Where do people get money for all that expensive hardware?

Where do people get money for all that expensive hardware?

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you're mom

they are responsible and save up for it or keep well maintained credit lines

Typically performing some service for a person or company is remunerated with money which can be used on these things.

Burgers just add this to their credit card debt.


I donate my cum

>spend thousands of dollars on the PC internals
>can't even afford a proper keyboard

Not to mention the radiatorlet on his liquid cooler, or even the questionable monitor choice when ASUS makes the same thing but 100Hz

you seem to know a bit about this is there a better deal to be found on a similar monitor to this?


price is 599

That LG isn't 75Hz unless it's using FreeSync


>ven the questionable monitor choice when ASUS makes the same thing but 100Hz
No it doesn't. It's a 38" one not a 34" ultrawidelet

And a touch mouse ontop of that

It's not very responsible to spend so much on PC hardware which will be obsolete in few years.

That looks like a good deal to me, although I last researched the monitor market some months ago so maybe prices dropped since then.
Oh right, didn't notice that. My point still stands though. If you're building a gaming rig, why would you pick a monitor with a lower refresh rate?

If I were that guy, I'd actually invest in a non-ultrawide 144Hz monitor, or maybe even that ASUS meme 240Hz one, specifically for gaming. Keep the ultrawide for movies/multitasking.

Whose setup is this?


autismbux + living with parents

Cool, I'll ask her if I can install Minecraft on it.

No car/ driver license, no hobbies and live in a small flat

If they're going to use it for a few years it's worth it.

I make my money working from home and it requires high-end hardware

>curved screen
I don't get this meme.

viewing angles or some shit
maybe screen glare
I don't fucking know

When your screen is like 6 feet wide, the sides would actually be at an awkward angle if it was completely flat

Just like when people use tri-monitor setups, they don't align them, instead they angle the side monitors inwards

das wut am saiyan mane

Is he?

A job.
I am finishing a system thats probably close in value to this friday once the GPU block comes in (nobody had a 1080 Ti Strix block).

None of it was on a credit card.

Why are you working a shit job which makes you wounder about things like this?