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Technology #624
Retro stuff
Green bubble
Any user who wishes to have the newest packages that include, but are not limited to, the Linux kernel, SAMBA, git...
Admit it
So what's your opinion about ultrawide displays?
Nvidia Tesla V100 Spotted in GeekBench With Staggering Numbers
What is babbis first tiling WM?
How is free software not communism?
Welcome to 2015, iFags
Sup Forums i have a question
Two xeons can barely compete with a single epyc
What is Microsoft's endgame with this?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
I'm about to get the same tatoo as pic related. Already paid for it
Running an alternative social media site?
Pacman -Syyu
Time for an ARM macbook
The big screen phone meme problem
Hey Sup Forums about to purchase this system for twitch streaming and gaming etc...
Signs your code needs to be refactored:
Are ultrawide monitors a meme? Does anybody here have one and would you recommend it?
/hpg/ Headphone General
IPhone X kinect
Hi guys, this is Austin. Is Ethernet obsolete? With Mac OS 10.15 ditching support for Ethernet...
Konqi wants to know what you love most about KDE!
Face it, you'd buy one if you could afford it
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Admit it, you’d buy one if you can afford it
Ryzen 1600 or 1700 for gayming?
Why is Linux so shitty on Laptops?
ITT: De-botneting and hardening your system
Lol Assus
This thread is about the appreciation of horology...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
.js Bitcoin Miners
Admit it, you’d buy one if you could afford it
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Would it be better to use my adult pornography on a separate system? Would the likes of google...
Which one?
What is the worst distro/DE and why is it ubuntu GNOME?
/lgbt/ Libreboot General Thread
Why is there so much racism in tech?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Who the fuck uses OS X Server?
He has his browser in fullscreen
There's a Linux distro called Fedora
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
/spg/ - Smartphone General
/gg/ - The General General
Was he right? Will technology be the downfall of the human race?
Which Sup Forums Memes did you fall for?
Why does is Sup Forums shilling so hard for Ryzen nowadays...
Fucking fuck
Install quieter fans in my PC
CCleaner 5.33 Backdoor Vulnerability
I'll just leave this here
It's time
What is the most energy-efficient linux distro?
Face it, you'd buy one if you could afford it
I wonder if Marques Brownlee still watching PewdiePie after all of that shitstorm
Why is Sup Forums so faggy about OSes?
The virgin notch
I need you to share!!!!
Trying for 3 days already to make a w7 usb bootable, from a Unix system
Fuck this shit. Fuck this whole fucking platform
What do you guys think about this...
Fluffy technology
Do green bubbles know how pathetic they are?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
TFW 2TB Micro SD
Cryptoniggers are now fucking up the web too
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
**blocks your path to employment**
Elementory cucks trying so hard to look like MacOS but still failing miserably
Indian programmer appreciation thread
5k display
Start a hastag prayforcook on twitter
WORTH IT? Xiaomi Redmi Note 4
Is Firefox 57 our last hope of a decent browser?
You have to admit, it looks pretty good
Why aren't you using Budgie?
Have been intermittent linux user for over 10 years
Mom found the encrypted hidden volume
Do any of you earn money from software / websites you've built?
Stupid questions thread
TVs are technology
So, was it autism? Why was everyone worried about this...
Tfw fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme
Finally get hired to my first programmer job after 6 months of sending 30 resumes daily
Funtional Programming
Use windows 7
What's the point of buying a phone newer than 2010? They already had everything you needed on a phone
How does Sup Forums play videogames?
Catching up on Twin Peaks and found this Gem
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General:
No wonder people don't use linux, it is shit
Space Internet
The iPhone 9 won't even have a charging port...
You literally do not need anything better unless you're an engineer or system administrator
I just acquired a bunch of 18650 cells for free. What chinky gadgets can I buy and power from them...
Specs / Speccy thread. Post and rate them
Face it, you’d buy one if you could afford it
When will this thing die?
Why use any other than debian? Ubuntu is like Android for PCs
Why has Sony been making their phones worse ever since the Xperia Z5?
Ubuntu is the only distribution that has attempted to make a fully automated user experience similar to windows...
Which linux distro does your sister use?
Canadian keyboards
Money is not an issue. you want something compact, that will last a long time. quality
Live in a goddamn forest with internet over cell ($80 cdn for 200gb, which is a whole other thread to complain about)
Been a NEET for five years, what are some 80k+ tech jobs with no programming and webdev involvement...
Why is everyone shilling thinkpads? pic related is best laptop
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Is MEGA Sup Forums approved?
What could be handled more nicely in this piece of code?
Will you buy the autism keyboard?
Uni comp sci stories?
What email client does Sup Forums use?
Joined the computer club
What is the best DE?
Firefox is shit
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Are there any off-brand Volcanos that are basically as good, but cheaper? I really like the idea but $600 is a bit much
Terry has been found!
Tf is this
Downgrade thread
Hi guys is me jimmageek
Is mining a meme?
Why is this string reversal code not working?
I miss chat rooms
Why are there so many anti apple shills on Sup Forums?
We have won!
Firefox 57 out in a few months
So is Windows Phone officially dead or what?
/nrg/ - Nyaa Replacement General
Install gentoo
Mac/Unix Friend here
The One M7 revolutionized android smartphones
Hey Sup Forums, I am completely disconnected with reality, what headphones do normal people wear?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Which one are you, Sup Forums?
Tfw my grades and productivity have improved notably since switching from a laptop to a MacBook Pro
Mom found the small modular reactor
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
So uhh
Fuck the fucking faggot who fucking created this fucking shit
Falling for the piracy botnet
Is there any reason why I shouldn't run just Linux on my computer?
Speedtest thread
Why have you not migrated to primarily console and ncurses based computing? Do you still need the crutch of a "window?"
Could you write your own operating system from scratch, Sup Forums?
Rage/Cringe Thread
/sci/ is smarter than us guys. average IQ of 140 :(
Redpill me on the Pi Zero
Get iPad Pro with Smart Keyboard and pencil
Can Google go bankrupt?
Sup Forums, how many lines of pseudocode would you need to describe the female logic?
What do you think about lenovo products?
How does Sup Forums feel about engines?
What's your hacker name?
Windows literally dead
Linux gets Hollywood-grade video editing, color grading, and audio post-producton suite
Still runs modern games in medium
Call Rogers to ask what pricing they have for phones on the plan my family uses
How do i get rid of this water mark permanently?
Now what?
What do you guys recommend for streaming TV?
If I type "How to make meth at home" into google, will I be put into a list?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Failed technology that could have been great
Sup Forums can you redpill me on SailfishOS?
Spanish government forcing ISP's to block Catalan referendum domain
Who /comfy/ here?
Distributed networks
Is Mate the best DE?
Give me one (1) single GOOD reason why you aren't using MATE (the best DE) right now
Still the king after all those years
What operating system does Sup Forums use for pornography? I prefer to keep it isolated from my pure daily driver
Neural nets control snakes and evolve
Konqi uses Plasma because it's the DE of the future! Why don't you?
Are turbo chargers bad for your phone's battery life?
First gen1 Zen's APU benchmarks are out
How the FUCK do i choose a washing/dryer machine Sup Forums, literally no reviews, dissambly or NUTHING...
Why aren't you using W10 LTSB?
"Poor Volta" AMD said
There's human beings that exist on this earth that still use heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc ...)
Is this what it looks like when you build a computer?
The best phone currently in existence
What is the most reliable way to back up my anime?
I'm going back to windows 7. Fuck LOONIX
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why did so many servers switch from Red Hat and CentOS to Debian/Ubuntu? What are the advantages?
Tell me Sup Forums, is this laptop worth buying
Not using the most advanced operating system
I'm looking for a "plug and play" mouse for gaming...
/smg/ Speakers/Monitors General
After all these years, I still don't fully understand what the point of a tablet is...
LibreOffice or MS Office?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Mom found the stage 3 tarball
/tpg/: ThinkPad General
Do green text bubblex poorfags know they're a laughing stock?
Pay $1000 for a phone
I need your help Sup Forums
Overpriced garbage
CPU backdoor
Does Sup Forums have a vintage cpu collection, silicon wafer or something else ? show me what's inside your vault
Is dropbox botnet? what cloud file storage do you use, Sup Forums?
Tfw there was a time when you could ask questions on stackoverflow without fear of being insta downvoted
/women/ - Women In Tech
Get embedded developer student job
Screenfetch thread
Is it worth to own an iphone?
So Sup Forums, what are the best pieces of software for GNU/Linux?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What will you do when you get your robot girlfriend?
Indian """"people"""" hate thread
>>>Sup Forums
Wikipedia is fucked up
Installing Graphics Cards Drivers on Linux
Can i unlock somebody's iphone x with a picture of the owners face?
/hpg/ Headphone General
Why was /prog/ removed?
I'm going to post these half size arrow keys everyday until you like them
Bought a GTX 1080ti
When did it all go so wrong?
You know what to do Sup Forums
What are poor people so obsessed with iPhone? Is it because they want to be accepted by everyone?
When's the magical driver update that fixes everything supposed to arrive again?
People born in 2000 and up have probably never used a desktop computer
Synthesizers are technology. Anyone here play/collect? What are you using or saving up for next?
Hi Sup Forums. I've posted about this before, but things aren't getting any better
Are Elitedesks worth it?
ITT: Comfy interfaces
Why aren't you enjoying the stability of Fedora on your PC? There are many flavors to choose from
Why is technology getting so frightening?
Anyone know what connects to this?
If we are living in a computer simulation how could we crash it?
Macfags, I have a question for you. Why? Apart from them not being able to get viruses...
Why is AWS seemingly so complicated?
Download speed limit: Unlimited
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums humor thread
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Looking at listings of literally ANY decent job
The Art of Computer Programming (TAOCP) by Donald Knuth
What does Sup Forums think of Sublime Text 3?
My companies revenues have jumped 20% since we swapped all our PCs to iMacs. The only problem...
Why do you guys hate Discord? Don't you see that IRC is antiquated?
Why the fuck doesn't your laptop have a 4k screen poorfag?
LMAO, how do they get away with it?
/guts/ - 6yo build edition feat. Speccy
He claims to follow stallman's word
I got i5 3570k and I was thinking about upgrading to Ryzen but after seeing this:
I've had my computer desk for the last 6 years and it's starting to show it's age. What is a good looking, minimal desk...
How deep in the botnet are you, Sup Forums?
Is there anyway I can lower my CPU temps without having to get a CPU cooler...
/BST/ - Battlestation Thread
These Indians work at Microsoft, say something nice to them, Sup Forums
I’m thinking of getting my iPad Pro professionally cleaned at the Apple store for $99. Is it worth it...
Chaining VPN
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I Linux for ethnics?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Let's settle this. Who is the better programmer, West coast or East coast?
/wt/ watch thread
C++ gui
/pcbg/ - PC Building general
Browser Extensions
Any Non-Worthless Search Engines
Lets say I have access to some factory service manuals, for example, for Apple products...
It's over
Ask in thread about learning to program from scratch
Is bitness really that important how they say?
Installing Arch, dual boot
We can all agree that 7 is the best version of windows, right?
Is she /our girl/?
How can you applefags even compete?
Would Sup Forums users prefer to have a setup like Linux PC + Gaming console, or just Gaming PC?
Whats the best aftermarket version?
Sup Forums I'm learning ruby/ror and need good books. Anyone can post titles or resources?
OSmilf tries out Red Star OS
Really makes you think edition
Is there any reason to write programs in lisp
You're WPM is you're IQ
Which linux distro do japanese OLs use?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Sup Forums hates Windows
Good deals thread
Best Budget Graphics Card
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Best Budget CPU
How do I into chromium on windows?
Why aren't you using Ubuntu 18.04 with the brand new theme?
Learn what Sup Forums says
How paranoid am I for buying webcam and cellphone camera cover stickers Sup Forums
Welcome to 2015, Apple
Richard Stallman recommends these distros, why are you not using one, Sup Forums?
From someone who has never used linux would arch be bad choice to start with?
What went so wrong for Intel after this processor...
Why are computers able to store 100000000000000000000000000 but not pie
From which country do you come from?
How can android bois even compete?
Brilliant ideas thread #1
Botnet scan
/spg/ - Smartphone General
This, my friends, is a tech cringe thread
Post your iPhones ITT
Linux On Phones
ITT Sup Forums writes a Code of Conduct, line by line
/lap/-Laptop General
Do you still use powerpoint to make presentation...
The iPhone X’s processor, the A11 Bionic, is more powerful than the newest MacBook Pro
Apple Responds to Safari 11 Criticism From Advertising Groups: 'People Have a Right to Privacy'
Runs a tech YouTube channel without internet in his apartment for two years
Friendly reminder that piracy is theft
How would you feel if they brought back MSN Messenger?
Why linux is so bad?
IPhone users blown the fuck out
Speccy Thread
Smarphones have the computational power of a low end desktop IN YOUR POCKET
Why isn't there a 2K resolution scene for movies on the torrent sites?
Are there any better (gaming) headsets around 200 bucks then the astro A40 TR+mixamp...
How much technicall knowledge do you think Mark Zuckerberg actually has...
Tell me again why electric cars are not a democrat voting vegan meme?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
2017 AD
Hey bois. Im getting a new phone so should I get htc u play(250€)...
Is it time to kill composite video?
Why tf are these fugly things so popular?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
What is the thinkpad of smartphones?
Favorite programming language
I need to transfer ~80GB of data from a desktop HDD to a laptop HDD
Android app ideas
> but it's more immersive to be low FPS
Is Tutanota the sucessor of Proton Mail?
Seriously wtf was Apple design team thinking when they made this thing
Is android ever going to be more Windows/Linux like and get good support for updates...
What is Sup Forums's opinion on LaTeX (the document preparation system)?
How do we stop her?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
What's your answer to this?
Coffee Lake
Block location requests from facebook
Equifax breach: Chief Security Officer Susan Mauldin sacked
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Go Language
Help me Sup Forumsents
The USB of video?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
GMAIL alternative thread
Boot time thread
I just bought the MiA1 with Android One. What does Sup Forums think about it...
What's with the current state of virtualization in 2017?
Mfw using comfy windows
Let's do this, Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Face ID
Admit it, you'd buy one if you could afford one
Fucking ants infesting my laptop
Is the future ARM, or are these Benchmarks bullshit?
Whats a better workflow than Rofi + i3wm for linux?
Java system to mod
*scratch scratch
I am bored with my life, Sup Forums
Lets get a homescreen thread going on
Why is this piece of shit shilled at every college?
We have won!
What went wrong?
Am i the only one who actually doesn't mind windows 10 and finds it comfy?
/pcbg/ - PC Building general
Go to $tarbucks (for their water, not for the overpriced brown caffeine solution)
Good opencl tutorials
Buyers Remorse Thread
What the fuck is your excuse for not owning a Lenovo Yoga 910?
Okay Sup Forums, I'm looking for a tablet for:
GoySync is actually pretty nice. Pretty sure it's not worth the tax, but nice
/mkg/ last thread
So what do you pick, Sup Forums?
Why did they got rid of the headphone jack?
Why does Sup Forums hate Indians so much?
Early 2000's Internet
How would you implement shadowban on Sup Forums?
BIOS splash image edition
Trigger Sup Forums with one image
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Google forces me to click the forks and spatula shaped handbags as spatulas or im not aloud to post on Sup Forums
What filesystem are your data on and why is it not BTRFS?
Amazon Will Host ‘Most Sensitive’ U.S. Defense Data
PM'd you the fix
Top notch? Or worst ever?
Public Tracker Appreciation Thread
If you carried a USB necklace with you wherever you went, what would you put in it?
So now that Self-Destructing Cookies no longer works on Firefox, what is an alternative?
Tfw more than half of the undergrads in my section can't do this
Installing Ubuntu
What's the best portable music player that isn't a phone and isn't overpriced?
Post your fuckin desktops
What current innovations are being laughed at?
Cassini is dead
Wtf is this?
Is anyone else content with what they have and see no need to upgrade constantly? The last thing I bought was a GTX750
He was right
4K TV as Monitor
Multiband/ ham radios
Will there ever be a more beautiful phone than pic related?
You told me Chrome is botnet Sup Forums. Why you lied to me?
How do you feel when everyone else is busy at work and you really don't have much to do??
"Everyone should learn to code"
Is getting an SSD worthwhile?
Just in less than 3 years microsoft will stop supporting windows 7
What do you guys think about the Brave Browser? Think it'll succeed?
Which one do you use, python bros? PYCharm here
Mouse Thread
Prepare for flood of used GPUs
What was life like before smartphones, were people smarter?
Whats the appeal?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Sup Forums Space Program /4sp/
Is something wrong with Google’s algorithm?
Post legitimately good reasons why you don't run Microsoft Edge as your default web browser
I fucking hate smart phones
What chair do you guys use?
Why are they getting rid of this? It's so comfy
Speedtest thread
There are people on this board who doesn't triple stack
What's the endgame of technology?
I fucked up
Daily reminder that somebody in Apple thought it was a good idea. And somebody else approved it
Is there a worse operating system out there, Sup Forums?
The white men smartphone
The white men smartphone
What is your excuse for not throwing out excess cables?
Rust + Webassembly got me hype for a new slim-OS future. OS design could become just making a nice browser...
Oh boy 50% more powerful GPUs
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What is the best distro Linux? (No Gentoo, please)
*blocks your path*
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hey Sup Forums post your first "smartphone"
IPhone X
Installgentoo is down
/FLT/ - Friendly Linux Thread
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Java killer
/hpg/ Headphone General
The current state of Android
Why are android users so insecure about iPhone?
Okay Sup Forums...
Konqi explains the math!
/dpg/ - dumphone general:
Raja shits the bed so instead of Nvidia working on Volta, we get more Pascal refresh because there is zero competition
What device is Sup Forums posting from?
Openbox Appreciation / Config Share
How to unlock iphone x:
Not using windows 10 in 2017
Nobody talks about it? Really?
Why is linux so difficult to install?
Any Dell XPS owners here?
Terry A. Davis Appreciation Thread
Chrome will no longer autoplay content with sound in January 2018
Subscribed to LinusShillTips out of laziness...
Be feminist CEO
Battery Life on Linux
So where's the outrage against Apple putting face scanning technology in their new phone...
This is fake right? Coffee can't be this bad right?
Donald Trump says that the internet must be "cut off" to stop further terror attacks
Mfw waiting for coffee lake to build PC
Dummy Dies Threadripper examined
Alright Sup Forums how'd I do?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
LG V30 thoughts lads
/tosg/ - Temple OS
Why don't you run your own ftp server Sup Forums?
Im ordering a ryzen 1700 soon, the stock cooler looks pretty fucking sweet...
Rust fucks over nearly all other languages for energy efficiency
You ever seen a nigga hung with a gold chain?
The iPad Pro is three times as powerful as Samsung’s best tablet, 50% more powerful than the surface pro 4...
Im on a low budget build, should i get a RX 560 4GB or a GTX 1050 2GB(NON TI)?
Java is indeed a pajeet language
He got a point you know
Take a quick pic on my 2015 smartphone
You aren't still using java, are you?
Dusty computer
With the exception of Java (fuck Java), What programming languages are worth learning in 2017?
Are there good and free (no pay) Protonmail alternatives? I am going to delete my account...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What is the best cellphone i can get for under 300$?
Hey how do i import a laser over 1mW into australia?
Speccy thread
/wt/ watch thread
Linux is already the most popular desktop
He doesn't use the browser optimized for his processor
Still running a 2012 original 13" retina MacBook Pro and she's still running smooooooth as butter...
He doesn't have a mouse bungee
This is the new iPhone X. Say something nice about it
/w7g/ - Windows 7 General
Fun Apple fact #431:
I like windows
The age of form > function starts now
Crypto sa going down, Cheap Graphics Cards are IN
What does Sup Forums think of the MaXX Interactive Desktop?
Oh shit you guys complete forgot about my thread
So what has happened to Japan?
What did apple mean by this?
Perfect women don’t exi-
What would Steve Jobs think of this?
Does cpu running at 100 when everything seems fine mean the CPU is bad?
Would it be a bad idea to get a 1080p 144hz monitor?
How do I convince my mom that EMF (electromagnetic frequencies) from things like wifi aren't dangerous?
The more I learn this language the more I love it. How do I become a master at C?
Object Oriented Programming
/mpv/ - The BEST Video Player:
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
He watches games instead of gaming
What the fuck is wrong with my shit senpai, almost everyday, sometimes multiple times a day...
What operating system does kim jong un missile's running?
C or C++
ITT - Find a stock picture of your computer case and post it
So i just found this iphone in some old white bitches purse
Life comes at you fast
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
At what age did you realize macOS is the best OS?
The best phone that currently exists
Can Apple actually get into the gaming market? If so could you see them putting a high end GPU in a Pro before a Mac?
"user would you be able to see what's wrong with my computer...
/pcbg/ - PC Building general
80% of PC use in actual work is spreadsheet
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Is the MacBook Pro the ultimate comfy, premium computing experience?
Mom joined the p2p swarm
What is the chance that this universe is a simulation run on the outermen's equivalent of javascript?
EPYC 1S vs Intel Xeon Gold 2S on Linux
What's a good text editor, fellas?
Is Windows 10 the best operating system you can get? Because a computer repairman told me it was
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Legacy Operating Systems
The definition of Linux "gaming"
Pick one tech bundle for a student
Do people really fall for this shit?
How do I do hard drive forensics?
KDE announces partnership with Purism to work together on 'World's First Truly Free Smartphone'
Woah this thing is like... AWESOME!!!
What is the C of static site generators?
Spilled half a can of diet coke into a computer while it was running
Click "save as .PNG" in Adobeshit Photoshit
/FLT/ - Friendly Linux Thread - The Return Edition
My friend recommended this extension today for Chrome...
The Pitch: Microchips ‘Make Life Easier’
Speakers GENERAL
/bst/ Battlestations thread
It's happening!
University uses Oracle PeopleSoft for the student records system
Ask a Windows UX designer anything
Why doesn't Sup Forums like Atom?
Mfw everybody's bitching about some new $1...
The ABSOLUTE state of apple
Is it me, or has the overall quality of posts on Sup Forums declined significantly over the last 5 years? I'm a newfag...
Want to use sandboxie on several programs
Get new project
Why are demonizing sexbots already, when they're not even out yet?:
/twm/ - Tiling Window Managers
I've been "blocked" on a liberal forum for making multiple accounts and ruseing people
Can a virtual machine run inside a virtual machine?
Programmers, post your tips for maintaining clean code
Now that Fleksy has been banned, what Android keyboard do you use?
The pixel 2 looks sweet. SWEET
/hpg/ Headphone General
Porn sites can inject trojan viruses on Windows, Mac and Linux with pop ups
This is the guy who coauthored systemd
Open source matters because you can audit
Nexus 6p always dies at 15-22% battery
What language does the Federation program their star ships in?
Hi, this is the new iPhone X
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Applefags will defend this
Daily Sup Forums is fucking paranoid thread
Hi Sup Forums
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Non-Gaming PC
The fuck is wrong with pajeets
OS that NSA runs? Any hints?
Redpill me on GitHub Sup Forums
Is there a single thing in this world that's more comfy than installing slackware?
This guy right here has the best screen to body ratio of the market
Want to watch full screen video on my iPhone X
Apple(tm) is getting into Microsoft's levels of not-giving-a-fuck design
How to make Sup Forums less shitty
I’m sorry, LagDroid
Terry is alive and well. Living the ultimate NEET dream. He got himself a NEET van to live in
Sup Forums humor thread
What VPN are you using?
Any tips for a new perl user?
Every Major Advertising Group Is Blasting Apple for Blocking Cookies in the Safari Browser
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How the fuck can this OS even exist???
F droid / alt apps for android
I am a cybercrime investigator, ask me anything
D-did I do good g-Sup Forumsuys?
Python growth
What was your last experience with Indians Sup Forums?
Hahaha Appletards being ripped off AGAIN!!!
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
ITT buzzwords you hate
What do you guys have against Fedora?
Want to order pizza online
Any plans for iphones latest feature :3
If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear
What are some companies that will be totally irrelevant in 10 years?
Whats the Sup Forums approved music player for android?
R8 my home screen
List of non-meme distros
Don't let Android fanboys see this image
/tosg/ - Temple OS
Hack me Sup Forums
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
Friend hands me his laptop
Brainlets will defend this
Why are you using cuckzilla sorosfox?
>tfw 99% of jobs are the fucking JAVA
Alright, seriously...
Is there any way I can use technology to give myself a lover?
It's 2017 and one of the biggest companies in the world decides to waste several minutes focusing on emojiis that you...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Alright /g let's get this straight
Some dbag stole my phone
"Haha Apple LGBT LOL"
There is any noticeable quality difference at all between KCP/manual updated madVR/MPV?
How would time travel technology work suppose it was real??
What's the best out of box looking distro right now?
Is it true that I can get a job a CCNA or other certificates...
How much space you got left f a m?
Windows 10 1709
Why do people install a third party anti virus...
Intel BTFO, A11 chip outperforms an Intel laptop CPU. A11 Macbooks when?
Why do so many grown adults have broken phone screens
/tpg/ Thinkpad General
They've done it
Less single core perf than a 1600
What was the first computer software you bought with your money? Gaymes and pre-installed Windows don't count
/pcbg/ - PC Building general
Considering buying a macbook since I travel a lot and need a business grade laptop
What do you guys keep on your everyday carry USB? I'll start:
Python question
Show me everything you've got installed in this moment
Install gentoo wiki is currently down so i'm asking it here
Once a day, once a week, once a month or once a year?
Manjaro Linux thoughts?
Where do people get money for all that expensive hardware?
DailyStormer Tech leads say Tor community is blocking him; new version meant to limit his mods
Who /intel + nvidia/ here?
Perfect women don’t exi-
Why is no one taking about Blueborne?
Does your editor even indent properly?
Soon Apple will have 3D images of millions of iPhones users and probably everyone who get in front of the face scanner
What was some malware you grew up with on your family computer Sup Forums?
Is applel ded?
Do you like these intro screens shown by Windows 10? I especially like the quotes and interesting facts...
Microsoft doesn't sponsor visas anymore
Choosing a Linux distro/environment
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
IPhone x is killing it
I'm getting real tired of this laggy shit crashing all the time and trying to work with it's clunky UI (just try to...
What will it realistically take for Linux to be the top OS?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Literally stole all features from Galaxy s8
The fucking chinese want to break into my server
Linux still comes with Firefox instead of Chrome
*single handedly destroys apple*
It has great thermal conductivity...
Why doesn't someone just make a regulations that says phones can't have camera bumps anymore and they can't have chunks...
Two life sentences for making a website
Is there a gaming laptop that i can get with good battery life 16gb of ram and a 1060 gtx?
Current state of windows
Face it
/spg/ - Smartphone General
I built a cluster of 5 RPi 3's. They each have wifi and 16gb SD cards
Browser recommendations?
Java is enterprise grad
What fucking icons do I need to complete XP skin?
How does this image make you feel Sup Forums?
Has anyone else noticed themselves switching to Apple products as they become gayer, more homosexual in life?
Why do video game consoles even exist at this point? Seriously. What advantages can you get at all over a PC?
Perfect keyboards don't exi-
Linux users, what do you think about systemd
Daily reminder to be nice on blizzard games or you'll get muted for 92 fucking days
Why the fuck does Windows 10 keep closing some of my programs automatically?
Has anyone else noticed themselves switching to Apple products as they become richer, more successful in life/career?
Okay I fucking give up
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
The state windows 7 in 2017
New captcha where you mine monero for few seconds instead of selecting images
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Guys, what's happening?
Lol at poorfags hating on the worlds most advanced smartphone
YAGRT Yet Another Gmail Replacement Thread
IPhone x
Cucked by micropenis
W o w
/w7g/ - Windows 7 General
What are some doomsday scenarios of the Equifax hacks? What if the data leak causes an epidemic of identity fraud?
How the mighty have fallen
Since the new iphone unlocks via facial recognition...
How fucked are we
Does a curved display have any real function?
XKCD is already making fun of the new sorry excuse for an iPhone. Nice
What sort of computer would you get if all you do is use the browser and an irc client?
Website hosts
Asus Zenbook
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Stop trying to make facial recognition happen. It's not going to happen
What is objectively the best font?
Suddenly, censorship makes a lot more sense
Vega 64 and Vega 56 are LITERALLY the same! The only difference is Vega 64 has a higher power limit and higher default...
Microphone record light starts blinking for no reason
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...