Anti facial recognition glasses/clothing that don't look like shit


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in the image are "reflectacles" which look like pic related
I want something that will produce a similar effect and not make me look like a dweeb

smear shit on your face, it's free and it looks like chocolate


Yeah, try walking into wal-mart wearing that and not having the cops called on you.


Yeah, try walking into wal-mart wearing that and not having the cops called on you.

Then you file an anti-muslim discrimination suit

>she is in chicago

plz be in UPTOWN


Facial recognition systems obviously don't use flash photography so this will do jack shit

>be nigger
>AI thinks you're a gorilla

Go to Dearborn or Toronto, retard.

Pic related found the best solution

>image recognition can't detect a face on record because of """""anti facial recognition glasses""""""
>save your image to the database everytime they find someone without a recognizable face
>cross-check database every other clock cycle
>they have over 100 pictures of your dumb ass
>LE manually opens a file on you
>forever in the archives as "person of interest"
The absolute state of larpers. If you're not constantly moving through different cities, all you're doing is pointing attention towards yourself
>never go out
>be neet
>database only has a few pictures of you
>your "recognized in public" numbers are too many standard deviations from the norm
>get a manual file on you as a "minor break risk"
You can't win.

is this what hipster faggots have been doing all this while? dodging facial recognition

it's pointless, they're on to gait recognition now, so learn to walk with a different limp and posture everywhere you go

I like the concept of cyberpunk punks having weirdass asymmetrical looks to avoid facial recognition even though that looks stupid.

>tfw you dodge all the algos but humans start recognizing you in the street

This will certainly help you avoid being recognized

>What is IR

by a passive program, potentially

You're not interesting enough for it to matter. Just let them recognize your face

It always matters, privacy is a basic human right and breaching it, no matter how insignificant the individual, is always a big deal.

It's a shame people disregard our right to privacy nowadays, especially for the sake of convenience.

>basic human right
Human rights are quasi-religious nonsense. Saying that something "is a basic human right" is an empty assertion, the equivalent "gimme!" What reason do those who hold power have to grant you this right?

>the equivalent of

I'd file a racial lawsuit against your store

>avoid being recognized by being unique and spottable among others


>british humor

you're the first person to realize this

Food, water, and shelter are basic human rights. According to you, asking for that is the equivalent of saying "Gimme!"

Those who hold power have the responsibility to ensure that those under them receive what they need to survive and have certain rights.

The three rights which are necessary for survival are food, water and shelter. After that, the three rights to feel somewhat fulfilled are entertainment, coitus, and privacy. The first three are 100% necessary for survival, and the last three are 100% necessary for long-term sanity. If a leader does not supply all six to his people, it is a sign that the leader is bad at his job and must be replaced or rectified.

You could probably make a pair, there is a material called "reflective glass beads" the finer you go the more likely that a single fine layer on a pair of glasses would look like a texture. You could even supplement them with LEDs and a watch battery if you were clever.

One has to have a understanding of British society around the time this was made to understand the deeper meaning

Spot on user.

just become the man in gray
wear neutral clothes, but wear a different set of clothes every single day of the year.
Anything that makes you stand out like piercings or tatoos are a no no.
Also wear a hat.
That style in only helps with cameras.

Pic related
In six months these will be the new Anonymous mask
Screenshot this post

Those who hold power are elected in many places. That's why.

Fuck off Stirner

>the leader is bad at his job and must be replaced or rectified.
Still quasi-religious nonsense. There is no "must".
>Food, water, and shelter are basic human rights. According to you, asking for that is the equivalent of saying "Gimme!"
Exactly. If those who hold power can starve you and nobody can stop them, they have the right to starve you. If they can't starve you, then they have no right to starve you.
>Those who hold power have the responsibility to ensure that those under them receive what they need to survive and have certain rights.
It is usually in their interest to ensure the population they are in charge of survives, but sometimes they may want to destroy part of that population to advance their goals. The best you can hope for its that their incentives align with your continued survival and prosperity. There is one recipe for it, but it is, admittedly, unpopular.
Elections mean nothing. In actual democracies power doesn't come from getting elected; it is a prerequisite to getting elected. But actual democracies are a subject of mostly theoretical interest because they never last. They are soon replaced by a bureaucratic state.

>what is IR filter

>go out in public
>people aren't allowed to recognize you
you sound like the biggest SJW ever


But the basic joke is very accessible: "the government pays for some dumb shit".

>everything in society is a spook

People should be allowed to recognize me, but not facial recognition software for the government and corporations.

Be honest user, are you gay?

I'm not a Stirnerfag. Stirner himself was pretty spooked with his Union of egoists.

>not bringing the original anonymous masks back ironically

what reason do those who have power have on why i shouldnt stage a coup and put myself in charge

>Actually shopping at Walmart

The best reason they can have is strong evidence that you will fail. Ensuring your coup is guaranteed to fail would involve being respected by the nobles, liked by the peasants and having a close eye on any would-be rival's potential allies, foreign and domestic. They may well do their best to let everybody who matters have their water, food, shelter, entertainment, medical care and more, but you should not mistake this for a "right".

>CCTV uses lens with no coma or stops down a stop
>problem solved

Somebody must have thought they're a real genius when he thought of this dumb glasses """idea"""

good enough to make money off of dumb normies and paranoid autists

Just a question, if I had something that can distort CCTV, how rich could he be?

>that don't look like shit
Posts a webm with THOSE glasses


woah dude i can't see your face

That was just an example of what I was talking about (clothing/glasses that fuck with facial recognition software), but look stupid and I want an alternative.

You clearly don't understand the purpose of this thread.

It's not to prevent people from recognizing you or seeing your face, it's to prevent security cameras from recognizing you and tracking your location & identity + profiling you.

seriously what the fuck were they thinking
why can't they just make them look like normal god damn glasses

But if you're outside, you'd have the sun beaming off those shades. Thus public camera will not be able to see you.

Depends on where you are + the weather, but good point.

it's easy to circumvent. might need better technology but the glasses are still pretty flimsy

That's true too. Nevertheless, it's an unnecessary prop.

It'd be cool if we could invent something that distorts cameras as we walk by. Possible?

Sure, but that's what rivaling technology has always been.

>Somebody develops technology
>Somebody else develops technology to fight it
>First guy advances his technology to fight second guy's counter-technology
>Second guy modifies/advances his current countermeasures to fix the hole in it

That makes it a lot easier to be charged with something. Infrared reflecting clothing is one thing, but actually fucking with the technology of cameras that makes it harder for them to identify people other than you will really piss off companies and get you sued.

I'm sure it's possible for a clever man, but maybe not a super good idea.

We have computers now that can do awesome shit.
What's the first thing we do? Build a faggot detector.

>>>>>first thing we do
>>>>>>>>>fucking 2017

>implying deep learning was worth a fucking damn for anything 2+ years ago

>atr was ahead of the curve yet again

>ai is now assuming gender


Well it's like what happened in 1930 in Germany. They built up all these protections to prevent extremists taking over, and then the extremists just took over the protections and used them to achieve total power.

>What reason do those who hold power have to grant you this right?

How do you extract power from a malnourished and dying population? There is no power unless you have someone to wield it over you dense cunt.

I don't mind. I'm a normie by every social standard possible, and I'm all for disposing of any deviancy that's being raised awareness for in an obnoxious manner.

this shit needs to be banned

that look is nice, maybe the blue hair part needs to be shorter
would go to a gig like that or something

>how do we find the guy who keeps stalking around creepily in a trench coat?
>just look through a camera for the bright-ass reflection on their face

Facebook tier algorithms and the stuff found on your faceapps on your phone are completely different than what some agencies are using for surveillance. It's very obvious they have way more robust ways to generate 3d profile from faces and shit like that. Only way to hide your face is to change the topology of your features, wear a rubber mask which changes the points of your cheeks and nose.
Even cops these days have already tools which can help to construct your face through a balaclava. Because you move in 3d space, the topology can be calculated and extrapolated just from few points. I'm not an expert though.
But in the future, there is going to be one universal account from which each and every individual can be tracked upon. You probably can't even use internet without gov approved id card.

And to add, future passports will have a 3d scan of your face and probably something else too. So, you are required to take a passport photo in controlled and approved place and they add this photogrammetry data on to the chip. This data is then being added into a huge database from which these new surveillance methods are making queries. It's probably very handy system.

Just put on sunglasses and surgical mask like Japanese people already do


ITT: people who don't understand what facial recognition software means

Good point

>line powerful IR leds along hoodie
This will defeat 99% of CCTV, and is pretty much completely invisible(if you hide the LEDs well)

Just be a bigger and those programs won't work.
