Reminder that girls can use computers too...

Reminder that girls can use computers too, so one may or may not have replied to one of your posts today here on Sup Forums.

if I ever found out a girl posted on Sup Forums I would take that as consent and rape her.

Every "girl" on Sup Forums has a penis.


inb4 200 replies

im girl rap me dady

Girls don't "use" computers, they open their web browsers to browse facebook.
Since smartphones got advanced enough to run apps, they don't even need general purpose computers anymore, they never did.
They just want to access social media via a convenient app that lets them connect with people.

>tfw no gf to browse Sup Forums with

>new coworker in the software dev department
>a woman
>somebody talks about a new library they found
>"what kind of library? like with music?"

the worst part is they will never be fired, management will find the first opening in HR for them and they'll go on to deny competent people a job for the next 10 years

If I had a gf, I wouldn't waste time on browsing Sup Forums. I'd be cuddling with her on the couch, watching anime, and talking about how our days went.

I call them "domestic orbiters"
Same as normal orbiters except they play by their own rules on their own territory.

Really? Could I find a girlfriend here on Sup Forums?

How does one even jump to "music" when the word "library" is mentioned? If they missed the software development context, wouldn't one normally assume they're talking about a library with books?

Then why are you calling it rape?

you'd probably suck his cock as well wouldn't you

Sure user

In our language the word "library" in a modern context usually used as "music library". It's much more common among 25-40yo people to use it that way.

>t. attention whore
go back to twitch you slut

If by girl you mean transvestite then I am willing to believe you.

Is she hot though?

I met my first girlfriend on Sup Forums about 8 years ago. She was mostly on Sup Forums, Sup Forums, /lit/, and /toy/ at the time.

>See an interesting post
>They drop to reference to a nearby place
>Get contact info to be bros
>Oh shit that's not a bro
>Chat for two months online because we're to shy to meet
>Finally go to anime convention together
>Together for about two years

The whole thing was like "Sup Forums: The Dating Sim."

who gives a shit

Kinda tomboy-ish and petite

But she's still fucking chad on the side

If you're referring to English, no it's not.
"Library" is commonly used in context of the building where you go to read or borrow books.

Even with that in mind, in the context that they were speaking in the workplace they should fucking know better if they were qualified for the job.

So there's hope? That seems like it involved a lot of luck and coincidence though.

Is she a native English speaker? At my uni most of the students can't speak fluent English, but usually they learn by the end of the course, something that happens though, is that some of them don't really call "libraries" libraries, they just kind of don't use the term, so I could see something like that passing through someone's head.

If she is I doubt there are any excuses.