Daily Reminder: Any DE is bloated by definition

i3wm/bspwm >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Any DE

>me bloat maymay
Kys you stupid faggot.

>useless big ass borders
>shitty icons on your bar
I thought you was supposed to prove your point

gaps is bloat lmao kys

who /stock i3/ here?

Were your parents even alive in the 80's?

B...but stock i3 is hideous, user..

It's just a faggot windows user who pretend to use archlinux by running it in virtualbox
>look at how hacker he is, a real arch faggit

Good combination of colours, haters kys.

the stock bar is absolutely fucking hideous

>icewm is bloat

Nice buttrock collection, OP

i think it looks good...

>no xmonad

>Using genkernel

budgie > i3 > rest

>missing the point of a tiled wm

Ew, a typical LinuxNeetTrapLast.fm r9k desktop

get some depth you kneesock wearing piece of human trash

Fuck you. I fell for the meme and setup a beautiful i3 on my laptop today. I have already memorized the keybindings and maximized my efficiency. While it sure is nice for a vim master with a carpal tunnel like myself, it has its issues.

I don't care about bloat. Honestly, my DE could consume 8GBs of RAM and I wouldn't give a fuck. I setup i3 only because of the workflow you all talked about. Now that I've set it up, I fail to see the benefits. My workflow was similar on Xfce, where I split the windows to the four quarters with keybindings. If I requires tiles smaller than a quarter, they were terminal emulator windows anyways and I could just use tmux.

Tldr: Tiling window managers are a waste of time and only useful for ricers.

Lol who uses a computer to be productive?

>WLAN SSID: Hacker Network
Whew pls dont hak me

please tell me more about the way you set up your DHCP and why you have to monitor it at all times

LXDE master race incoming

Tiling WMs are incredibly more efficient and productive especially on laptops, in my experience.

I used i3 for some years, it was nice for quickly managing windows, but it fucks up too many programs (e.g. gimp).
I rarely need to tile more than 2 windows per workspace, so I'm back to xfce and everything just works.

Reminder that WMs are also look way better than any DE

Not really. I can tile to quarters with Xfce easily. I never want a tile smaller than quarter anyways and even if I did, I have tmux.

This is true. Shame the functionality is not on par with the major DEs and floating WMs.

>dat 1280x1024
my nigga

I run that on my crt. 4:3 is nice for reading

you're goddamn right it is