Does Sup Forums have a vintage cpu collection, silicon wafer or something else ? show me what's inside your vault
Dragon dildo collection does not count :^)
Does Sup Forums have a vintage cpu collection, silicon wafer or something else ? show me what's inside your vault
I have two 8" wafers of 64MB RAM chips
I already hoard enough data, I try to keep physical possessions to a minimum.
meh i find old studio hardware infinately more usefull and aethetic than amorphous blobs of one of the most common elements on earth...
side question... do those shatter like a fine wine glass ? ie nightmare dust ?
shattered pieces of silicon wafer are a fucking nightmare, shaking your hand in a bucket full of box cutter blades is more safe
Rate hate, cigarettes for scale
>Dragon dildo collection does not count :^)
Why the fuck do you have to ruin the thread by putting shit like this in. Faggot.
>Dragon dildo collection does not count :^)
bullshit it doesnt
What about piss bottles? I have over 20 in my jack shack alone.
always wanted to do that... ebay wafers ?
>Rate hate, cigarettes for scale
nice, I need a wafer now
what is this thing? Millions of tiny little transistors?
I have a few oldish CPUs
A transistors for ants
Yup. Inexpensive too. Shipped them to EU
Damn , I want this sexy Cyrix cpu for my collection
How about a digital dec alpha?
Damn Cyrix 486.
Nice nips user.
Super hard too
what a beauty
>using the smiley with a carat nose
>quoting the smiley with a carat nose