So what do you pick, Sup Forums?

So what do you pick, Sup Forums?
A or B?

There is definitely a right answer to this.

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Optical fiber

They're the same.

Get a load of this guy.


Doesn't matter. The device you plug it into will automatically detect which layout the cable is and configure itself appropriately.

Which one preserves the twisted pairs?

Both do

Both do. Just use A

It doesn't detect jack shit. Electrically they are identical. It's only different when you do crossover where the NIC kicks in and detects it.

Literally the same thing as what I already said, pedant.

B. The answer is always B. Ask anyone who has been doing data cabling since the early 90s. Any experienced installer will use A for voice and B for data. Always choose B and there's never any confusion.

The device does absolutely nothing to differentiate between A or B dipshit. It can't even detect it.

A is required for US government contracts.

B for regular shit
A for government buildings and the other end of crossover cables
stupid fucking thread

>It doesn't detect jack shit. Electrically they are identical. It's only different when you do crossover where the NIC kicks in and detects it.

For RJ45 A is correct, its not crossover

Auto MDIX can correct it

B.. I've never seen someone use type A.

As long as the connector is put on right... Ran into a job where the dipshit put on a connector backwards, causing a fuckton of problems on a ticket printer.

'B' Every god-damn time. All my patch cables are 'B'. Unless of course its a crossover cable.

I pick A on one end of the cable and B on the other.

Go Away

why b? what difference does it make? not being an asshole just curious

Why are you so mean?

There is definitely a right answer to this. The answer one the right is a 'right answer', while the answer on the left is a 'left answer'. Prove me wrong; you can't.

Patch cable - always B. I've never had to wire my own crossover, the only use case I've ever encountered was netcatting ISOs to my PS2 once, and I bought a premade cable for £2.

T568B. Anyone who's ever terminated and tested cable for a living will tell you B.

T568A is only used by the government, and in one end of a crossover cable.

Obviously B.

The REAL question is how do people terminate their cat6.

Ideal plugs always worked for me.

B in euroBe
A in usA

It literally doesn't make a difference unless you're using extremely old (20+ years) outdated hardware.

Honestly? I think you are falling down into autistic minutiae. Does A work? Does B work? Yes? Good.

Install minix now

There's no real difference performance-wise between A and B.

It's just makes terminating cables easier if you stick to one standard, and for everything in the U.S. except government contract work, it's B.

Not even then. As far as physical copper goes both A and B are identical connections, assuming both sides are either A or B, not mixed. If it's mixed it's a crossover cable, which could cause issues on 20+ years old hardware when used normally.


B is from PCs to routers/switches etc and A is from routers to routers or switches to switches etc. I believe A is called rollover and the other one is crossover.

You're thinking about when the ends of a cable are different.
If both ends of the cable are the same then the wiring doesn't mean anything, aside from potential crosstalk if you really randomize them.

>calling people retards
>proving your own retardation


The diff-pair impedances will be off if you don't have paired colors in their respective locations.

You won't get 1Gbit, or possibly even 100Mbit depending on the length of the cable.

When I learned how to do this shit I used B most of the time

I mean it doesn't matter at all but I do like orange with orange, you know.

I had a guy always messing that up, it was hilarious.

That's basically what I said.
If you fully randomize them you'll get cross talk that will affect the rates, you could use bluewhite, blue, greenwhite, orange, orange white, green, redwhite red and it'll work just fine. But fuck anyone who decides they need to recrimp your cable.