Say what you will about it, or what goes on in it. I think "It runs SecondLife well" is a good (and constantly updating) standard of "is this computer good".
What does everyone else use to gauge a computer's quality?
Say what you will about it, or what goes on in it. I think "It runs SecondLife well" is a good (and constantly updating) standard of "is this computer good".
What does everyone else use to gauge a computer's quality?
>Second Life
and kill yourself while you're at it you mong
A good connection to blacked dot com is all my good goyish life really needs.
>Didn't read description of thread, gave expected response.
Could you at least make an effort to be different. So many wasted opportunities.
>post about a video game and video game performance on a board not about video games
try harder faggot
>What does everyone else use to gauge a computer's quality?
It's specs and suite of benchmarks.
The first game I try is always Crysis.
is second life still going? last i heard anything about was some 10 years ago
can't even imagine what was going through your head when you wrote this garbage
I test my connection with how fast Sup Forums loads up
Also kys furfag
>Mentions obvious, does not provide alternative.
Gauging how people respond to a stupid question to determine the reliability of responses.
From what I can tell it's leaning to the circle-jerk kind of thing rather than anyone having serious discussion.
I sage my own threads, you could be doing it too.
>implying SL is hard to run
>implying I cant max it out at 60fps on an Athlon 5350 and a 750ti
The real test is if it can run Insurgency well.
does it do what i need it to do.
Furmark and Cinebench.
Insurgency doesn't have particularly high requirements. Second Life is at least known for running like garbage on even the nicest of machines.
My actual standard is generally how well the runs with two or more VMs. I'd prefer avoiding doing them over the network when possible.
why is it that tripfags always make the worst threads
Easier to bait responses with a tripcode.
Right off the bat you talk about fucking Second Life of all things, you think you still need a trip for that?
Hey, as long as it works.
Is there even a supercomputer in existence that can run that good?
Most of SL's performance issues are not actually dependent on hardware. Ive played that shit on my friends PC with an i7 7700k and dual 1080ti SLI on fucking 2gbps fiber and the game still struggled to hold 60fps when in a sim with more than 10 people
Sounds about right.
It's sad how long this thread has survived even when I sage it with every post I've made.
kys tripfag