What do you think of the magical properties of emojis?

what do you think of the magical properties of emojis?

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I think people who believe in that stuff are fucking retarded

its not really a stretch if you believe in magic

probably about as powerful as repeating numbers
speaking about those
check these dubs

I thought that "praise kek" bullshit was funny. This is sad because these people sincerely believe they're witches and that doing this shit will work.

it reminded me of chanology
it was funny until everyone bought a guy fawkes mask and it became cancer

i think this is why the lost the election

How come these tumblr witches can't come up with a magic spell to lose 100 lbs?

Reeeeeeeeee healthy at every size!!!!!!!!

Nice dubs unlike

I can't tell if this is shitposting on multiple layers of irony or a false flag

>This is sad because these people sincerely believe they're witches and that doing this shit will work.
Just like people unironically believe in "meme magic".
See: all the spics at trump rallies.

What's even sadder is that they think trump is a christian fundamentalist who will have them burned for witchcraft when he's one of the most centrist candidates you can have

Kek frowns upon the witches.

It's the truth libcucks are so childish and so desperate that they think witchcraft is real they don't know about KEK and how powerful he (yes I said he because woman can't be god because (((woman))) are dumb) is and (((emojis))) are such fucking cancer like only a (((normie )))would ever use it kekekekek.
If this post is doubles Trump will make anime real 2078 PLEASE KEK I BEG YOU.

>Certain combinations of 0s and 1s are magical

it's just a tactic of butthurt leftists who come here for some reason

>an spell
sounds about right for emoji spammers

Link me to the thread senpai


Pretty magical alright.


I can't believe I actually read all that shit.

I recognize the pasta from here, fuck

That's not how mememagic works. Dumb witches.

Even if they magically took down Trump,
the massive amount of people who voted for him ain't going anywhere.

Holy crap, user, you are a hero. This is wonderful.

They are magic!

Holy shit that Chihuahua rape thread was amazing. Those parents were terrible dog owners. The black one is being brutally raped by the bigger one and the dad says
>Let them fuck
Probably had been happening for a while and the parents thought they were being all progressive having a gay Chihuahua couple.

Meme magic was great until people thought it was real. People are real, and they put in the work to make meme magic real.

I would think most actual Occultists would endorse Trump if only because he's the chaotic option.