Wouldn't you say that forth is the best programming language? AFAIK forth is the spiciest meme on Sup Forums
The Forth Meme
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Forth is the meme that the people want. Forth is the meme that the people need.
Such spice I can barely handle it
I can not describe the beauty of forth. Forth is like a fresh hotdog. Forth is a taco that has just been made. Forth is a delicious hamburger fresh off the grill. Forth is a milkshake which just came out of the milkshake pooping machine. Are you starting to see what I mean?
Have you heard the good news, user?
Forth is the only language that can literally be transformed into anything you want while it is running.
It's not a meme sempai. It's how you loose your programmer virginity.
The forth meme is so spicy that it is illegal in some restaurants
poor man's lisp, poor man's assembly
Forth is pretty good, I made an OS in it and it was my 1st OS ever.
Check out my sin implementation, 2 lines.
Your argument is fucking stupid and here's why.
Forth is free and assembler is free and lisp is free.
Forth is a monstruosity but I truly enjoyed this picture so I'll forgive you.
your mom is a monstruosity
Here is the forth discord:
The forth meme is not dead. The forth meme is alive.
This discord is booming
>15 posts
>5 posters
good for mental gymnastics and low level geeky stuff
if you try to shill this language at least you should post some code examples
: true? cr if ." true" else ." false" then cr ;
variable end-of-list
variable recycled-lists here 2 cells allot dup end-of-list swap cell + ! recycled-lists !
: link recycled-lists @ dup cell + @ end-of-list =
drop here 2 cells allot
dup cell + @ recycled-lists !
then ;
: list link dup end-of-list swap cell + ! ;
: push link tuck cell + ! tuck ! ;
: spool list swap 0 do push loop ;
: recycle-cell dup 0 swap ! dup recycled-lists @ swap cell + ! recycled-lists ! ;
: safe-pop dup @ swap cell + @ ;
: pop safe-pop swap recycle-cell ;
: unspool begin pop dup cell + @ end-of-list = until recycle-cell ;
: safe-pop dup @ swap cell + @ ;
: copy-spool begin safe-pop dup cell + @ end-of-list = until drop ;
What a fucking autistic mess, who would write in this shit but the most dedicated of spergs?
Forth is what CPUs should boot up to in their default ROM or fail-safe ROM
sorry that you are not autistic enough to understand it bubs
The forth meme is unstoppable
brainfuck looks easier than this.
at least in forth, we are moving block of data larger than 1 bit
Learn the syntax first. then try to correlate with what you know about programming.Forth it s an ass-backwards written language but it's easy to understand.
You create your language as you go with Forth. Don't like it? Implement it differently.
Lisp can also transform itself? It's what makes forth and lisp special to this day.
Forth is literally lisp evaluated backwards without parens, and lower level.
Its actually really easy to implement lisp in forth and viceversa because they are pretty much the same language at the bottom of things.
Forth meme lives!!!!
>using forth
>not using fifth
Forth is the most powerful language . Forth code is beautiful code.
Forth is like cheap fastfood for people with the palette of a twelve-year-old that'll give you indigestion a few hours afterword?
Where did he say anything about fast food? He's just talking about tacos, burgers, and milkshakes.
Forced memes aren't real memes you idiot.