What's your favorite programming language and why isn't it Java?

What's your favorite programming language and why isn't it Java?



Greetings my friend, glad to see there are more of us here



what, indians?

Did... did... did you just say HTML is a programming language?

>why isn't it Java?

Because I wasn't born with down syndrome.

We mostly use Python in my current company.

Did you develop it later in life?

Because I like memory.

No, did you?

C# is best for hobby programming desu
Python can be fun too for some different stuff.
Java is like having a lvl 0 character in a video game, it's something to start out with and know but not branching out to other (better) languages afterwards is shooting yourself in the foot.

Jesus Christ that icon design is giving me cancer.

No, I was born with it.

>Start out with Java
>Do C++ in school
>get meme'd into C by Sup Forums
>Like Java even more now
I don't do embedded stuff, so I love Java (no opinion on Embedded Java).

>massive amounts of heap
>no delete

Scheme is the most beautiful language ever, but CL is probably my favorite. OOP is shit, so I don't like Java.

Perl 6

Is fucking fun. (And can run in the JVM)

I use 5 a lot for my administration scripts; what does 6 bring to the table (other than the fun and JVM)? Haven't looked into it.

Modern concepts. Auto threading, actual OOP (with mixins), a proper text processing framework (called GRAMMARS), saner regular expressions, lazyness, macros (not lisp macros, but i understand that is something the developers want), saner 'special' variables, lots of convenience shortcuts, metaoperators.

Is a bit too much for sysadmin tasks, but i guess is still usable for that. It is now a proper full fledged programmming language for big systems.

>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that presumes a specific non-answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer, including aforementioned specific non-answer

Sounds pretty cool, I'll check it out. Thanks for the answer.

I'm looking into taking some programming courses at my community college and Java is one of the options as a certificate program, as is C++. I honestly don't know jobs there are for these languages and I'm getting up there in age(25 now). There is also a program for Web Design that does have some programming courses as well and those are all Java. What would yield the more promising future?

sure smells of poo in here...



Java is best
Kindly regards friends

Didn't notice it until you came in here, shitlord.

Java is my favorite

maybe hes born with it too.
maybe its maybelline

Currently learning VB.net
Is it a very valuable language?

Common Lisp and C. You can't ignore how limited Java is once you've any decent language.

The JVM and the Java bytecode instruction set are the real stars. Java itself is irrelevant.




its quick, reads well, and has a great community

come at me dorks


Very easy to use and it allows rapid prototyping of ideas. Very mice Image Processing libraries, too. I wish my university abandoned MATLAB completely in favor of python.

>program in elixir
>erlang vm runs directly on hypervisor
>spawn lightweight processes a dime a dozen
>each process has it's own state
>each process has it's own gc
>supervision tree is super comfy
>life is good

>program in java
>java vm starts slooow
>processes are kinda heavyweight
>processes share thread pool
>a metric fuckton of (bad) concurrency mechanisms to make shit work
>4 different garbage collectors with options
>each garbage collector stops the world
>life is an UML diagram
>checked and unchecked exceptions
>spill out ugly stack traces
>I want to go home
>life sucks

this guy gets it

>no u
Ye done goofed.

It's ugly as fuck and has a steep learning curve but I can express anything I want, at any level of abstraction. It's the ultimate swiss army knife and I can use it anywhere.

I appreciate python a lot and I wish I could do most of my work in it, but my current favourite is Scheme

java is fine to work with due to the ecosystem, but there are a few legacy things i hate about it.
also i love the elegance of haskell, that made it hard for me to find other languages enjoyable ever since.


Pretty straightforward to use

Scala. Because it generally makes more sense than Java, plus it has a lot of nice language features.


Because it is a slow, bloated, and ugly language with godawful APIs.

I will make C# My favorite hopefully I will learn it to a good degree

Anyone who thinks Java is their favourite obviously hasn't tried C#. C# is a direct upgrade.

It's amazing to me that CLOS is one of the most sane implementations of OOP I've ever seen. CL is truly patrician.

In the same way that C++ is a direct upgrade to C.

>C++ommmon Lisp
Go use a pure lisp fag

> Decide to learn Java
> Seems like a great language
> Want to do GUI stuff
> Greatest code fuckfest I have ever seen
> Creating GUI anything takes 10x longer than it should
> End result looks like absolute cancer
> Need to do networking things
> It too is a fuckfest because signed everything
> Need to bitshift everything and pack unsigned things into signed things and add redundant "If below zero do" code
> Look at other projects to find suggestions on how to network correctly
> Almost all of them are using networking libraries written in C or C++ because Java networking is so much cancer
> The ones that don't have server and client written in Java exchanging only signed data
> Decide to try C# despite the Sup Forums meme about "microsoft botnets" and because I've heard good things about it with .NET Core
> Literally "Java done correctly"
> Everything is a lot less redundant, you don't have built in library functions requiring news as arguments, which takes news as arguments, which takes news, etc
> Built in library functions actually returns sensible values like arrays and strings, instead of "StringFactoryFactoryBean"
> Has unsigned so networking is a breeze, also you don't have to waste memory on longs and ints when a short or a byte will suffice
> Making a GUI for something is 1000x easier and looks 1000x better than anything Java could accomplish
> Literally the only downside is that you cannot easily make GUIs for Linux and OSX, but that's just a matter of time given the .NET Core direction

And that's why I will probably never touch Java again unless absolutely required.

Is it me or does this thread smell like poo?


i agree that GUI should never be done in java. but it's great for networking and servers. what library were you using? never seen any that require anything to be signed.

Anything that isn't web design.

UI in java isn't too bad IMO, OOP is a natural fit for GUIs
what's the problem exactly?

C# is the better and easier version of java. java is lacking basic features

the only C# features I'm pining for are unsigned types and reified generics

the rest is bloat

C++ and C#

wait a second, GUI in C# ? You mean ASP.NET MVC ?

desu i've only done ui with swing and that seemed kinda bad. i would probably just use js for ui instead. maybe it's not as bad as i thought but just doesn't seem ideal.

dynamic. structs. unsafe. Tons of convenience features.

I made an AI that programs everything for me in any language I want

Did you name it Pajeet?

If I wanted dynamic typing, I wouldn't be using a statically typed language.
If I wanted value types and pointers, I'd be using C++.

Instead you can just learn C# and have it all.

>have it all.
lacking semantic consistency is not a good thing

I was just using the default serversocket. The problem was that the client was written in C++ and as such communciated with a mixture of data, both signed and unsigned, which was a huge issue in Java.

You could receive them just fine, but were forced to put the data in places where they didn't belong, Eg. putting an unsigned int into a long, and then write extra code to ensure the data (which was passed around a lot) never got set to a negative value. The alternative was to bitshift to sort of force an unsigned into a signed, but then you had to write a ton of redundant functions everywhere to actually manipulate the data.

It was even worse when you wrote data to the socket, because you were forced to bitshift almost all the data down from larger variables into psuedo-unsigned signed ints/shorts/bytes before you could pass them to the socket or packet-creator.

It was a mess.


The default layout managers are shit though, you need Mig-Layout.
I don't know why on earth that isn't in the standard library

Because I only know Java and I want to fit. Maybe one day I'll learn C++ or build my own computer.

daily reminder that anyone who shits on java for no reason doesnt know what they're talking about and their opinion should be disregarded

java sucks in some ways but you should disregard the opinions of those who can't express why

Java is used by poo-in-loos

t. Pajeet

I don't like programming languages that need a vm/an interpreter. I much prefer languages that compile to native opcodes.

WPF. It's literally the best GUI toolkit ever. Is there anything that even comes close in other languages?


Bullshit for hipsters, real BEAM'mancers use Erlang and LFE.

c# is better

C# because is Java but better

C# is full off bullshit that harms readability
Java could definitely do with signed types though

c# is better

this must be the most retarded shit I have seen so far on this board.


SCRIPT, suckers

not an argument


Have a beer my friend.
C is the cleanest and most beautiful language out there (next comes assembly).

> Retards are the majority
> Majority decides the tech stack
> The tech stack sucks because Retards

We're doomed.

Not really considering C# has a far cleaner standard library, better library management (via nuget), and more sane implementations of common things (like datetime). It also is just better with standard language features like unchecked exceptions, anonymous types, lambda expressions (does Java even have this yet?), async/await, and much more!

>and more sane implementations of common things (like datetime)
structs in languages like these are the last things I'd call sane
>It also is just better with standard language features like unchecked exceptions
Checked exceptions are one of the few good implementations of exceptions in general. Robust programs > hacked together pieces of shit
>lambda expressions (does Java even have this yet?)
yes, and functional interfaces are far more elegant than delegates

Tips have spoken

desu we had everything Microsoft in uni then just continued with it...and never had a problem.
Azure, Visual Studio, Team Services, C#, ASP.NET MVC, never had a problem that Microsoft were responsible for

I don't get why Java is so popular, is this because android?

Truly Cross Platform, GC and extensive standard library

A struct is fine. The supporting library for manipulating time is what matters.
Checked exceptions are 9/10 times just extra boilerplate to write, and having used plenty of Java programs I can say they don't make the code any more robust.
I looked into it, and lacking delegates appears to be more of an impedance than the realization of cleaner design. I also looked into Java's answer to linq, which is streams, which appear to be pretty hacked together. There's no support for extensions, because Java doesn't have them. There's no ability to do things like linq to sql. You're given this new thing, which isn't really consistent with the rest of the language, and told "you can do anything", but really you can't do anything. It's only a quarter of what you need to really develop with Java in a functional way.

What's Qt like compared to GUI programming in Java or C#?

C#, because C# exists.