Is the GTX 1060 a good card or should I suck it up and pay retarded prices for a 1070? Please, help me...

Is the GTX 1060 a good card or should I suck it up and pay retarded prices for a 1070? Please, help me. I know nothing and haven't purchased a graphics card since 2009.

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1060 is fine for 1080P i wouldnt bother with the 1070 unless you find a normally priced one

Is it suitable for vr?

1060 for 1080p@60mhZ
1070 for 1080p@144mhz or 1440p 60hz

Here's the official tier list.

>4k tier
- 1080
- 1070

>1080p tier
- 1060 (6gb)
- 1060 (3gb)

>720p tier
- 1050ti

>buy a PS4 instead tier
- 1050

What about an RX580? Those are more affordable.

If you can find one for the MSRP go for it. Just got a RX Vega 56 for £380. Matches the performance of a GTX 1080 and absolutely destroys the GTX 1070. It is a little more juicy however on power however.

>4K tier
Good joke. I had the 1070 and its not near a 4K tier, most current titles run on medium settings. After I swtiched to a 1080 Ti everything ran maxed at 50+ FPS.

I would not recommend buying the 1060 3 G. The 1050 Ti can still run games at 1080p, but often only with medium settings.

But they aren't. AMD cards can be considered miner cards now. Their game performance isn't worth the high prices the miners have created.


> using the word 'however' twice on the same sentence
> buys an ayymd

Tell me how I know you're retarded

1060 6Gb version should be just enough for VR. it'll look pretty bad because the current headsets are low resolution though. Try to spring for a 1080 or 1080ti if at all possible so you can supersample

lol no fucking way, middle grounds both cards doesn't destroy shit.

900 series is still for sale ya know

you can do 1080p@120MHz on modern titles with this card. GamersNexus has shown that this card is preforming very well even in beta destiny 2.

by this card, I mean the 1060;
also, link:


the 900 series are still more than fine for most games. i'm on a 960 and have no issues with fo4, gta5, etc on high settings. dunno why you people think games need the latest and greatest all the time.

>Cheaper than a GTX 1080 for same performance (excepting power).
>Already own a 1400P Freesync monitor
I love to tinker as well so it's ideal for me. I feel I got a great deal ~desu

sure. 54 flashed to 64

Wait for the 1060 ti and 1070 ti.

This kid has a better rig than you.

nobody in their right mind would buy a 900 series card right now unless they could get them for significantly cheaper than their sale price

>infecting your kid with gayming cancer

Wait for Nvidia Volta GV106 GTX 2060

Like any of the dozens of 970's listed on Ebay for $100-200?

970 is dead though
i'd get 390 for $100 it's same perf as RX580

>390 for 100 usd
Where? I would buy it and even pay huge amounts for shipping because in my country it's over 300$ for a 390

I mean if you could find one. They all are in mining rigs at this point.
I wouldn't waste money on 970, they will cut support next year, what left of it anyway, only if you really have to.

If not invested in Freesync get a GTX 1060 6GB. If invested in Freesync or not get a RX Vega 56 and skip the GTX 1070. Undervolt/Overclock or even flash to 64 and you are good to go with 1440P and even some 4K. Seriously I am shocked at what a beast my 56 is.

Oh and this is even before they get their driver features like primative shaders working. Gawd knows how fast it will be once they have those 17 triangles per second being pushed..

There is no way to buy a Vega 56 at a normal price, in some places a 1080ti has almost the same price

True. Gotta get lucky and get in there quick when they restock :) is your friend

would you want to? why bother with reference?

just don't buy amd

>million hertz
does this user live in 2077 or what

Your PC doesn't run at 60 megaframes per second?

For the 1060 6gb does it need to be dual fan or is one fine?

What resolution is your screen? Because it's a crucial factor.
The pc I've built has a GTX 1060 6 GB + i5 6500 and it can push all the games I play to 100 fps at max/high settings on 1080p.

The problem with the GTX 1060 is that the 6GB is too expensive, $290 for the cheap versions.
Back in 2014 when the GTX 970 was released it costs $350 but just a few months later it was down to $320 or lower, I got my G1 Gaming GTX 970 for $300 in December 14 and this is one of the best GTX 970 you could buy at the time.
Later in 2015 the GTX 970 was going in sale for $240 almost weekly.
The GTX970 OC to 1500mhz is just a few frames behind the GTX 1060 OC 2000mhz.

Now, if you compare to the prices of used GTX 980Ti which go around for $300, the GTX 1060 is a really bad buy unless you really want HEVC hardware decoding.

1060 6gb is on par with the OG Titan for performance, and you can pick one of those up for like $200

I got 2 for cheaper than a single 1060 3gb
>b-b-but electricity
Good thing I don't live in Germany or Australia

So are Nvidia cards. Someone made a CUDA miner

Why is the exact same CPU listing 2 different clock speeds?

A megaframe != a megahertz

A megaframe kinda sounds like a frame that is higher than monitor resolution so that if you look through the monitor at and angle it will shift the image a bit so that it is like looking through a window into the video game instead of a camera image of the video game.

One of them is over clocked. Chinks are dumb and can't into comparisons

No, GTX 1060 is as fast as GTX 980 which means it's faster than Kepler Titan

Also why would anyone buy Kepler, it doesn't have HEVC Main10 or VP9 hardware decoding, it uses way more power than 1060 for less performance in games and FP32 compute

Full retard, you are

The 1060 is nowhere near close to a 980, don't be dumb

>EVC Main10 or VP9 hardware decoding
>shit no one uses

> Is the GTX 1060 a good card
Certainly not that in your OP pic. ASUS Dual cooler does not have any contact with memory chips nor they have their own radiators.

>The 1060 is nowhere near close to a 980, don't be dumb

>over 10+ fps difference
>needs the expensive 6gb version to be relevant

Exactly, I have a old ass amd processor, but use a 1050t and can run some games like black op3 on medium settings. It was cheap too only £115

>expensive 6GB version

The 1060 will always outperform the 980 in modern cards because the 10 series isn't being gimped yet.


>Jewvidia gimps their cars at time goes on
>AyyMD makes them faster

Just buy 2 Titans. It'll still be cheaper than a single 1060

Don't tell me you tards fell for the MiniITX meme

>Just buy 2 Titans. It'll still be cheaper than a single 1060
Why would I do that? I already have a 1080Ti.


Nvidia itself says GTX 1060 = GTX 980 and all the reviews out there shows the same thing

Anyone else that says otherwise can go and kill themselves

Well then obviously that advice doesn't apply to you

Seems like bad advice regardless as you'll need to use SLI and will potentially need a larger power supply.

You wouldn't need a massive PSU, anything over 600watts 80+ should be fine

>1070 $500
>1080 $550
Really makes me think

Are card prices still inflated because of crypto miners?

yes and it will stay that way for at least a few more years

In my country certain 1070 models are more expensive than 1080.

I got a 980 for £170, consider doing the same. Does 1440p on modern games for me, but not consistently smoothly.


Buying Kepler cards is retarded. I've used a 780 Ti for 4K gaming until late 2016, I switched to a 1060 3G (and got cash back) and noticed how gimped Kepler really is. Witcher 3 ran on 15 - 20 FPS (ultra-low only Ultra Textures) on the 780 Ti, 30 - 40 FPS on the 1060. Also its drawing a shitload of electricity, it felt like my PC was a burning fire every time I played games.
The 1050 Ti is a nice expansion card for older systems, it delivers the performance of a GTX 680 with more VRAM and only 75 - 90 W power draw. And modern decoders, 4K capability.
SLI is even more retarded than buying a single Kepler Titan in 2017. They may have enough VRAM, but get outperformed by a single 1070. A 1080 Ti should give 4x the FPS (I had the 1070 after the 780, and now have the Ti).
I would not recommend it. Buying old hardware means often less or zero warranty and you have a used piece of hardware there. When its only 50 €/$ difference I would always go for the newer model, less power draw, more VRAM, better drivers.

You don't know if a Kepler Titan hasn't been used in heavy CUDA rendering or gaming since 2014, with these shitty stock coolers they don't live long.