What's the best way to learn HTML?

What's the best way to learn HTML?

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by writing html

Get off your ass shitposting on Sup Forums and actually learn it. It's not hard.

I'm learning using this. It's awesome


Gald you asked.

Idk if you are on windows or gnu/linux
If you are on windows use notepad++
Gnu/linux, use nano.

there is literally no reason to learn HTML


Wow, this guy is kinda weird but I like it. Is this, by any chance, you?

if someone needs instructions beyond "install notepad++" they are already a lost cause

I'm not bucky?
I actually learned HTML and css from him when i was around 12.
He is really good at explaining things.

It's a pretty solid text editor.
No one should use anything other than Notepad++ for programming if they are on windows.

Gentoo, install it . Nice blog btw

Yeah I'm liking his style so far. Is this still HTML5 compatible? I don't think HTML5 was fully implemented by the time he was making these videos



I agree with this guy, I would usually recommend something free, but I don't know something free that quality anywhere near this.

But if you want free instead, OP () then try freecodecamp.com or www.udacity.com (which is usually pretty great, but if you quickly want to be able to make something useful then the web developer bootcamp is great)

Html version doesn't matter. Don't worry about it.
Just always have "" that at the top.

Also btw you don't need to watch every single video, just stop at video #25.

i agree. i'm just saying if you need video instructions on how to install it you are a lost cause already

>No one should use anything other than Notepad++ for programming if they are on windows.
sublimetext is better

one html book and your os's text editor.

What's the most complicated thing you could do with HTML5?

htmldog for html & css, mdn for js

What's there to learn?


It's for Java, not HTML.

Here you go, OP.
