iPad Pro is considerably more powerful than the android alternatives.
You can say that apple is overpriced, but you get what you pay for. It’s a premium product and it shows. Pic related. The iPad Pro is more or less twice as powerful as Samsung’s best tablet. The iPad Pro makes other tablets look like toys and is more powerful than most PCs.
Latest samsung galaxy tab: 3877 Lenovo Thinkpad X1 Carbon: 6012 Microsoft Surface Pro 4: 6304
iPad Pro 2017: 9223!!!!!!
Pic related.
Andrew Thompson
The iPad Pro is ridiculously powerful.
Posting from my iPad Pro, a perfect browsing experience.
Cameron Wright
An actual technology thread looking at actual hard numbers and Sup Forums just ignores it? Too busy in your thinkpad circlejerk?
Nathan Moore
You can't objectively say (and then prove) that apple has a better device than Samsung.
Because Sup Forums doesn't accept it.
Joshua Gomez
>not using an ibm pc compatible clone Kys phonetard
Nolan Lopez
iPad pro screen changes the colors to fit the lighting in the environment it's used in. the people who did the test probably left the setting on
Aaron Powell
Back to your shitting street Lakshit.
Dylan Bennett
Shit os what do u want us to say?
Doesnt make any difference if it's powerful. If the GUI is shit and the freedom of customizing the device appropriately to your need is non existant then the product is foukin shite. Fin
Kevin Lopez
>muh pedo wallpapers and vaporwave retarded icons
Matthew Davis
Nice teamwork Pajeet, Pradeep, Sanjay, Gupta, and Suhkdeep! 2 rupees for each of you today!
Levi Baker
>multi tasking >watching/editing high res videos >general browsing is superior >using apps is superior
I sometimes use my old samsung tab to see what the difference is and it’s MUCH slower.
What are your thoughts on iPad pros performance being far ahead of android/surface competitors and even most laptops?
Benjamin Nelson
From Silicon Valley, by the looks of it
Nathaniel Rogers
>tablet No thanks I'm better off with my MacBook
Owen Long
Android tablets are dead because everyone recognizes that devices mobile operating systems are toys. If you want a proper comparison bench it against the surface.
Jaxon Perez
I already did, see: The iPad is way ahead of the latest surface.
Austin Evans
To each their own, my fellow apple brother. Both are superior pieces of technology.
Kevin Watson
I'm actually a femanon
Jaxson Mitchell
Some idiotic people here will fall for this.
Isaac Phillips
Don't the new ipads have 120hz screens? If you can afford one, I don't see why you would choose an android tablet over this.
Jose Young
>shit UI >iTunes >Having a device "more powerful than a laptop" yet you can't use it for things laptops do >Instead you browse apps and post on Facebook and look at stocks >This justifies the "premium" price No thanks
Angel Gonzalez
>"Pro" device >Runs iOS
Yeah okay
Grayson Garcia
and yet you cant do anything on it what a waste
Austin Taylor
> powerful > ARM tablet yeah no thanks i'll stick to the less powerful ones, i dont to waste money on this shit. If i wanna draw, i'll get a wacom tablet pc or surface. If i want a tablet, i'll go for a relatively average-priced one, just so it doesnt lag, but also not too expensive.
Xavier Turner
As far as tablets go isn't the iPad genuinely far and above everything else in the space? I mean, I don't even hear of Android manufacturers releasing premium tablets anymore, they've practically stopped competing. I had one and it was decent for what it was, mostly leasure, but Apple seems to be marketing the iPad as a replacement to a PC which I can't see at all.
Not including Windows tablets here
Mason Adams
The thing is the iPad is better even for casual browsing. I have a samsung tab as well as my iPad Pro and its laggy, even after a factory reset.
Asher Morgan
samsung has the tab s3, but who even cares only decent android tablet that people actually kinda care about is the pixel c
Lincoln Mitchell
What are your thoughts on lagPads not even being able to input text without lagging?
Nathaniel Mitchell
How well it fares against a x86 laptop you can get by the same price and size?
Nicholas Hughes
> >I'm actually a femanon Hahaha why did you even have to mention this.
Justin White
Because it just works. There's a reason why Apple is the planet's most successful technological venture.
Josiah Gonzalez
That's a strange way to spell toy venture.
Lucas Collins
Tablets are dead. The fact the MS and Apple are still making them just shows how detached from reality they have become.
Jaxson Howard
Yes, they do seem pretty nice. I see them on display at stores from time to time. Very snappy, very fancy. Unfortunately, I have no use for a tablet. Are the actual Apple computers this premium? Thinking of trying it out
Kevin Martin
user, everything's better than Samsung. Except Huawei perhaps.
Gavin Howard
As can be expected from a one trillion dollar company.
Josiah Adams
Why should literally anyone care about geekbench?
Carson Reed
>It's overpriced >You get what you pay for Holy contradictions, Batman!
Bragging about a tablet with a lot of power is like bragging about the fastest bicycle. If power was important they wouldn't use a tablet.
Ayden Murphy
>Android tablets are dead More like they're "evolving" to touchscreen Chromebooks with Google play store. Bloat free and guaranteed the latest version of Android for a few years.
Lincoln Ward
It's more socially acceptable for women to be gay.
Jason Martin
Was that the iPad 3? The retina and A5X didn't mix well, that model was pretty bad--way too underpowered hardware.
Colton Wright
*only two years of updates if they bothered
Meanwhile, the iPhone 5S is nearing its sixth year of updates and security fixes.
Charles Stewart
>Not letting your girlfriend bring home other women for you two to play with It should be socially encouraged, to be honest
Joseph Sanders
You misspelled 6 years of lag and bloat killswitches.
Jack Walker
Don't reply to worthless shitskins.
Noah Wilson
>only two years of updates if they bothered
No, a minimum 5 years of guaranteed updates because these updates are coming straight from Google instead of the manufacturers unlike android phones.
So only 5 years of updates that we have not seen being actually accomplished yet.
Meanwhile, Apple have proven their support and care of older products, something that no other entity in existence has managed to do so.
John Peterson
>proven their support and care of older products
Proven that they're incompetent retards. And iToddlers have proven themselves gullible brainlets for believing them.
Brayden Ramirez
Can you get a laptop with that screen (resolution and 120Hz refresh rate), battery life, weight, etc?
Michael Turner
Another fucking idiot with a stupid meme that never worked!
Jeremiah Green
>Another fucking idiot with a stupid meme that never worked!
How do you know he owns an Iphone?
Eli Jenkins
What are your thoughts on needing to use an ancient iPad to prove your point?
The current gen iPad Pro is mikes ahead of any other tablet.
Luke Clark
>So only 5 years of updates that we have not seen being actually accomplished yet.
Actually we have. The first Chromebook that was released in 2010, the CR-48 was still receiving updates until just a few months ago. Even the 5 year end of life policy isn't set in stone.
It'd almost like android has had the big phone market and no one gives a shit about tablets and hasn't for years. The small niche that dies just get Apple stuff anyway since they're the only people bothering to make them.
Thomas Ramirez
Say whatever you want but I have a Nexus 9 and an iPad mini 2. The iPad only gets used when the Nexus battery dies. Same goes between my Nexus 5X and iPhone 6 Plus. Apple is good but I like Android better.
Angel Collins
iPad Pro is insanely good hardware but I fucking CAN NOT justify buying a device with iOS
Chase Perez
Apple has the tablet market. Anyone who denies this is just uninformed
Justin Edwards
tablets are dead u retard only apple cares about replacing x86 with arm so their margins go even higher on shillbook pros
Lincoln Foster
>geek bench
Aiden Cook
>Thread about iPad Pro >Post a non-pro, 5 yr old deprecated iPad
Camden Hughes
iShit ARM trash running angrybirdsOS is deprecated before it ever releases.
Aaron Russell
I know even if you work 20hrs a day on upwork, you still cannot earn enough rupees to buy a new apple product Pajeet.
Elijah Scott
who gives a shit the only thing tablets are good at is reading books and pdf you downloaded freely cheap android tablets are good enough for this so fuck apple and ipad
Josiah Edwards
Geek bench load data in cache memory, in real world or concurrency task will get fucked.
Samuel Parker
Nice try iPajeet.
Angel Martinez
Evil shit. Their whole business model is to sell you a nice smooth UI experience, and then trash it so you feel withdrawals and head back to buy your next fix.
Jace Allen
>Meanwhile, Apple have proven their support and care of older products, something that no other entity in existence has managed to do so. Except Microsoft, all computers and laptops from 2006 and later can run the latest Windows 10 with all updates.
Colton Martinez
Can't MacOS run on whatever mobile chip the iPads have got? Wouldn't making a pen-enabled convertible ala the Surface be the next step after stopping the MBA line?
James Foster
Nope, ARM vs x86. Why the hell would make a 2 in 1 when they can just make you buy 2, a Mac and an iPad?
Noah Robinson
Isn't the CEO of Apple gay?
Elijah Ross
apple will go full ARM in the coming years, guaranteed. It'll be the 2006 "fuck powerpc, we intel now" shit all over again
Ryan Lopez
You're free to describe the methodology behind the test that produced those numbers. Then it would be technology. Right now it's just wanking over a large meaningless number.
Luke Sullivan
My ex fucked a girl like that Then we fucked that girl Pretty good desu but kind of awkward too
Samuel Baker
Switch to iPad Pro. Head on to your nearest apple store and make the purchase.
Jacob Lopez
Yeah, for us it took a little warming up, but after that the three of us fucked like rabbits
Adam Wilson
I can see this happening. Only Apple has the momentum to make a major architecture switch. Even if MS does it with WoW32 for ARM, it won't be nearly as seamless as the PPC->Intel switch Apple undertook.
Ethan Reyes
Which, may I add, would be a terrible day for Hackintoshes. I love my current setup and would really be hurt if I had to use actual Apple hardware for desktops: their offerings are terrible.
Gavin Howard
But what would you actually use it for? Not even trolling.
William Campbell
I use my iPad Pro for classwork and general laptop replacement. Buying that smart keyboard goes a long way.
With my Pro and the pencil I can: >take notes in class with audio recordings >shave weight off my bag with a device that has much better battery life than my aging rMBP >SSH into my remote linux servers for vim + programming >RDP into my windows server for desktop and "real chrome". >play casual games like FTL >photo editing with Affinity (i use this a lot more than i expected and was completely worth the pricetag) >use the Pro as a second monitor when I travel with my rMBP >general media consumption (but literally any tablet can do this properly)
Really, the two big points are battery life and weight. The thing is so fucking compact and lasts for what feels like forever.
Landon Carter
They're useless for anything that requires real software. The kinds of people that buy these will be old/middle aged people who don't do anything but read news and browse Facebook and the occasional executive that just has to has a $1200 tablet to read his emails.
Josiah White
It's too bad apple is the only company to make powerful tablets.
Adrian Morgan
Which surface variant is that? I have doubts it's the i5 or i7. Most likely the m3 which is the low end surface. The i5 is likely comparable and the i7 probably beats it
John Stewart
>All this 'power' >Still less functionality than a 5in smartphone
Charles Reyes
>retarded vaporwave icons >still better than default iOS icons
Tyler Carter
>my old samsung tab >old samsung >old Well there's your problem
Henry Howard
>all that horsepower >in a tablet
Elijah Cooper
Because Android gives you the freedom to customize your device. Apple does not. Also, I can import Mp3 to Android.
Nicholas Hall
Everything else is Lagdroid. I have a samsung and i hate it.
Carson Wilson
Logan Nelson
> The iPad Pro makes other tablets look like toys iOS makes every Apple product a toy, and I'm not talking about their looks. It is what it is, it's nice to watch some movies, read a manga or browse the net (Fortune sucks on iPad tho). I will do any serious work on my Thinkpad, though.
Nicholas Edwards
Now run photoshop, blender and after effects om your Ipad toy