/hpg/ Headphone General

>Headphone purchase advice: pastebin.com/fYZLW7Ub (embed)

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For sub-$50 headphones and IEMs, check out the infographic in >Sup Forums wiki headphone FAQ: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php?title=Headphones

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Daily reminder

Beyers for finding flaws not for enjoying music!

Idolfag here.
What's your setup like, user?

>for finding flaws
Even then only flaws at ~9 kHz.

posting headphone tone test


Can anyone here hear above 19khz?
I tried with a re400 plugged in my laptop and 19 is my limit.

34 y.o., 16 kHz here. Too much time spent playing loud guitar in a rock band without earplugs.

I can hear 21khz using the tone generator in adobe audition but nothing at 22khz

>I can hear 21khz
You might be hearing harmonic distortion.

If the endgame goal/dream of audio is to sound like it's real(transparency). Don't headphones with unrealistic soundstage fail that heavy compared to speakers? Wouldn't the room also affect real instruments also?

19khz is my limit too. I'm never going to test it again because it would probably be depressing in another 10 years.

Soundstage is super subjective and, to me, a minor concern. Tonality is by far the primary concern.

>sound like it's real
I go to a lot of live gigs and I still don't get it. Live music sounds like shit, I'm not sure why people want it to sound like it's live

I want to like headphones but my HD600 is missing the depth that my near-fields provides. I think both are really good though. I just wish I could personally like one more than the other enough to disregard the alternative option.

The best headphones in the world will never compete with good speakers, user. Headphones will always be a compromise for those who do not wish to disturb others with their audio.

that would be subharmonic distortion

the best headphones in the world have better resolution than anything speakers can offer at the same price point

sick buzzword

But speakers have higher technical ability.

Not to mention far superior multidynamic soundscaping.

>Live music sounds like shit
...if the sound guy sucks ass. A local venue around here keeps the volume level sane and shows always sound great there.


Updated, now with 20% more headphones. I need to get around to adding the rest and internationalizing the prices.

>shows always sound great there
and they will always sound much better after being properly recorded and mastered


>dumb speakercucks still haven't learned
Kek. Make sure not to get too mad though, don't want to lose your half inch sweet spot.

It's getting quite loud in the office when I try to work and using my Superlux 668b isn't helping much. Are Bose Quietcomfort 35 / 25 the only viable options? Anyone using them?

It's nice not being autistic and being able to enjoy music from my bed without ear muffs and cables in my way.

>be speakerbrainlet
>constantly trip over cables

Do you have your ear speakers ready to go?

Well no shit, it's an open headphone. Try Etymotic IEMs or Sennheiser 280/380 Pro.

668b are semi-open cans. Get closed ones.


What did the speakercuck mean by this

>no beyerdynamic

Below €170
desktop, laptop and phone
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
>Sound signature
don't care
>Past headphones
razer krakens

little late


Hope you EQ then.

those are expensive memes desu

Closed, idiot.
HD569 or HD380 Pro.

Beyerdynamic Custom Studio

Soundstage on most recordings is artificially recreated during mixing. How can you get a "realistic" soundstage when musicians weren't even recorded playing together?

In fact the easiest way to get a truly realistic soundstage is with headphones, provided you play binaural recordings.



100-150€ I suppose.
>Type of headphone
>Open or closed
>Comfort level
Comfort is a big deal for me. Owned few pieces of shit which became very uncomfortable in less than 1 hour.
>Sound signature
Not an audio autist, gaming is the main purpose, doesn't hurt if it works for music, mainly listening to rock/metal.
>Past headphones
Logitech G 930 Wireless(never gonna use wireless again.) Current ones are Asus Strix DSP, after 2 guarantee switches my audio station keeps restarting itself because ???
So now I am looking for a new pair.

So far, Steelseries Arctis 5 and Sennheiset GSP 300 seem to be interesting ones. If any of you have experiences with either of those or some new ideas, all are welcome.

I think he just meant when it sounds like the music is coming from around you, instead of just right outside your ears.

binaural just give better imaging. it still sounds like it's coming from two cups humping the sides of your head retard. also binaural souns good on speakers too. i prefer asmr on speakers than headphones.

also flat is justice!


I've been using DT770s for 5 years now and over time the cable has stiffened towards the cans. I mean really stiffened- trying to flex the cable is like trying to flex a biro. Anybody else experienced this and/or knows how to soften it? I've tried warming it up but that only works until it cools back down again (big surprise)

copper oxidization? cut the bad part of cable and resolder

Hello, I need an headphone for my computer.
I already got a mic. I was considering the JBL Harman T450BT(pic related) as I can have it for 30€.

Few question though :

-Is the Bluetooth ok ? It's Blueetooth 4.0
-It'll mainly be to play Counter Strike and maybe video editing. I don't really care about the sound quality and I don't listen to a lot of music. I'm mainly worried about the lag. Can I stream video without delay ? How about playing video games ?

If bluetooth is not ok for what I need, does anyone got a good deal for a 30e helmet ?


what are these bad boys? i saw them in the last /hpg/

literally says in the filename
playstation dac
and hd800


they're kinda pricy, but most agree they're great sounding

yea 1000€, I am thinking about HD600 or K701 / K702 now. I manly listen to Rock / Electro / Hip-hop and play vida from time to time

What's a good 150-200 bucks IEM?
Detachable cable is a must so no brands like RHA. I'm open to pretty much any sound signature, not picky when it comes to that
I was thinking the MEE P1 or M7 Pro.

>I manly listen to Rock / Electro / Hip-hop and play vida from time to time

Consider the HD650, then

can any headphones right now make the sound feel like it's coming from the front? It's always left, right, and rear with my headphones.

Yes they're called speakers and they're very open back

What causes clipping?
I notice clipping when I set my DAC to -0db

The difference in bass is minimal, and HD600 is more accurate.
To the usual HD600+Fulla2 peoples, I'm watching nanoha vivid, volume is ok to a bit loud at 10 o'clock on the fulla2.

Streaming 192KHz music


>no Beyersremorse
What a wise, learned user.

There's the key. I find that live recordings tend to be extremely hit and miss when it comes to the recording/mastering quality, even when done by pros.

There's two ways to EQ speakers:
- EQ to listening position. Put the mic where your head goes. This will create a small sweet spot. Works best if you measure and EQ each channel separately;
- EQ to the speakers. Measure each speaker 3-6 inches from the speaker and have a separate EQ for each channel. This will produce results which sound fairly good in the entire room, but inferior to the above method at the listening position. For this method you would actually, ideally, measure each speaker outdoors in free air elevated well off the ground to completely remove room acoustics from the measurement, but a 3-6 inch away indoor measurement is an acceptable, convenient compromise for most here since the direct sound from the speaker should almost completely mask any effects of room acoustics.

Stupid speakercuck.
>crosstalk is good!!

>move head 3 inches
>FR drastically changes for the worse
No thanks, speakercuck.

Of course. I EQ any audio system of mine, speakers or headphones. Why wouldn't I? Every audio system at any price can always benefit from EQ and properly applied EQ does not produce any negative audible effects.

>I am thinking about HD600 or K701 / K702 now
HD600 are neutral and K701/702 are bright, meaning treble-heavy. HD600 are the much safer pick here unless you specifically prefer bright sound.

Did you even read the post you're responding to?
>This will produce results which sound fairly good in the entire room
The second method removes flaws in the speakers from the equation but leaves the room acoustics as is. This means that when you move your head the sound could just as easily be improving as it could be getting worse. This method will provide a large increase in fidelity over not EQing for any listening position in the room.

>fairly good
Maybe by speakercuck standards. Still garbage.

I know you're just shitposting at this point, but you know what? I own the world's most comfortable headphones, MDR-MA900, and you know what's more comfortable than MDR-MA900? Not wearing any headphones. There's something to be said for that re: speakers.

>speakerpussy bitching about headphone comfort
Fucking lol, grow a pair.

Go to any live music event of any genre. Crosstalk is essential for natural, realistic music reproduction. Even when recording in the studio crosstalk is an important aspect.

>he listens to headphones without crossfeed

Live music sounds like shit, if you're using concerts as a standard for fidelity, you're completely retarded.
>speakerbrainlet unable to process two simultaneous audio tracks independently

Reminder that the dropbox link in superbestaudiofriends.org/index.php?threads/advanced-crossfeed-dsp.762/ is the best crossfeed available; the only one I'm aware of with zero effect on frequency response.

Yeah, those retarded brainlets would want to color their audio with retarded dsp.

beyers sound so fucking good with some tube distortions

>3-6 inch away
You meant feet, didn't you? 3-6 inches doesn't seem practical at all for multi-way speakers.

>You meant feet, didn't you?
No. I did not. The point is placing the mic close enough so that the direct sound from the speaker masks room acoustics as much as possible. If you do this outdoors and elevated like you're really supposed to, then yes, you can do feet away. Indoors, it's gonna need to be inches away.

Then speaker directivity and multiway lobing is going to ruin your measurement.

I'd use your nearfield method for frequencies bellow, say, 800hz. And then splice it with a gated measurement 3 feet away on tweeter axis for frequencies above 800Hz.

>Type of headphone
>Past headphones
Looking to replace Soundmagic E10's
Currently using ATH-M50 when I'm not commuting
Would it be worth getting a small DAC/AMP?

MEE M7 Pro yay or nay?
Worth the price hike compared to the M6?

>this entire post

Room acoustics will definitely come into play at 3 feet. Inches away should be just fine for the whole frequency range for monitors and smaller. I'm not sure there is an ideal indoors method for larger speakers. Maybe inches away from the woofer for bass response and inches away from the tweeter for treble response and splice the two.

>800 Hz
I imagine the ideal frequency at which you would switch from measuring the woofer to measuring the tweeter would be the crossover point if the speakers have a crossover.

Looking at just Tyll's measurements. This thing IS an hd600. It measures completely identically on all of his tests. I mean, I think that's cool. I've always wanted a pair of hd600 and having what is essentially an option for a different build style is nice.
How the hell did they manage this? It's is identical in performance in every single way. It's like making a xps 13 when you're not dell, changing the keyboard, and giving it a new name.
That ath-m50 money but be real as fuck.

costs more though

>Room acoustics will definitely come into play at 3 feet
True. That's why I mentioned gated measurements for higher frequencies. See here for an example: dtmblabber.blogspot.com/2010/09/gating-loudspeaker-measurements.html

I think it's much nicer looking but I suppose that doesn't matter since it's an at home headphone. I like the headband more too. I've just never seen two headphones so similar before. Look at innerfidelity measurements. I'm not overacting, its exactly the same

Daily reminder that if you don't own a pair of HD 600s then you're not a real audio enthusiast.

It's also harder to drive and has smaller earpads

Tyll's HD600 measurement is poorly sealed though, and thus an invalid comparison. This GE measurement of R70x suggests it's significantly darker than HD600; its treble is more rolled off.

For such an important headphone as the hd600 he really needs to fix that. I had absolutely no idea. Thanks user, dark is 100% not what I want. Much prefer bright headphones.


It's all subjective but I tend to agree with you.

so basically buy hd600s for indoor and buy kz zs5s for outdoor

Complete audio noob. My friend has given me a DAC/AMP for free, he and research told me that its a pretty good one, and I want to put it to good use, it is a JDS Lab Element.

I have about 350 GBP / 461 USD to spend on some open back headphones. No need for portability but comfort is V important.

Sennheiser HD650 + AKG K712 Pro seem to be the choices from what I have gathered but desu I have no fucking clue.