There are people using this and calling themselves programmers

>there are people using this and calling themselves programmers


>there are people who get worked up and make threads about it
lol holy crap, man

but I thought they called themselves coders, OP, isn't that what triggers you

im going to learn some python basics for networking

No it isn't. Python is just not real language. All you have to do is import everything and than just use it. Pure garbage.

The only decent scripting language. JS, PHP, Ruby are cancer.

you might not be familiar with this, but python is in fact a "real language". it satisfies the criteria defining programming languages.

you might argue that you're not impressed if someone only knows python, and that's fine, but if you're confused about something factual like whether python is a programming language, it kinda makes you look like an idiot.

I really don't care what I should call myself for working with Python. It actually code/program/use it for a living so I'm not really bothered what jobless Arch ricers have to say about it.




>double dubs
Who pays for this shit? Some diverse webshit startup?

JS is the least bad option for web development because it allows you to limit the number of garbage languages you have to learn. otherwise, yep

C is not a real language. All you have to do is #include everything and then use it.

Assembly is just not a real language. You don't even get to import anything you just use it. Pure garbage.

Python really is garbage, but not because of the reasons you mentioned.

I get paid. It's good enough.

>People using program language to develop software
>calling them programmer
Fucking no sens

Yes, import everything and get shit done in a fraction of the time

Yeah it doesn't make you reinvent the wheel for the simplest tasks and you don't look cool when writing toy programs for /dpt/ with it. It's a productive language (used extensively by both industry and academia)--absolute horror. Now, back to writing fizzbuzzes in Icon in /dpt/.

Python is a genuinely amazing language. It's very much an "ideas language" where you can just focus on implementing your idea, and not bothering with the framework. This leads to Python being a great beginner's language and a swiss-army knife for a lot of use cases.

Any time I want to automate something (backups, weird niche sysadmin shit, etc) I use Python. Also, Flask lets me write useful webtools in very little time. Sorry you like reinventing the wheel everytime, OP. Sounds like C is your lang.

PHP has a dark past but it's newer versions are better. You have actual interfaces and abstract classes and strong type hinting and Java standards but in PHP and you can drop down to weak typing when strong is not needed.

I wish python had abstract classes and interfaces and not that abc shit

>used extensively by both industry and academia
[Citation needed]
Literally no company really uses this language.

Literally every field uses Python nowadays. My sister is studying law and one of her classes was on using python to summarize legal docs. Or my other friend in BioChem using NumPy for some weird shit. Never mind that the math/physics field uses a ton of Python as well.

My job is literally writing Python software so your second point is wrong as well.

If only you kids could stop caring so much about the post number...