up to my TV, as well as my PC...

This desu senpai

shut the fuck up idiot


because it's currently really dead due to streaming services becoming cheap and popular, you have the wrong idea and a stupid private scam tracker mentality

Fuck that botnet

qBitTorrent with search plugins.

Pass the popcorn , brodcast the net and radarr.

Torrenting is dead in general

Is there anything that's free that does the same kind of p2p streaming that acestream does?

I'd support the shit out of that.
