how do we save Sup Forums?
How do we save Sup Forums?
the demographics changed. not much you can do.
Everyone hates Sup Forums, even Sup Forums hates Sup Forums.
That's why they get to stay.
we have to ask mook to redirect all boards.Sup queries to
Sup Forums is and always has been a containment board
By banning the retard that made this shitposting thread.
some nigger has not been around much for the daily indian hate thread.
How is this true anymore? It's one of the most popular boards. Threads move so fucking fast there. In happening threads, you won't be able to read replies fast enough to keep up.
You just saved them with THEM DUBS
BTW fucking jews trying to spew their agenda
every board is a containment board retard
>How is this true anymore? It's one of the most popular boards.
So does Sup Forums when its not anime and random anymore.
Does Sup Forums like black people now? Can I finally post?
only if you're a cute twink with an ovulating boipucci
Who cares what reddit thinks?
Saving what exactly? Could you share with me the last meaningful thread you saw on Sup Forums ?
Dumb fucking nigger. We hate Sup Forums because all they do is shitpost about Jews in tech and ruin this board. We hate niggers too still, don't worry.
I like Sup Forums. I lurk there most of the time, when I'm not on Sup Forums. Don't trust jewish redditors.
fuck jews, fuck niggers, fuck current year.
Fuck reddit, nd fuck you for posting reddit shit.
I love Sup Forums, personally. Just keep Sup Forums in Sup Forums unless there's some kind of relevance to the topic. Which Sup Forums surprisingly has a lot of. Like the fucking shitskins with H1Bs taking American tech jobs, or the jews and fish-faced feminists in the tech industry invading people's privacy and shitting everything up.
You know what Sup Forums really hates though? Fucking niggers from reddit. You have to go back.
we get it pajeet, stop trying to fit in
by not shitposting about plebbit cancer on here