Is it me or is everything on Github now?
Every piece of software, every script, eveything. It's taking over. How come?
Is it me or is everything on Github now?
Every piece of software, every script, eveything. It's taking over. How come?
Millennials are too retarded to know how to host their own git repositories.
Hint, if your question can be rephrased as "Why does everybody use ?" the answer is pretty much invariably "because there's not enough wrong with it to make people use alternatives."
because that's where all the developers are. also everyone is already familiar with the interface. it just werks
Then why do people use YouTube? There's plenty wrong with it.
Isn't it a bit iffy having pretty much one universal place to keep their code?
Because there isn't actually anything wrong with it. The DMCA takedowns would be handled the same on any other video hosting platform because that is the conduct demanded by the legislation. The disappearing ad revenue is an inevitable consequence of advertisers waking up to the nature of content on the Internet. The hands-off support approach is the only real complaint I can see and that complaint is simply never encountered by the overwhelming majority of YouTube's userbase.
>Isn't it a bit iffy having pretty much one universal place to keep their code?
Slightly? Seems more harmless than most other forms of centralization.
Most people (aside from Sup Forumsedditors) don't care about all the "SJW takeover" happening at GitHub, so it's an excellent service and natural place to put your stuff for them.
sexist rugs
>not wanting to upload multiple repos of the game "faggot destroyer" enmasse
i mean, i see the invitation. but i'm not sure Sup Forums does
there are alternatives you negroes. not to mention you can host your own repos and videos. goddamn
Learn to read.
>Hint, if your question can be rephrased as "Why does everybody use ?" the answer is pretty much invariably "because there's not enough wrong with it to make people use alternatives."
No part of this suggests there are no alternatives, simply that you will never get average Joe who doesn't have an ideological conviction about privacy or decentralization to use them.
I myself use Gogits rather than GitHub, but even I acknowledge I do so for most ideological/paranoia reasons and could quite comfortably use GitHub instead.
it's a step forward from sourceforge and tarballs
Fuck you
I completely forgot about Sourceforge but now you made me feel sad again.
There's some dinosaurs that still gotta use svn for enterprise reasons. But yeah github is rock solid and gonna be around for a long time, put your code there
>one universal place to keep their code
>what is git clone
That's not true at all. It's just not enough to push the average Sup Forumstard over the edge nigger
it['s fine, but I don't want people looking at my code, and I'm not paying or that privilege
sad that it died or sad that it existed?
just because you can does not mean you should. Why spend money on that when github does the job fine?
You can't be serious. People is YouTube because that's where the viewers are. Doesn't matter how bad the service is for "creators", you deal or your not getting views.
GitHub is the Kleenex of the version control world. People use it because brand recognition. Why would you even consider using bitbucket or hosting your own when GitHub has become synonymous with git
Is there any major project that uses bitbucket?
paypal and starbucks, allegedly, according to their site
how is bitbucket server for self hosting anyways?
The content creators don't move away from the service, because they'd get orders of magnitude less revenue on other platforms due to the considerably smaller userbase of those platforms. The viewers don't move away from the platform, because their favourite content creators stay on youtube.
Leaving youtube would be a huge gamble anyway, how do you know that whatever new platform you choose won't go to shit too, or wouldn't end up having the same problems (advertisers boycotting it for made up reasons).
Hosting your own repo for the sake of hosting it is autistic overengineering bullshit, unless you have a genuine reason to do it besides showing off your e-penis.
virtue signaling bandwagon
use gitlab or bitbucket if you want people to take you seriously
GitHub doesn't offer free private repos, except in some special cases e.g. students/universities.
For free private repos, devs usually use a different host like GitLab. But you don't notice, on account of them being private.
I actually want to switch to using svn as someone who has used git for 5+ years. I like the simpler centralized repo approach and it seems much better for asset-heavy projects like games. Is using svn these days really a terrible idea or is that just a meme?
I have any public facing projects on github (even if they're private but still have a github page), and everything else on gitlab. Any other options just aren't worth.
gitlab started changing their pricing lately though
What is this virtue signaling meme?
A week ago no one was ever using this term but then pewdiepie said nigger and now everyone is throwing it around trying to feel smart.
Is this the new "ad hominem"?
Git sometimes just has too much features.
>gitlab started changing their pricing lately though
They still give unlimited free private repos (even to organizations, regardless of size), but there are "exclusive features" for paid plans now. It looks like free public repos get all the features paid plans get, but free private repos only get a few basic ones + 2000 CI min/mo.
has git in its name.
Looks like they just need to [spoiler]git gud[/spoiler]
We have an on-prem instance of GHE in our DCs, same shit as the public junk. We also get support from them as well since it's an appliance on a VM.
My only gripe is occasionally it can hiccup and take up to 30 seconds to show commits/changes, but that's rare.