Microphone record light starts blinking for no reason

>microphone record light starts blinking for no reason

>be silent and walk over to my computer and turn the thing off

W10 turns on computer at 4am to "perform maintenance"

forgot the meme arrow

i just want to listen you masturbating tovarish

>Hard disk spins up for no reason

>router LEDs start blinking

[spoiler]it's unplugged[/spoiler]

>no reason
user, I....

>check network activity after being away for a few days
>10kb packets sent and received by the only windows machine in the house every morning at 4am

>Webcam LED lights up
>Doesn't go off
>Can't find what the fuck opened it

>OS turning on PC
No my friend, you're not turning it off to begin with... It's going into sleep or hibernation mode.

My sister's laptop did this with windows 8 and in task manager has a 445 day "uptime"

>Discussing politics, drugs and alcohol across the room
>Sleeping laptop spins up its fans full blast for no reason at all

If it's only at 4am, can we make some kind of daemon that will sever your connection to the router slightly before 4 am every day?

>command prompt window opens, lines of text flash across the screen, then said window disappears all within a nano second

Botnet, botnets everywhere.

>tfw discuss weed and cocaine legalization with dad all the time
>ameriDEA niggers might snatch me and ship me to Guantanamo terrorist style

CIA should honestly put both of you in a black site

This, good thing i have a macro setted to take a screenshot

>tfw you realize you have the power to subvert the surveillance agencies because they're forced to listen to everything

sshsshhh don't tell the normies

>computer beeps
>it's not even plugged in

older desktops do this as the bios battery starts dying

>ps4 turns on when i walk in front of it across the room