AUR is god like

>AUR is god like
>1 minor bug in the last year that required 2 minutes of user interaction
>Great community

Name a better distro than Arch Linux
>inb4 timesink
Took me 10 minutes to install with arch-anywhere and just werked since then
>inb4 it doesn't matter what OS you use
True, but the AUR is god like
>inb4 install Gentoo
Gentoo is great to play with, but I don't feel like spending 50x longer installing things for day-to-day usage
>inb4 OP can't inb4

Other urls found in this thread:

>Name a better distro than Arch Linux

Antergos is better than Manjaro, but Arch with arch-anywhere beats all


>Looks good
>Just werkz
>Stable with bleeding edge rolling release
>Competent Dev who optimises for modern hardware


I might try Arch sometime, but it won't be at least until I finish school. The AUR had a package I needed for a debian distro and that kind of blew my mind, so yeah. I've been using debian distros for like two years now and I've learned a lot, so if the hard part with Arch is just installing your desktop environment and such, I'm pretty sure I can handle that.

Fuck off, Kevin.

>looks good
Stopped reading there. DE =/= OS

My power level is unmatched. Also not liking cats makes you a dog person, and dog people are usually sadists, and sadists are fags.

Im currently using arch (it just werks) but thinking about actually and unironically switching to gentoo

Is gentoo a meme?

Gentoo is not a meme, it's great, but it does take up a lot of time.

If you don't want to risk breaking something try it in VirtualBox for a while, or on a laptop you don't care for. As for the difficulty of installing:

nix > pacman
nixos > arch

How so? Also

If I would want so many updates all the time - I would have stayed on Windows. Also, AUR is a step back in terms of security and stability from even unofficial repos like RPM Fusion, Packman, etc.
Still, Arch is gud at being a distro for a hobbyist and if you consider that GNOO/Linox itself as a hobbyist OS - than you get a match made in heaven.

A quick scan through the PKGBUILD takes 1 minute. But I don't see how it's a hobbyist OS when everything just werks and saves you time manually compiling packages.

Can someone redpill me on this? I remember it was mentioned before and there were warnings about it but I don't remember of what.

>Warnings about it
Also interested because I've used it and it works great.

>run by literal teenagers

>hurr durr muh systemd
You take this way too far, but it's pretty easy to install without systemd if you're that much of a negro:

Linux Mint

Wish I could read this post but it says the SSL cert expired

>running random internet's code
No thanks, i can compile from source myself. Nix has around 12k packages, there isn't any software that i didn't find there. If there is one and you need to build from source, you can do just that, or you can make a .nix spec and have nix manage it instead of polluting your /bin /etc and who knows what else. Also
>not wanting atomic upgrades
>not wanting per-user environment
>wanting to have garbage after removing a package
>needing a whole repo for your dotfiles and scripts instead of one file that builds exactly the same system on each machine, with the same configuration

I think it was a plebbit post warning that some things might not work properly. Not sure if unfounded. Interested in any input from Sup Forums as well, if any.

>No thanks, i can compile from source myself
Arch has this ability, as does any OS. Also just read the PKGBUILD if you don't trust it
>not wanting atomic upgrades
Why would you need that for a desktop? Understandable for servers though
>not wanting per-user environment
How is this any different to creating a new user and adding services specifically for said user?
>wanting to have garbage after removing a package
yaourt -Rs
>needing a whole repo for your dotfiles and scripts instead of one file that builds exactly the same system on each machine, with the same configuration
You can build custom ISO's pretty easily, though it's a bit of a hack I'll admit.

The only thing I found didn't work properly was when using a hardened kernel. But that was easily resolved by installing proprietary nvidia drivers.

Not the point. The point is, i'm not going to trust random internet. I can make my own spec in few minutes and have nix manage it for me, cleanly.
Idk about you, but i have more often broken desktop than server, be it pulse/alsa or X or any number of other components desktops usually have. I certainly need atomicity because i value my time too much to spend hours finding out why something doesn't work suddenly.
Like this: each user can have his own set of packages in his environment, no need to go into root, just specify the packages you need in your nix profile. No need to manage the services, just one file
Does yaourt -Rs also clean your home? Does it clean files that the software itself creates? If i remove chromium with nix, my home folder will be clean of all the files since they're just symlinked to nix storage
Exactly, moreover you can install nix on most distros, so you if you for some reason don't want nixos, you install debian, put nix on it and still have the exact same build with the exact same configuration.

Cats literally spread a mind-control parasite that makes people like them. Are you sure it's (You) who decided he likes cats?


>i'm not going to trust random internet
>>distrusting it works
AUR hasn't failed me yet, and I've been using it for ~ 2 years
>>distrusting the scripts
Just read the PKGBUILD
>but i have more often broken desktop than server
You must be installing a fuck-ton of stuff for that to happen. X nor audio has ever failed me, except when using a hardened kernel.
>Does yaourt -Rs also clean your home? Does it clean files that the software itself creates?
yaourt -Scc && yaourt -Rs does
>moreover you can install nix on most distros
That's pretty neat, but it works on Arch too though:

That just makes me like cats more. Dogs aren't that awesome or clever

OpenSuse Tumbleweed

> Patrician KDE
> Just werks and fully equipped ootb
> Automatically tests packages before NIGHTLY release
> The most bleeding edge distro. Packages enter as soon as they pass testing
> cure lizards

>Patrician KDE
I find XFCE is better though
>Just werks and fully equipped ootb
>Automatically tests packages before NIGHTLY release
Packages are tested by devs before release on Arch
>The most bleeding edge distro. Packages enter as soon as they pass testing
>as soon as they pass testing
They are on Arch too
>cure lizards
My logo is cooler than yours

I've been on arch since 2011 to 2015. In those 4 years i've had countless bad encounters with both pacman and aur. Missing libraries since some genius didn't bother specifying whole dependency chain and just assumed things about other systems, custom builds of ffmpeg breaking alsa for whatever reason, some packages being straight broken because again they assumed my system is similiar to author's. There were huge problems with ocaml at one point resulting in opam being unable to compile libraries so i had to manually install them, that's when i switched to nixos and oh boy, i actually like linux once again. It still feels fragile as a whole, unlike mirage, but at least it is dependable.

I know this to be bait because no one in their right mind would accept 4 years of what you're saying happened. No one.

Oh believe me when i say that arch was a god bless compared to fedora, which i was running 2004-2011. The only time it didn't break on upgrading was 14 to 15. On every yum update i was praying to all gods that i could boot my system.

If you're being honest, my only question to you is: why the fuck would you do that to yourself?

*cute, dammit

My logo is cooler tho

>tfw npm has over 1000 open bugs right now

Kill me.

Because the bsds were not an option for desktop and i need unix software. I don't trust incompetent maintainers so ubuntu was out of the question, debian wasn't rolling and unstable was really unstable at the time. Gentoo and slackware was too much of a hassle to maintain and opensuse i don't really know, mandriva was shit with broken env. Fedora was the only acceptable distro for me at the time.

Well you seem to be a true oldfag so I ask you, what alternative to the AUR can nixos offer?

Not an oldfag, i'm 21, i was just into programming since very early age. Last time i had something oelse than linux on my pc was windows 98 for quake 2 when i was around 5. I wanted to play around with programming so i aquired delphi (kek i know) and made a little rpg, with the style of icewind dale then someone from uni where my dad was studying showed me linux and i was hooked.
There's nixpkgs, but again, i'm not one to trust some random internet to build software for me so in the rare case i need something not offered by nix maintainers, i write my own spec and use that. It usually takes 5 minutes to track dependencies and write the spec, you can then push it to nixpkgs so others can benefit.
I wish L4 was more mature so i could get rid of this linux nonsense, but here we are and i have to deal with it.

Manjaro is just Arch pre-bundled with useless crap. Arch = install only what you need


OpenSuse tumbleweed with OBS?

The funny part is that you almost had the user you were talking to convinced. The rest of us are reading the reply chain and cringing at every one of your bullshit posts, but the guy you were talking to actually believed it at the end.

And then you posted this absolute gem, removing any doubt at all that you're a roleplaying teenager making up stories. Screencapped, as it's both cringe and comedy gold.

Yeah the aur is why I use arch. I've been really lucky with stability too it's Rock solid.
Just last week I had to record an interview with no notice and I had no software for it. Yaourt voice recorder. 1. Password. Done. I've also found two little obscure programs in it that I use regularly. I love it.

The day normies find our secret out will be the end of arch and they will start putting trash and adds and exploits....

You have some mental issues.

>hurr durr i'm useless so everyone else on 4chin is
Good luck in life, mate.
Yes, nothing serious though.

This. Just use Arch without systemd. God tier setup.

alpine linux is arch done right
basically it's arch linux without the arch linux parts.


Transgenders cannot have mental issues.

it works fine, I've used it frequently
Yesterday I tried Zen installer but it's finicky. Has a good openbox setup for live tho

What is AUR??

>carrying and spreading brain parasites makes you awesome and clever
Confirmed for infected by T. gondii.