I hate audiophiles
Other urls found in this thread:
>I have shit hearing
lmaoing @ youre life too be honest famm.
Real audiophiles EQ $3 walmart shitphones to sound like HD800.
t. professional audiophile
Hey at least you know that guy could listen to his music whilst the solar storm was going on with no measurable difference in snr...
I wish I could be an audiophile but I have tinnitus
REAL Audiophiles, EQ and tune an FM transmitter and receiver.
Listening to anything with Wire Bias is plebeian.
>these retards buy an overpriced CD reader for 4000 dollars
>Warren Buffet says he call hear the difference and spent 70.000 dollars in a simple CD reader
>in fact it's using a Sony 15 dollar DAC
>Falling for the live snake cables meme
Enjoy your audible hiss
Does anyone else think those big audiophile cables looks kind of scary?
>not using crystals for better audio quality
What is the theory here
Fake diagnosis like adhd and """depression"""
That's a big python
why would this anger you user? this is fucking funny
The desicants absorb the wet audio signals to provide a crisp dry sound.
wtf i hate audiophiles now
You just can't hear quality
i'm tripping ballz on acid and goddamn this made me laugh
Whip me with those cables daddy!
i thought this was a priest by thumbnail
>literaly laying on the ground
>not propped up on cable elevators
it's like this guy wants to hear the static
Isn't that just dry rice
Something like "healing" with gemstones I guess.
the fuck am i looking at
top kek
top banz
Go to an indoor shooting range and spend 8 hours without headphones there. Then ask someone to shoot yourself after, retard.
for you
>i hate people who have autistic hobbies that don't affect anyone or manifest themselves in any way outside their personal domicile
>coconut audio's website is squatted
It's comments like these is why i can't quit Sup Forums.
why does anyone care what audiophiles do?
this is like making threads about how angry amish people make you.
who fucking cares? they're losers. ignore them.
>tfw my $100 cables came in today
Ironic, because you post like you're from leddit
it looks like prolapsed ass
Snake Oil; Tech Review Thread
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Are audiophiles the "alternative science" fags of the consumer tech industry?
Faraday cages around cables i presume
The computer in that picture is a late 2006 MacBook pro, which contains an Intel x86-64 CPU, and an Intel chipset, plus a BIOS compatibility layer in its EFI, thus making it a fully IBM PC compatible computer that can indeed run Microsoft Windows versions intended for such computers.
Are those jelly beans?
They are probably hearing some kind of a difference with those crazy cables. The amplifiers popular with many audiophiles are simple circuits with practically no damping or global feedback and highly reactive to loads. It's not 'truth' they are hearing but an effect. It might be a cool effect but not worth the money imo.
God, why is new hi-fi equipment so goddamn ugly and boring looking. I want flashing lights and VU meters and so many dials that some of them don't even do anything. This clean and minimalist trend needs to stop.
>I hate people enjoying things
(You) deserve this
Lmao, this.
>implying audiophiles actually enjoy things instead of perpetually "upgrading"
There's nothing wrong with being an audiophile. Like all hobbies, some people just take things way too far. Autists exist in all hobbies.
Everything is wrong about that.
>be autistic about drawing/playing music/crafts
>bring joy to others through art pieces
>be autistic about cooking
>bring joy to others through delicious food
>be autistic about film/tv/literature
>bring joy to others through interesting relatable discussion
>be autistic about linux
>sperg on Sup Forums
>be autistic about audio equipment
>shitpost on headfi 24/7
you will KNOW the difference
they are sourced from a lake in alaska
there is only 1 place
dat kayne west
>Not attatching orgonite to critical time space domains
Yep we got a whole fucking bunch of Reichlets in here...
It's fine to be into audio. These guys get made fun of because they consistently fail at blind listening tests. They actually can't tell the difference between a normal high-quality setup and their over-the-top shit. I don't think there is an equivalent of this bullshit that hams or model railway fags, etc., buy into.
>be autistic about drawing/playing music/crafts
>bring joy to others through porn
>be autistic about film/tv/literature
>bring misery to others by finding racist transmisogyny in everything
>be autistic
>shit all over with your poltardianism
I'm just being real about film/tv/literature autists.
sneks (pls no step)
theory? you don't understand, this provides purely practical benefits, no theory involved
>steely dan, throat singing, steely dan
>you name it
>tfw I have a legit pair if HD 800S
Come visit user and we'll have a no homo audio party
How can the cable be more efficient if the connector is still that small?
It's for high fidelity audio.
The crystals at the top of the cable reflect all the high frequencies back down into the audible hearing range so that you can hear more detail in the music.
If you want more bass you can tape a packet to the bottom too.
Don't tape ones to the side though or you'll kill the soundstage.
Looks like some kind of evil parasite desu
>7.5ips reel-to-reel only
>don't hit on me silly metal cassette users
All that could be replaced with a fiber optic cable.
you can replace speaker wire with fiber optics?
wireless would be even better hth
i said speaker wire, that's clearly speaker wire, notice the spade connectors
Depends on the wireless. That said, for short distances (>40 feet), hands down the best cable is HDMI. An Amazon Basics HDMI cable will give you better sound than a $1000 cable with crystals taped on it.
That's like saying that HDMI isn't an option because your TV only has a coaxial input. Maybe don't use archaic shit.
Tinnitus is very real, I lost 2 fingers and a foot to an ied but literally the worst part of it is tinnitus. I would give my dick to get rid of it.
>Do YOU come with the audio system?
user, speaker wire carries amplified analog signals, they drive the speakers
you can't just replace it with a digital cable, that makes no sense
i've heard of power being transmitted by laser light, but i'm not sure if this is available as a speaker wire replacement
>They drive the speakers.
Only if you're using archaic shit.
A power cord to the speaker, combined with digital signal, is entirely possible.
People will by anything
You can only feed your speakers with an analog signal(speaker wire), those are digital inputs.
that would mean the DAC and amplifier is in the speaker unit, which is perfectly fine, but not what we're talking about
Is not memeboi, speakers are analog.