*breaths in*

*breaths in*


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Childish post

Looks like a biker suit.

The fuck is up with the spacex shilling/antishilling tonight? Did this really need a new thread you braindead cunt?

sage/hide etc.

>fully functional like all his other suits
>more durable
And somehow this is bad? You sound like one of those people who go "I wish it'd hurry up and be the future" then start a petition to ban scary tech.

>fully functional like all his other suits

It has already been tested in space you mongol

I'm gonna need some proofs to believe that statement.


Here is all the proof you need

Can I have gold one?

>gonna need some proofs
*grabs dick*

I like it

Wtf, it looks cool. How would you want a fucking spacesuit to look?

op just hates musk

op you will need to be a bit more fit to have one

This is not an EVA suit you fucking childish motherfuckers. This is made for interiors in case of sudden decompression.

>This is not an EVA suit

Into the trash it goes then


So Tron 3 is being made after all?

I don't think that's a space suit. I think it's a pressure suit.

EVA suits are made so you can survive in space for hours.
Pressure suits are made so you don't die if the craft decompresses. You can survive in the vacuum of space for a short time.


Its not a spacesuit. Its a spaceSHIP suit. It works only inside. Not for walking outside.

Its still a very good thing this happened. Its a design jump from the old baggy large ones. This new streamline approach is more modern.

Now I want to see what their space suit is like.

You mongrels do realise that space suits don't have to be bulky pieces of shit, right?
They can achieve the aim of not having you turn into a bloated piece of shit by applying mechanical pressure too.

Nice render, it's a shame that no astronaut in his right mind trust that shit and sticks to the bulky cold war design that Just Works

Elon Musk couldn't care less about what a few old fools have to say, and will continue to make everyone else look like a stupid relic from the past.

>blindly trusting something that, as yet, hasnt been tested in an emergency situation

when will they learn
we're all gonna die on this rock

This suit is not meant to be used in the outer space, just to protect the astronauts while moving between vehicles and during the launch.

The boots looks fairly lightweight, probably also optimized for mobility. These suits aren’t designed for extra-vehicular activity (EVA) after all – they’re created to protect the astronauts while they’re in the capsule, and when moving over to other vehicles (like the ISS) under pressurized conditions, rather than being exposed to vacuum."


1000 times this you dumb faggots

The guys on the ISS these days do all this shit in tshirts and jeans tho

This is the equivalent NASA suit.

>mfw future space suits look like this

My spes pirate waifu is almost here?


A new era of freedom and insurance fraud is upon us

Obviously not sexy enough to be an Eva suit

Needs more THICC

... all we know is,
he's called the Stig

Slim fit for slim brains.

Reminder to ignore what this charlatan and a welfare queen has to say. He's all about attention whoring and putting himself in the middle of news... because it makes it easier for him to raise money from taxpayers.

>Can we wean Elon Musk off government support already?

>Its Time to Stop Spending Taxpayer Dollars on Elon Musk and Cronyism

>It has been widely reported that among SolarCity, Tesla, and the rocket company SpaceX, Elon Musks confederacy of interests has gotten at least $4.9 billion in taxpayer support over the past 10 years.

>This is almost half of Musks supposed net worthtaken from the pockets of American citizens and put into companies that can survive only by cannibalizing each other, spending without end, and promising that success is always just beyond the horizon and yet never arrives.

imagine if he weren't a lolbertarian

how would be sucking the government teet dry

>They are afraid The Daily Signal is providing an alternative to the usual left-wing or establishment media spin

Stopped reading there.

That's 5 billion damn well spent. You'd be paying 10 times that for the same results if it were a government agency doing his job.

t. a very low IQ brainlet

ps: fuck off back to plebbit you dumb piece of pig shit. you're clearly from there.

capitalism spends money in order to get even more back


Why continue reading after the author has shown himself to be a retarded right wing brainlet?

>entity superseding the NAP through monopolization of violence and legal blackmail takes your money and gives it to bail out a failed entrepreneur

>all three of the companies are shitting insane money
>failed companies
>tesla is a fail
>space x is a fail
>solar is a fail
cant be that stupid

Yes they are fucking failed companies if their success relies on sucking government dick so they can stay afloat in the market.
Do your new age venture shit with your own fucking money, not mine taken from me by a bunch of senile cocksuckers.


wait until you see the inside of the tin can kamikaze capsule

shit you mean like LM did
or BOEING that is constantly doing?
or FORD ?

oh shit didnt knew exxon has shills on Sup Forums now must be biting hard that they are about to abolish texas ban in order to let tesla sell them
oh the black gold tears is so much fun

Why are you giving me all these examples of non-capitalism you statist cuck?


you cant be stupid now can you first time i see someone that doesnt understand how the market works

>how the market works
Fuck off kike, the free market is the only way, not your crony 'mixed' market bureashittary. Keep your statist wet dreams to yourself, cuck.

>Elon Musk
I'm sure his heart is in the right place but he dearly needs engineers instead of marketers.

Why bother when the TR3B exists

so the company ask the goverment for a load (its the third time already) pay up in time and with interest but somehow you STILL think this is not how capitalism works

and you have the audacity to even reply back

rma your self

Anyone notice how when Sup Forums comes here they're never interested in talking about technology?

I consider Sup Forums my home board and posted this

Capitalism means there would have never been a government loan in the first place. Quit subverting terminologies to your statist fetishes.
>reddit spacing

Notice how redditors have a Sup Forums living inside their mind rent free?

capitalism means move the fucking money around in order to make money

if you dont understand the difference between capitalism and free market you really need to go back and learn some history


I'm talking about the general trend here. Elon Musks marketing isn't particularly tech related. They're only superficially related. None of us have access to design or even a short list of materials used.
It's just a visual stunt.

just like my animes

Go back.

so get mad at the musk shills not poltards


How Elon's adventures work is that they pour government money into useful R&D, and spend a few bucks on some PR to make it look like they're worth the government money.

thats a nasa prototype faggot

i just find it its really nice and sweet ;)

aww, the anti white leftist wants a safespace :(

>capitalism means move the fucking money around in order to make money
No it doesn't you lying reddit shit. It means private ownership of capital goods and voluntary trade, your public ownership bullshit has nothing to do here other than an encroaching mentality of entitlement fed by ever growing tax rates. But we're not even discussing public ownership here, we're discussing you're cucked mentality of subverting terminology to defend an ENTITY legitimized solely through the monopolization of violence (although it is useful in certain spheres) taking YOUR fucking EARNED money, and giving it to a failed businessman whose ventures cannot survive in a free market AKA capitalist system, so he can make some kool PR stunts and put some money in his pocket.

listen darren i know you are mad cause elon is doing great and can actually pay its debt
but coming to Sup Forums to shill is a pathetic way
back to exxon now you filthy imp

you've got to go back

are you mad? do you want a safespace?

you go back to r3ddit.

>listen darren i know you are mad cause elon is doing great and can actually pay its debt
Of course, just like the banks are paying back their debt with taxpayer money.
Maybe communism is the way, trade my independent freedom to put you statist cucks in gulags so you can do some great things for society.

it's time to go!

>this assdamaged you can't fit in the suit
Lose weight fatty

if marx was alive i believe he would have used this meme

>musk shills.
You could talk about this given proper context. Watch the op spazz out over no information whatsoever. He just doesn't like the aesthetics it seems.
That's not tech related. This is the kind of junk you expect to see on garbage sites like Gizmodo.

You can go ponder that by his grave, just don't forget to pay the entrance fee.

I thought people don't like it because it cares about form over function.

>breaths in

I'm not an expert in what functions you'd need for this really.
I agree that they've put time into the looks. And I generally like a more utilitarian aesthetic but it's not like this is a negative.

>These suits aren’t designed for extra-vehicular activity (EVA) after all – they’re created to protect the astronauts while they’re in the capsule, and when moving over to other vehicles (like the ISS) under pressurized conditions, rather than being exposed to vacuum."

>pressurized conditions, rather than being exposed to vacuum.
theyre really really really expensive "fancy" clothes then

What they are wearing isn't meant to be used in space but inside a ship that happens to be in space.

It's like calling the PJs I'm wearing right now a spacesuit because the earth happens to be in space.

ignore the post, i was a dumbass and read 'are' instead of 'aren't'

non aggression policy?
anarcho capitalism?

get the fuck out of my board

Too bad scum, but this ain't the people's non-anonymous sickle casting forum.

Gee I sure enjoyed discussing """"technology""""

muh dick

what the fuck is this thread

>neets complaining about two very successful companies
colour me surprised

Amerifatties complaining about suit size. They want a XXXL version.

It's a mock-up and clearly they don't intend to go into space in that thing.


Bodacious space pirates?

someone make an edit with this pic